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Profoto Air Remote TTL-F Compatible with Fujifilm X-H1 and X-T20 Support Coming in April

Currently, the Profoto Air Remote TTL-F supports Fujifilm GFX 50S, X-T2, X-Pro2 and X100F, but as we told you back in December, they announced support for further Fujifilm cameras.

Well, besides the Fujifilm X-H1, which is compatible out of the box with the Air Remote TTL-F, Profoto announced that Fujifilm will release a firmware upgrade in April to make it compatible also with the Fujifilm X-T20.

Would be great if they could add also support for X-T1, but at this point we can be fairly pessimistic that this won’t happen.

REMINDER: The Fujifilm X-T20 will get a massive firmware update in April, that is definitely worth to be called a “Kaizen update”. We have shared the full details of the X-T20 update here.

Profoto Air Remote TTL-F: BHphoto, AmazonUS and Adorama.

Fujifilm X-H1 Pre-orders – $150 Bundle Savings
Fujifilm X-H1: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera

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Full Profoto Announcement

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ETERNA Film Simulation Available in Lightroom for Fujifilm X-T2 & Co with a Little Hack

image shared by Rene Delbar at the Fujifilm X-H facebook group
image shared by Rene Delbar at the Fujifilm X-H facebook group

ETERNA for Fujifilm X-T2  & Co in LR

In the recent (and fantastic) TCSTV Fujifilm X-H1 live stream, Fuji Guy Billy said that ETERNA on Fujifilm X-T2 is very possible via firmware update in future, hence (almost) confirming our rumor of December 7 here.

But if you own the latest version of Lightroom, you can already now see how your X-TransIII files look with the ETERNA film simulation applied.

Follow these simple steps:

  • Download an EXIF Editor
  • Change the X-T2, X-Pro2, X-T20, X-E3 or X100F EXIF camera name of your image to “X-H1” using the EXIF Editor
  • Load your EXIF manipulated image in Lightroom Classic CC 7.2
  • ETERNA will be available in your Lightroom camera calibration menu
  • Smile :)

This “hack” is available already since a few days now, when Adobe added X-H1 support.

Will you try it? Then feel free to share your images and your findings here in the comments :)

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Fujifilm X-H1 (all combos): BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera

Fujifilm’s Imaging Solutions Booms: Operating Income up 76.1% in Fiscal Year 2018/3 2nd Quarter

And yet again, Fujifilm’s imaging solution booms.

I’ll skip the Instax part, which keeps up making record profits. Just look at the AmazonUS Overall Photo Ranking, and you will find tons of Instax products at the very top… since years now! Of course we have to see how the patent battle about the square Instax film with Polaroid ends.

Overall, the numbers for the imaging solution are excellent:

Our Imaging Solutions segment recorded revenue of 297.7 billion yen, up 15.6% year-on-year. Operating income totaled 50.0 billion yen, up 76.1% over the same period during the previous year.

About their digital camera business they write:

In the electronic imaging business, revenue increased on strong sales of mirrorless digital camera X Series, including the FUJIFILM X-E3 which was launched in September 2017, the FUJIFILM X-T20 and FUJIFILM X100F, which were launched in February 2017, and the FUJIFILM GFX 50S, a medium format mirrorless digital camera equipped with a large sized sensor, as well as their accompanying interchangeable lenses.

Professional photographers and camera enthusiasts have given high praise to our proprietary technology, which produces impressive depictions reproducing brilliant colors that remain vivid in people’s memories, and the extensive line-up of 31 lenses. In the optical device business, sales increased, reflecting the strong performance of various industrial-use lenses such as thos e for vehicle cameras and projectors.

The MK lens series was also launched, offering a new series of ci nema camera lenses designed for the expanding market of online and related types of video recording.

Their reports also enter in merit of the recent deal they made with Xerox.

You can find all the reports at Fujifilm Holdings here. Here they are one by one:


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Fujifilm X-E3 Will Get X RAW STUDIO Support via Firmware Update


Hey all :)

Just a rumor flash to tell you that according to our sources (thanks), also the Fujifilm X-E3 will get X RAW STUDIO Support.

I remind you that Fujifilm Germany said here, that also the X-T20 will get X RAW STUDIO support as part of an “extensive firmware update” planed for early 2018 and that currently X RAW STUDIO supports the Fujifilm GFX 50S, X-T2, X-Pro2 and X100F.

This is a welcome news for all fellow Fujifilm X shooters, who don’t do major editing work in Lightroom & Co, because they love Fujifilm’s JPEG output and they just use the internal RAW converter to fine tune their images by changing white balance, film simulation, exposure and so forth,

X RAW STUDIO is a free, simple but efficient RAW converter software offered by Fujifilm, that allows you to use the in-camera processing engine to edit images on a proper computer screen and to see those changes applied to your images in real-time, as opposed to converting them in-camera, where you will only see how your changes affect your images, after you process them by clicking the “Q” button.

Personally I do use the in-camera RAW converter a lot, and frankly I would never buy into a system anymore, that does not have this feature.

I do like it to make quick adjustments to my images right in camera.

But I don’t think the X RAW STUDIO software will be something I use, because for me, the internal RAW conversion is all about “on field” use. Take an image, adjust it in camera and upload to social media right away.

But when I am back home and on my computer, I don’t see any use for the internal RAW converter anymore. I have Lightroom, Iridient, Luminar, Picktorial and enough RAW converters to take my time to work more seriously on my files… which isn’t necessary that often, though, since Fujifilm’s JPEGs out of the box or slightly adjusted with the internal RAW converter often give me already fantastic results.

With that said, we all have different workflows and preferences, and I can see quite some X Shooters preferring to edit their images using X RAW STUDIO at home, rather than using the internal converter on the field. So Fujifilm X-E3, X-T20 (&more) support is definitely welcome.

Feel free to join our Fujifilm X-E facebook group.

To know more about X RAW STUDIO check out also:

Fujifilm – My Journey From Frustration To Competency

Dreams Aloft - Sky Lantern Festival, Taiwan, 2017
Dreams Aloft – Sky Lantern Festival, Taiwan, 2017

Write Your Articles Directly on FujiRumors!

guest post by Philip Sutton: or on instagram at fineartfoto

Previous guest posts of Philip Sutton

  • The Pleasure and Pain of Fujifilm Lenses! – Read here
  • Fuji X-T1, X-T2 – A New Way of Seeing! – Read here
  • Fuji X-T2 and X-T1 – a New Perspective on Myanmar in 2017 – Read here
  • Fuji X-T2/X-T1 – Recce in Bali – Read here

A Quick Overview

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Fujifilm Buys Xerox and Lays Off 10,000 People

A few weeks ago, we already told you that Fujifilm was about to take over struggling Xerox, a 112 year old US-company, that mainly makes printers and copiers.

The takeover has been applauded as a good move by the Wall Street Journal, since Fujifilm has already survived the film fall by re-inventing its business (a great documentary about Fujifilm’s reinvention can be found here), so there was hope was that Fujifilm will find good and creative solutions for Xerox.

Well, now the takeover has been completed, and Fujifilm owns 50,1% of Xerox. You can read the press release here.

However, according to money.cnn, the first move of Fujifilm was to lay off 10,000 people at Xerox. Not really a creative solution I’d say and sadly a normal practice these days.

Cost cutting is probably an inevitable evil if you take over a such a struggling company, and it’s probably still better than closing the business entirely and make everybody go home, but it always hurts to see people lose their jobs… and this time it’s 10,000 of them.

On the other hand, I wouldn’t be surprised to see some of the Xerox top managers, who, with their decisions, brought the company to the current bad position, leaving Xerox with a few million of dollars of severance pay. At least in my country this happens all the time. Let’s hope it won’t be the case this time.

The winner are Xerox shareholders, since Xerox stocks jumped high shortly before the announcement of the deal.

Anyway… I hope Fujifilm will find a way to make Xerox quickly prosper again, and in the long term employ more people again.

About my New Fujifilm X-E3 and About JPEG only in Full Auto Mode

Fujifilm X-E3… All Good :)

As you might know, back in December 2017 I purchased a silver X-E3 as well as two Fujinon lenses. I have explained in a first impression article why I picked the X-E3 and not the X-T20, X-T2 or even the Fujifilm X-H1. You can read it here.

I also told you, though, that I was having 2 issues with my X-E3

  • sticky joystick
  • SD-card not recognized sometimes

Of course I didn’t make a big drama out of it. I just went to my local store and asked for replacement.

Sadly, it took them almost a month to get a new X-E3, because of the holidays and also because they said the X-E3 is selling well, so Fujifilm is a bit slow in delivering and fulfilling the demand.

But now it’s here, my new Fujifilm X-E3, and this time it comes all in black.

I promised you an update, as soon as I get my new X-E3, and here it is: I am happy to report that, at least until now, everything seems to work just fine. The joystick isn’t sticky and the SD-card has, so far, always been recognized by the camera.

X-E3 Review?

I will see if I can find some time to write a comprehensive review, but time is not really what I have at the moment, since basically almost every spare minute of my life goes into FujiRumors, due to the imminent announcements of the Fujifilm X-A5 and XC15-45 on January 31 and the huge announcement of the Fujifilm X-H1 on February 15.

The weeks after that, will be even more busy, in order to cover properly all the Fujifilm X-H1 news and reviews here on FujiRumors.

But I’m excited by the good stuff coming from Fujifilm, so I’m 100% motivated to give you guys the best Fujifilm coverage in the known universe ;) .

Auto Geotagging

The review might come later… but for now…

… I have written a detailed article about one of the new features of the Fujifilm X-E3, the auto-geotagging.

I have received great feedback about it and many readers told me it helped them to make it work not only properly, but also quickly. Feel free to read it here.

Full Auto Shooting why JPEG only?

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Kevin Mullins Reveals his Monochrome Fujifilm Files Processing in Lightroom… and he Starts with Classic Chrome!

It is always interesting to see, how fellow X-shooters post process their images, and we have shared them here on FujiRumors in the past (a few of them linked again below).

Today it’s time for Kevin Mullins, to guide us step by step through his black&white post-processing workflow. And interestingly, his starting point is Classic Chrome. What happens after that, you can see it in this Kevin Mullins video.

The image he edits has been taken with Fujifilm GFX 50S.

And in case you want to see more of the settings of fellow X-shooters, here are some other articles on FujiRumors

have a FANTASTIC weekend,
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Fujifilm X-E3 L Brackets Available

Fujifilm X-E3 L Bracket

Finally companies are starting to produce and deliver accessories for Fujifilm newest camera, the Fujifilm X-E3.

We recently reported about:

Now First2savvv released the Quick Release L Plate Bracket LB-XE3 for Fujifilm X-E3. Also Kenro has [shoplink 66070 ebay]X-E3 L Brackets available[/shoplink], that you can find [shoplink 66070 ebay]at your local ebay[/shoplink].

First2savvv L Bracket for X-E3: AmazonUS, AmazonDE, AmazonUK, AmazonCA, AmazonIT
Kenro L Bracket for X-E3: [shoplink 66070 ebay]at your local ebay[/shoplink]

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FUJIFILM Sets Focus on Deal-Making after Surviving Fall of Film. $4 Billion for Acquisitions in the Next 3 Years – Wall Street Journal

Fujifilm Goes Shopping

Really many of you guys have sent me the recent Fujifilm related article at the Wall Street Journal.

And since it seems to be a topic you’d like to discuss, I’m going to share it here on FujiRumors with all of you.

Now, the original article can be found at the Wall Street Journal, but a super-quick summary can be found at It says:

Xerox (XRX) is in talks with Japanese camera maker Fujifilm. According to the Wall Street Journal, Fujifilm would not fully takeover the copier company, but there would be leadership changes at Xerox. Activist investor Carl Icahn, who owns nearly 10% of Xerox, has said the company needs a shakeup in order to boost revenue and launch new products.”

But who is “Xerox”?

Xerox is a 112 year old US-company, that mainly makes printers and copiers. At the moment, Hewlett-Packard is strong market leader in this segment and Xerox has a hard time to compete with them.

Fujifilm is already cooperating with Xerox branches in the Asia-Pacific region, and you might remember the recent accounting irregularities found at Xerox Australia and New Zealand, which “caused a nearly 30% fall in profit at Fujifilm’s documents division in the six months ended September 2017“.

But despite the accounting irregularities, “Fujifilm’s documents division, which includes printers and copiers made by Fuji Xerox, made up 45% of the company’s sales and almost 40% of its operating profit in the six months ended September.”

Well, Fujifilm seems to be interested to further invest into Xerox, but would like to have more influence within Xerox and therefore requested a leadership change.

In another article (Xerox Should Look to Copy Fujifilm’s Success), the Wall Street Journal sees a good chance for Xerox in this deal, since Fujifilm has already survived the film fall by re-inventing its business (a great documentary about Fujifilm’s reinvention can be found here). The WSJ writes:

Xerox printers and copiers are unlikely to be the future of either company in a world where offices are getting more work done digitally, rather than on paper. Fujifilm, which has survived the death of film photography while its rival Kodak floundered, may be able to provide a lesson in corporate reinvention.”

$4 billion for Acquisitions

And it seems that more investments by Fujifilm could follow. In fact the Wall Street Journal writes:

Fujifilm has been an active deal maker for years, and it said in August it planned to spend more than $4 billion over the next three years for acquisitions.”

$4 billion over the next three years for acquisitions does not sound bad at all.

Personally, as Fujifilm camera/lens lover, I’d like to see some sort of investment into a sensor manufacturer that is not Sony, in oder to get “sensor independency” from Sony.

Until now, every new sensor Sony releases, can be purchased by Fujifilm only 6 months after Sony has already implemented it in their own cameras, which gives Sony a strategic advantage.

Moreover, Sony can also set the price to their pleasure, and especially the customized X-Trans sensor costs Fujifilm quite a bit.

To be clear: Sony makes fantastic sensors, and in many aspects they are superior to the sensors that Canon makes for example. So Fujifilm should never leave Sony, if the alternative is a worst sensor.

However, there are alternatives out there.

Lately there is a lot of talk about Tower Jazz. But also Samsung had a fantastic 28MP BSI APS-C ISO-invariant sensor with phase detection already 3 years ago for their amazing Samsung NX1, a know-how Fujifilm could decide to invest into for their own cameras, although, I know, it’s hard to see a Japanese and Korean company making any deal together.

And then, speaking of sensor independency from Sony, there is that mythical organic sensor that Fujifilm announced with Panasonic back in June 2013 and which due to some issues we reported here, never saw the light of the day so far (although it did take successfully pictures already). The latest update back in August 2017 here.

So guys, feel free to tell us, where you would recommend Fujifilm to go shopping in the next 3 years with those 4 billion dollar.

And don’t tell us “BEER”, because Fujifilm is already making beer tastier thanks to film technology, as we reported here. :)

have a fantastic weekend,
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