Fujifilm X-T5 in Stock Check: Things Get Better at Amazon and Fujifilm is Pushing Kits over Body Only


In many countries, Amazon was the last store to ship out Fujifilm X-T5 cameras (for the reasons I have explained already in the past). But things are better now and in fact they have some X-T5 combinations in stock.

It is also clear now, that Fujifilm is pushing X-T5 kits over body only. If I was Fuji, I’d have done the opposite, as most X-T5 owners are probably upgrading from previous X-T cameras. For us this means that what we find in stock now are X-T5 kits.

Fujifilm X-T5
red star (*) marks in stock


Viltrox 75mm f/1.2 Sample Images and Announcement Around Christmas


Xing Liu is one of the guys testing the upcoming Viltrox 75mm f/1.2 on the 40MP Fujifilm X-H2 and he is now teasing us by sharing sample images.

He says “sharpness is crazy. It might be even sharper than Fujifilm lenses” and that announcement will be around Christmas.

You can see the samples down below and check out his youtube channel here.

We have already told you the price of this lens as well as shared product and sample images in this article.


Angelbird Factory Tour – How Your Memory Card is Made (and Positive Consequences of Declining Trade Shows)


I never used Anglebird cards, but I know they have a very loyal and happy fellowship also among Fujfilm shooters.

Fujifilm even officially recommends some of their memory cards for their cameras.

CFexpress Type B – from the official list of recommended CFexpress cards

These Anglebird cards also have no compromise in performance, so they will give you the highest bursts and access to the full video capabilities of the X-H2 and X-H2s.

So what’s the story today?

Well, the first story is about a factory tour CineD did at the Anglebird headquarter in Austria. I guess some will be surprised to see how much goes into developing something that looks so obvious and simple to us. Especially when quality controls and standards are very high, as it seems to be in the case of Angelbird.

So, if you want to know how they compete against Asian giants, if you want to see the heavy stress tests they put their cards into, the huge works that goes into checking the compatibility with so many cameras on the market (and so many firmware for each camera to create their own compatibility list), then check out the CineD video.

The second story is a bit a wider one.

When CineD asked what is around the corner for Anglebird, they said they are always in development and there is a lot around the corner. They don’t want to say what right now and release only when they are fully satisfied with the product.

And at this point Anglebird says:

We are happy that the trade shows are not driving the market anymore, where there was “this trade show” and then “that trade show” and you have to release. We release the product once it’s ready. You can be sure a lot is coming and our development plan is for 3 and for 5 years.

I guess that’s valid also for Fujifilm and other camera brands. There is not Photokina anymore, where you had to release your stuff in order to grab the biggest headline. And other trade shows are becoming smaller, less influential and are tailored more to showcase products to the regional market.

The real trade show is on the internet itself. And that one is available non-stop 365 days a year, giving companies more freedom on when to launch new stuff.

Make sure to check out the whole story at CineD here


Laowa 19mm f/2.8 Zero-D for Fujifilm GFX Announced


Venus Optics announced the Laowa 19mm f/2.8 Zero-D for Fujifilm GFX.

You find many sample images at the dedicated Laowa 19mm f/2.8 page here.

More Laowa lenses for Fujifilm X and GFX are available at VenusOptics, BHphoto, AmazonUS and Adorama.

  • Focal Length: 19mm
  • Angle of View 110°
  • Aperture Range f/2.8-22
  • Format Medium Format
  • Lens Structure 12 elements in 10 groups (2 Aspherical Lens, 3 ED glass, 1 UHR glass)
  • Aperture Blades 5
  • Min. Focusing Distance 18cm (7”)
  • Max. Magnification 0.185X
  • Filter Thread Ø 77mm
  • Dimensions Ø 82.6 x 80mm (3.27” x 3.15”)
  • Weight 546g (~19.2 oz)
  • Mounts Fujifilm G


New Firmware for Viltrox 23mmF1.4, 33mmF1.4, 56mmF1.4 and 85mmF1.8II – Fujifilm X-T5, X-H2, X-H2s Support and AF-C Improvement


Viltrox has released firmware updates for their 23mmF1.4, 33mmF1.4 and 56mmF1.4.

The firmware adds support for the Fujifilm X-T5, Fujifilm X-H2s and Fujifilm X-H2 and it improves AF-C speed.

You can find all details and download links below.

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