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Fuji-Humors: “Ken Rockwell portraits are so lifelike, they have to pay taxes” & more + LuLa Video Review Blooper!

To Make Video Reviews isn’t easy at all – via LuLa

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Today I just want to share a good laugh with you… nothing more :) . So time for a bit of FujiHumors… and enjoy your weekend!

Ken Rockwell is the Chuck Norris of Photography

FXF member calinandra69 knows it: Ken Rockwell* is the Chuck Norris of photography. Why? Well, here are just some of my favorites… but there is a lot more to read at our Forum here.

– Rockwell portraits are so lifelike, they have to pay taxes
– Ken Rockwell never focus, everything moves into his DoF
– Ken Rockwell’s shots are so perfect, Adobe redesigned photoshop for him: all it consists of is a close button.

And these are just 3 out of 34 of them… click here and enjoy a genuine laugh!

* I have nothing personal against Ken Rockwell. I share this just for fun. I hope Ken demonstrates the same sense of humor of Chuck Norris :)



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FORBES says: “The Fuji X-T10 is a Superb choice. A genuine Pleasure to use. It will rekindle your Joy of Photography”

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Fuji X-T10USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama EU: AmazonDE / AmazonUK / AmazonFR / WexUK / AUS: Camerapro

Please don’t blame me, if reviewers out there write such enthusiastic things about the Fuji X-T10. I just report on FR what others say about it. I’ll work hard to find a review that finally says the X-T10 is crap.

But since then, they all seem to be extremely happy with the Fuji X-T10. Recently TheVerge declared the Fuji X-T10 the best mirrorless camera you can buy for under $1000, dpreview loves it more than the Sony A6000, the Nikon D5500 or the O-MD E-M10, and finally today it’s Forbes that says about the Fuji X-T10 here:

“Picture quality from the X-T10 is everything you’d expect from Fujifilm and I personally love the film simulation modes and the choice of dynamic range. […]

I’d say the Fujifilm X-T10 is a superb choice of camera […]. Fujifilm is currently my favourite camera range because the models are built to be really usable and I love Fuji’s colour modes and superb optics.

The Fujifilm X-T10 may be a little small for people with large hands, but for the rest of us it’s the perfectly affordable mirrorless camera that’s a genuine pleasure to use and consistently turns out superb images that will rekindle your joy of photography.”

And now please go those crappy sites like dpreview, TheVerge and Forbes and tell them in the comments that they are just brainless Fuji fanboys ;-) !


The deadline for this US deal is September 19. Here is the whole list of savings:


X-T1 + 18-55 (save $100): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline
X-T1 Black Body (save $100)
AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline
X-T1 Graphite Body (save $100)AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline


XF 16mmF1.4 WR (save $150): AmazonUSBHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline
XF 56mmF1.2 APD (save $300)AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline
XF 56mmF1.2 (save $100): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline
XF 14mmF2.8 (save $200): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline
XF 23mmF1.4 (save $150)AmazonUS  / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline
XF 50-140mmF2.8 WR (save $150):  AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline
XF 10-24mmF4 (save $150):  
AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline
XF 35mmF1.4 (save $200):  AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline
XF 16-55mmF2.8 WR (save $150):  AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline
XF 27mmF2.8 (save $200): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline
XF 18mm (save $150): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline
XF 60mm (save $200):  AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline
XF 18-135mm (save $150):  AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline
XF 55-200mm (save $150):  AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline
XF 18-55mm (save $100):  AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline


ENDING SOON: Huge Rebate on Plenty of Fuji X Gear eXpires This Week + EUROPEAN FUJI DEALS, TOO!


The deadline for this US deal is September 19. Here is the whole list of savings:


X-T1 + 18-55 (save $100): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline
X-T1 Black Body (save $100)
AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline
X-T1 Graphite Body (save $100)AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline


XF 16mmF1.4 WR (save $150): AmazonUSBHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline
XF 56mmF1.2 APD (save $300)AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline
XF 56mmF1.2 (save $100): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline
XF 14mmF2.8 (save $200): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline
XF 23mmF1.4 (save $150)AmazonUS  / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline
XF 50-140mmF2.8 WR (save $150):  AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline
XF 10-24mmF4 (save $150):  
AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline
XF 35mmF1.4 (save $200):  AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline
XF 16-55mmF2.8 WR (save $150):  AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline
XF 27mmF2.8 (save $200): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline
XF 18mm (save $150): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline
XF 60mm (save $200):  AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline
XF 18-135mm (save $150):  AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline
XF 55-200mm (save $150):  AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline
XF 18-55mm (save $100):  AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline


There were official Fuji deals also in France and Italy, but they now expired… if you find new deals, feel free to share them in the comments!

My main 2 complaints about the Fuji X-T1!

Here at FujiRumors, we discussed many times about what Fuji could improve via Firmware on current cameras or via hardware in future models. And thanks goodness, Fujifilm has shown many times, that they listen to feedback coming from the X-shooter community.

But, of course, the system is not perfect, and there are still things that could be improved. And since I love what Fujifilm did over the last years and I want future models to be even better than current ones, today I’ll share my main two complaints with the X-T1.


I’m pretty annoyed by that flimsy X-T1 accessory door that bends and makes weather sealing useless! And, looking at this FXF Thread here, I’d say that I’m not the only one with this problem.

I won’t send it in for repair, since I don’t know if the new door will be better.

I’d really appreciate if Fujifilm would tell us more about this issue.

  • Is this a sporadic problem of certain X-T1’s? I don’t think so, but I’d like to hear Fujifilm on that.
  • Did Fuji recognize the problem and do newer X-T1’s come with a better accessory door?
  • If I send it in for repair, can I be sure that this problem won’t occur anymore with the new door? Some of us would have to pay for a repair, so please let us know if it’s worth to send it in.

The graphite versions seems to have no issue.

I’ve tried to contact several Fuji services around Europe, but I did not get a clear answer on that. So, Fujifilm, I think we X-shooters should be better informed about the real dimensions of this problem and the efficiency of an eventual repair.

If you have the same problem, I invite you to contact your local Fuji support and, as milandro suggested here, contact also the Fujfilm headquarter and send them the link to this thread.


Don’t get me wrong. Fuji JPEGs are fantastic. More and more of my keepers are OOC JPEGs.

But there is one thing that, IMO, could be improved: Skin tones at hight ISO!

Ok, maybe you like the jpeg engine used in X-TransII cameras and the skin tones at high ISO, so you can stop reading here. But I’m one of those fellow X-shooters, who think there is space for improvement.

That’s not an issue if you shoot RAW. It’s also no problem if you keep lower ISO settings in JPEG’s. The so-called “waxy skin tones” are limited to JPEG at high ISO. The reason? Noise reduction seems to work too aggressively.

The good thing is, this is fixable via Firmware update. Here are two possible solutions:

  • allow to turn down noise reduction even more than currently possible
  • introduce in the menu the voice “classic jpeg rendering” (or whatever), which will render skin tones at high ISO like the X-Trans I X-series camera JPEG engine! You can then select what you prefer, the X-TransI or X-TransII cameras jpeg engine

To know more about it and see some samples, we have a “Stop the Waxing” thread dedicated to this issue here.

Fujifilm X-Deals also in Germany and UK! – expire AUG 31 / SEP 02

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Fuji USA just launched some great X-deals… but you can find some good ones also in Europe (Germany & UK) that will expire in about 2 weeks.


You have time unti August 31 to take advantage of the current X-deals. All the details here at AmazonDE. Moreover, you can get the X-PRO1 + 27 + 18 for just € 899 here.


– Buy an X100T with WCL, and get the TCL for free (expires Sep. 2)
– Receive an £80/€100 bonus on your old D-SLR trade-in value when you buy an X-T1, X-E2 or X-Pro1
– X-PRO1 + 27 + 18 + Free Leather Case (expires Oct. 4)
– X-T1 + 18-135 + Free Vertical Grip (expires Sep. 2)
– X30 + Free lens hood and filters (expires Sep. 2)

All details at Fuji’s official UK Promotions Page.

AmazonUK has a special deal running until August 21… New Deals Every Hour!

Also, buy £40 in Gift Cards, Get a £10 promo code to spend at

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New Fimware Update for X-T10 released! Improvements + Windows 10 compatibility. Other X-series cameras udpated soon!

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The compatibilty problems of Fuji X-series (and Finepix cameras) will be solved very soon via Firmware update. The Fujifilm X-T10 makes the start. The new Firmware ver 1.01 is now online here, and it also brings some improvements. Here they are:

– Improvement of “Eye detection AF” speed when used with XF90mm
– Operational improvement of Fn1 Function button (Default setting : movie shooting)
– Angle difference between jpeg image and jpeg image converted from RAW file
– Support for Windows10

And here is when then other cameras will get the FW update (for the press-realease click here): By the end of Aug 2015: X-E2, X-A2, X-Pro1, X100T, X100S, X30, X20 and XQ2. By the end of Dec 2015: X-E1, X-M1, X-A1, X100, X10, XQ1, XF1, X-S1.

A kind request: if, as usual, you find news via FujiRumors and want to repost it on your websites, it would be very kind if you’d give me credit for my daily and hard work to search these news… it’s easy… all you need to do is to put a working link to “via”.

stay tuned.
Fuji X Forum, Facebook, Google+, RSS-feed and Twitter

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miXed zone: Vertical Grip for Fuji X-E2, Aftershot 2.2.1 with improved X-Trans support, #BB Magazine and more!


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Ed Selous: “I recently spent two weeks in Nepal volunteering for a disaster response NGO, and I documented my time using my X-E1 and kit lens. I’ve produced a photo-essay to document my time, and it’s been picked up by the charity in question ( for use“. See more at eselous.exposure


Video: Summing up our Fujifilm X-T10 Review at dpreview’s youtube /

XF90mmF2 WR
USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama EU: AmazonDE / AmazonUK / AmazonFR / WexUK / PCHstore / AUS: Camerapro

Scotland’s National Airshow (most shots taken with the 90mm) at macleancomms / Japanese Review at (translation) / Real World Samples at dpreview / First Impressions at thephoblographer /

XF 16mm F1.4 WR

Japanese Review at (translation) / Fuji XF 16mm f1.4 R WR by Mehrdad in German at qimago (translation) / Seen at 16mm at valeriejardin /

X100/S/T + TCL/WCL

Street photography with the Fuji X100T at williamlonsdale / Why I like the Fuji X100T for still life photography at aboutphotography-tomgrill / Fuji X100T… A Mighty Fine Camera at timetapestry /

Fujifilm X-T1

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Vincenzo Sagnotti: “For first time in my life I realized food photos, for a restaurant in Rome (ingredientesegreto). I used only, as the first photo shows, Fuji X-T1 + Fujinon XF 35mm f/1.4 + aluminium food paper to compensate warm summer natural light.” See the shots at mediaforme (translation).

Fuji X-Series, Know Your Gear at photo.rwboyer / A Walk With My New Fuji X-T1 at findingrange / FW 4.o at thistonybridge / The Red Arrows and the X-T1 at macleancomms / Fuji X-T1 Musings at xshooters / Set up your Fujifilm X-T1 for street photography at amateurphotographer / A Fuji X-T1 In Bali Kuningan Ceremonies & More at thetravelphotographer / How I Instantly, Painlessly Dropped 7 Pounds On The Mirrorless Diet! at karenhutton / Fuji X-T1 – Firmware Update v.4.0 Zone Focusing af jamesbrokenshaphotography / Lofoten Revisited at jonasjacobssonCheck out his Instagram too / Focus Pokus at jexphotography / Fuji XT-1 at the German site krolop-gerst (translation) /

Chris Dodkin just launched what is probably the world’s first magazine built on photography using the Fuji X-T1. #BB Magazine is a monthly lifestyle publication, in print and E-copy, which has exclusively used the X-T1 to generate it’s cover, editorial and advertising imagery. Content is most likely NSFW – so please bear that in mind before heading over to take a look. Take a look at the #BB magazine here.

#BB Magazine – NSFW

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other X-series cameras

Which camera will do the job? Some thoughts on the Fujifilm X30 at doncraigphoto / The (non weather sealed) X-PRO1 survives the artic at F64 youtube / Fuji X20: Searching for Edward Hopper at luminous-landscape /


X-mount lenses

XF 16-55 Vs. XF 18-55 test at fuji-xperience (translation)

XF 14mm: Zombie Apocolypse at trevhillphotograph / XF50-140: I used to be a prime guy at unsuburban / XF 60mm at leighmiller / Fujifilm X-E2 and Fujinon XF 55-200mm for vacation pictures at the North Carolina Beach at stanleyleary / I just got two new Fuji Lenses–Check and see if you can too at stanleyleary /

other lenses / Adapter / Extension Tubes

Working with the Fuji Macro Extension Tubes at massmadesoul / Metabones Nikon F to Fuji X adapters – UPDATE at fujixtras / Fuji X-E2 with Nikon 85mm ƒ/1.8 vs Nikon D750 with Nikon 28-300mm stanleyleary / The Samyang 12mm F2 Review at colinnichollsphotography /

Fuji X for Weddings

Lofoten Wedding at jonasjacobsson
Fuji X-T1 + 14, 23, 56 and 50-140 mm + X100T
Check out his Instagram too

Jpeg / RAW / Converters

Aftershot 2.2.1 now adds X-T10 / XQ2 / XQ1 / X-A2 support here … and improves X-Trans support /

a bit of everything

In Penang at flemmingbojensen / Mirrorless Magic – Interview with Fuji X Photographer Patrice Michellon at gettotallyrad / Astrophotography with the Fuji System at jasonpitcher / My Move To Mirrorless at outdoorphotographer / Posting Images on the Move with the Fujifilm App at macleancomms / Why?? another Fujifilm blog at jexphotography /


Ownuser Vertical Battery Grip for X-E2

KAIZEN: Fuji Keeps Giving me a NEW Camera + Taming the X-Trans Beast + and more… miXed zone!

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by FXF member Harlem: early prototype of the Fuji-X-Loo-Series. More hilarious creations can be seen in this thread of the New Fuji X Forum

Feel Free to Join Us

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It took me a while to finally publish this miXed zone, but we had a very busy rumor time here on FR. The X-T10, 90mm and a new firmware were announced… and of course the launch of the brand new Fuji X Forum.

So, before sharing the usual buntch of links in this miXed zone, I’ll make short recap of the most important news and rumors you should not have missed… and then, just push the “read more” button and you’ll have a lot to read & see this weekend ;).

X-pert Corner: X-T10 First Look + XF 90mmF2 First Look + Using Firmware 4
Share your eXperience at the FUJI-X-FORUM: The New Official FujiRumors Forum!
Why do (some) People Hate Fuji + X-lens wishlist
New Fuji Roadmap shows Release of Lenses Month By Month

Fujifilm is forging a Medium Format Camera
Dream Deal: Black Fujifilm X100T now $300 off (get it for $999)
Fuji X-T1 Super-Firmware Ver. 4.0 to download on June 18th

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

First Look: Fujifilm XF90mmF2 R LM WR

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X-T10 Pre-order Options
available June 18 according to BH

X-T10 body: USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama EU: AmazonDE / AmazonUK / AmazonFR / WexUK / Cameraworld / PCHstore / AUS: Camerapro
X-T10 + XF 18-55: USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama EU: AmazonDE / AmazonUK / AmazonFR / WexUK / Cameraworld / PCHstore / AUSCamerapro
X-T10 + XC 16-50: USA: AmazonUSBHphoto / Adorama EU: AmazonDE / AmazonUK / AmazonFR / WexUK / Cameraworld / PCHstore /

Fujifilm MHG-XT10 Hand Grip: BHphoto / Fujifilm BLC-XT10 Leather Case: BHphoto /

XF 90mmF2 WR Pre-order Options
available in July according to BH

XF 90mmF2 WR: USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama EU: AmazonDE / AmazonUK / AmazonFR / WexUK / Cameraworld / PCHstore / AUS: Camerapro

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First Look: Fujifilm XF90mmF2 R LM WR

by Rico Pfirstinger

Talk to Rico (open forum for questions & feedback)

Rico’s Books at Rocky Nook – Fuji X Secrets Workshops – Rico’s Flickr Sets

The Fujifilm X-E2: Beyond the Manual (use coupon XPERT40 for a 40% discount)

NEW: The Fujifilm X-T1: 111 X-Pert Tipps (use coupon XPERT40 for a 40% discount)

XF90mmF2 R LM WR Official Specs and Information

Rico’s XF90mmF2 R LM WR Sample Images – Rico’s XF90mmF2 R LM WR Bokeh Test

My XF90mmF2 R LM WR pre-production sample is probably the most amazing lens I’ve every used. This is weird, because in their notes accompanying the lens, Fujifilm emphasized that hardware, firmware and image quality weren’t quite final. Well, if this ain’t final—how in the world are they going to top it?

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

First Look: Fujifilm X-T10

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PRE-ORDERS (and support FR)

X-T10 Pre-order Options
available June 18 according to BH

X-T10 body: USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama EU: AmazonDE / AmazonUK / AmazonFR / WexUK / Cameraworld / PCHstore / AUS: Camerapro
X-T10 + XF 18-55: USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama EU: AmazonDE / AmazonUK / AmazonFR / WexUK / Cameraworld / PCHstore / AUSCamerapro
X-T10 + XC 16-50: USA: AmazonUSBHphoto / Adorama EU: AmazonDE / AmazonUK / AmazonFR / WexUK / Cameraworld / PCHstore /

Fujifilm MHG-XT10 Hand Grip: BHphoto / Fujifilm BLC-XT10 Leather Case: BHphoto /

XF 90mmF2 WR Pre-order Options
available in July according to BH

XF 90mmF2 WR: USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama EU: AmazonDE / AmazonUK / AmazonFR / WexUK / Cameraworld / PCHstore / AUS: Camerapro

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First Look: Fujifilm X-T10

by Rico Pfirstinger

Talk to Rico (open forum for questions & feedback)

Rico’s Books at Rocky Nook – Fuji X Secrets Workshops – Rico’s Flickr Sets

The Fujifilm X-E2: Beyond the Manual (use coupon XPERT40 for a 40% discount)

NEW: The Fujifilm X-T1: 111 X-Pert Tipps (use coupon XPERT40 for a 40% discount)

X-T10 Official Specs and Information

Rico’s X-T10 RAW/Lightoom Sample Images — Ricos’s X-T10 SOOC JPEG Sample Images – Rico’s X-T10 AF Tracking Samples

As of today, the new X-T10 is Fujifilm’s most important camera release in 2015, and it’s clearly targeting both the mainstream and enthusiast market alike. Basically, the X-T10 is a smaller, lighter, cheaper version of the X-T1, even adding a few features that the X-T1 (with firmware 4) can’t offer:

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **