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RUMOR: Fujifilm GFX100 Replacement Coming September 12

NOTE: in the video above you will see me and my GFX100S in action in one of the most colorful pieces of nature + see some images I took with it

I’ve told you that the next Fujifilm X Summit will take place on September 12.

The question is: what will come on that day?

Well, I can now tell you that, for sure, we will get the long rumored Fujifilm GFX100 replacement.

Again: we are talking about the Fujifilm GFX100 replacement (so the successor to this camera here), and not the replacement to the GFX100S, GFX50R or any other GFX camera.

I don’t have indication about anything else to come at this point, but I will make sure to update you as soon as I have solid information.

What I am 100% sure of, though, is that in the next few weeks and months, there will be LOTS of rumors on FujiRumors. I mean, really LOTS of rumors ;).

So, if you want to have a fun time, then stay tuned on this blog and also on the FujiRumors YouTube channel.

Did I already tell you there will be LOTS OF RUMORS? ;)

Fujifilm Facebook Groups

Fujifilm X Summit on September 12: What Camera are You Hoping for to Come? VOTE NOW

So, we just leaked the date of the next Fujifilm X Summit, which will happen on September 12.

Now I am curious to know what you guys are hoping for to come.

That’s why I have now launched a survey that includes plausible, less plausible and borderline impossible options.

I’ll not include 110% impossible cameras, which would be for example a Fujifilm X-H3 or Fujifilm X-H3s, as those cameras are hardly 1 year old (or less). Or the Fujifilm X-T6 or Fujifilm X-S30.

What we will inlcude are the Fujifilm X-T5s (X-T5 with 26MP stacked sensor of X-H2S), Fujifilm X-Pro4, Fujifilm X-E5, Fujifilm X-T40, Fujifilm X100V successor (X200, X100VI, X100 whatever), Fujifilm X80, Fujifilm XF20, Fujifilm X-T300, Fujifilm X-A8, Fujifilm X-A30, Fujifilm X-M2, Fujifilm GFX100 successor, Fujifilm GFX100S successor, Fujifilm GFX50R successor and Fujifilm GFX50SII successor.

I will give you two options to vote on, because Fujifilm has so far registered two yet to be released cameras.

Have fun voting :)

On September 12 I would like to Get the Following Cameras (max 2 votes)

View Results

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Fujifilm Facebook Groups

EXCLUSIVE: Date of Next Fujifilm X Summit LEAKED

X Summit Date Leaked

Thanks to our amazing sources, we have now received the date for the next Fujifilm X Summit.

But before I share it, one important disclaimer.

You know better than me at this point, Fujifilm X Summit dates are nothing 100% sure, even if it’s Fujifilm itself to tell you the date. In fact, the officially proudly announced April X Summit has been canceled and on the last day of April Fujifilm announced its cancelation.

So, I am going to share the date with you today, but I can’t 100% exclude that there will be changes. And if there will be, I will let you know.

With that said, here is the date.

According to our trusted sources, the next Fujifilm X Summit will take place on September 12.

Yes, that’s still quite far away. And yes, that makes it even more “risky” for me to share, as there is lots of time until that date and changes can happen anytime.

But if I share the date anyway with you, it means that I have good reasons to be confident about this date. A confidence that is given to me by our trusted sources.

Déjà vu Anyone?

Some of you guys might have some Déjà vu now and remember that date from somewhere.

Well, I actually have reported about that date a while back here, when thanks to our reader, who digged in the depths of the registration, we spotted the registrations for two new cameras, the FF220002 on May 26 and the FF230001 on September 12.

In that article I warned you though that usually registrations don’t actually fit with the real announcement date. I’ve checked back and here are some examples:

  • X-S20: registrations says May 26 / reality May 24
  • GFX100S: registrations says January 29 / reality January 27
  • X-T200: registrations says January 24  / reality January 23

And in 90% of the cases registrations don’t even give any date at all (or even become public only AFTER the camera has already been announced, as it was the case of the X-E4 registration).

But this time around the registration could well fit the real announcement date according to our sources.

Don’t Miss Out on the Fun

Don’t miss out on the fun ahead of the X Summit, with LOTS (!!!) of rumors to come (I promise ;)) only here on FujiRumors and, if you want, also on my YouTube channel, where not only you will get all the rumors, but often also some travel tips as I will show you around one of the most beautiful places the world has to offer.

Because new gear is nice and good. But investing in experiences and travels is just as gratifying if not more. And it’s one of the best ways to make good use of our awesome gear.

Fujifilm Facebook Groups

Viltrox EF-GFX PRO and EF-GFX Firmware Updates

Viltrox has released firmware updates for the Viltrox EF-GFX PRO and the Viltrox EF-GFX.

Firmware Details

  1. Added the function of memory parameters when the power is off. The button on the adapter ring switches the A mode and the P mode, and the set parameters can be saved when the power is off.
  2. Calibrated the aperture table of the lens and the adjustable range of the aperture value.
  3. The EXIF ​​information of the photos is added, and the photos taken can query the detailed information of the lens, focal length, aperture and other information and the company’s LOGO.
  4. Added lens anti-shake function.
  5. Added lens switching AF->MF focus mode.
  6. Improve focus speed and focus stability.
  7. 62 lenses are compatible with GFX50X, GFX50S and GFX100S cameras.
  8. The camera with non-contact manual lens keeps flashing and cannot take pictures.

Here are the download links

List of Smart Adapters

Fujifilm X-S20: Initial Monthly Production of 15,000 Units

As reported by Nikkei, the initial monthly production for the Fujifilm X-S20 is planned to be 15,000 units.

I have no idea if that’s a high number or not.

What I know is that so far the Fujifilm X-S20 has not received the almost traditional “shipping delay due to high demand” notice, so let’s hope Fujifilm planed well ahead and they have enough stock to ship out all pre-orders on day 1 and to assure stable stock going forward (a rare thing in the Fujifilm world these days).

via nikkei via

New Firmware for 13 Fujifilm X/GFX Cameras: Huge Autofocus Boost for X-T5/X-H2, ISO on Command Dial of X-H2/S, XApp Support and More

Fujifilm has released firmware updates for 13 Fujifilm cameras.

The updates are mostly to add support for the brand new Fujifilm XApp, but worth a special mention are:

  • significant autofocus improvements for Fujifilm X-T5 and Fujifilm X-H2
  • you can now assign the command dial to change ISO on the X-H2S and X-H2

Down below you’ll find the links where you can check out all the details and download the firmware.

Firmware Details

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Fujifilm Launches the New App for the GFX / X Series of Digital Cameras “Fujifilm XApp”

Fujifilm Launches the New App for the GFX / X Series of Digital Cameras “FUJIFILM XApp”

Press Release

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

Fujifilm Factory Tour: Meet Fujifilm’s Most Complex Gear to Manufacture and How Adjustment is Key to Image Quality

The French website Phototrend had the opportunity to visit the Fujifilm factory in Taiwa, Japan, which where many premium Fujifilm gear is made, but not only premium. For example, also Fujifim’s oldest X mount lens, the legendary Fujinon XF35mm F1.4 R is assembled here.

In this tour, Fujifilm will also tell you which is the most complex gear to manufacture. Spoiler: it’s this beast here, which consists of over 1,000 pieces!!!

There is lots of interesting stuff to read and see, but I found one sentence particularly interesting: “adjustment is the key to image quality“.

So while the assembly takes time and is indeed complex, all the micro-adjustments made during and after the assembly are crucial to ensure a consistent and high quality product.

Down is a quick summary where you can read all the details as well as some images.

Factory Tour

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A Massive Fujifilm GFX Review Roundup to Celebrate Massive GFX Deals

There are currently massive deals running on Fujifilm GFX gear. So I thought let’s share a dedicated GFX roundup, just in case you are interested in the system and want to see what others think about it.

Lots of reviews will also cover the Fujinon GF20-35mmF4 lens, which is not included in the rebates, but is a true gem and I am afraid will pretty much reduce sales for the Fujinon GF 23mm f/4 to a minimum, as it is more flexible and smaller, while still being optically fantastic.

Also, I warmly recommend you to join our Fujifilm GFX group, which is full of talented and passionate GFX shooters sharing their work and thoughts there.


The Roundup

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RUMOR: Fujifilm GFX100 Replacement is Next GFX Camera coming in 2023 (Trusted Source)

The Rumor

Many asked me if a new Fujifilm GFX camera would come in 2023.

Well, yes, definitely!

In fact, trusted sources (THANKS) told us that the next Fujifilm GFX camera to come will be the replacement to the Fujifilm GFX100.

So, not the replacement to GFX100S, or the GFX50R or anything else. What we will get is the successor to the Fujifilm GFX100.

That’s 100% sure and solid!

You know I’d never trick you with fake rumors to make traffic. I simply respect you guys too much to do that.

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The GFX100

The Fujifilm GFX100 was launched back in 2019 and it was definitely revolutionary for its time, with a backside illuminated 102 megapixel sensor and IBIS, giving medium format speed and flexibility unseen until then in the digital medium format world.

I did go hands on with the Fujifilm GFX100, but these are the three main reasons I did not buy it:

  1. too expensive
  2. too big
  3. I didn’t find it intuitive to use. I much prefer Fujifilm cameras with dedicated dials or at least dedicated PSAM dial.

Fujifilm fixed all these three issues two years later with the Fujifilm GFX100S, a camera that I now own and enjoy using especially for landscape photography but also to document family life.

Personally I’d have looked more forward to a Fujifilm GFX100S with 5th generation goodness or a GFX100R. But I know also the Fujifilm GFX100 has its loyal fellowship and I am working on all the details.

So definitely stay tuned on FujiRumors if you want to know more about it.