Many FR-reader have the same problem I have: when the heck can we finally pre-order the Fujifilm X-T5?
And since this question came up often in the last few days, here is my best answer.
In all X summits I can remember, pre-orders started 1 hour after after the start of the X summit.
This means that since the next X summit starts at 9AM EDT (Nov.2), pre-orders should start at 10AM EDT (Nov.2).
Of course this is just an educated guess based on the history of every X summit we have ever seen. But I can’t exclude that for the first time ever Fujifilm will change the “pre-order embargo” strategy.
With that said…
… if you think….
… if you think that FujiRumors did a decent job with the X-T5 rumors…
…. then feel free to pre-order the Fujifilm X-T5 via FR affiliate link… it would be an amazing support if you did…
And if you do…
then thanks in advance… it’s people like you who keep FujiRumors alive.
*pre-orders start at 10AM New York time Nov.2