Fujifilm GFX100S vs Hasselblad X2D Dynamic Range Test


The web is full of professional reviewers suddenly discovering how amazing the Hasselblad X2D is, how gorgeous its dynamic range, the flexibility of those files. It’s all so amazing. Forget full frame, medium format is the future!

Sadly many of those reviewers have since now totally ignored that the Fujifilm GFX100S exists. And by the way, they also ignore the Fujifilm X-H2 and X-H2S. Fujifilm simply does not exist.

Luckily for us, Bill at Photon to Photos did not forget that Fujifilm makes digital cameras and has them all in his database.

And he also added the Hasselblad X2D now.

How you can see, the Fujifilm GFX100S matches the Hasselblad dynamic range at base ISO, but starting from ISO 400 and beyond there is not competition and the GFX100S beats the X2D in terms of dynamic range.

So Fujifilm is able to take out more of the sensor than Hasselblad.

You can access the data here at Photon to Photos.

UPDATE: Jim Kasson, a very respectable and competent fellow GFX shooter, has a different view on the chart. He writes:

Bill’s PDR tests don’t take sensitivity into account. My tests show that, at base ISO (64 for X2D, 100 for GFX 100S), the two cameras are within 0.2 stops of having the same sensitivity. Once you correct for that, Bill’s curves for the two cameras are nearly on top of each other. So the Fuji Rumors claim is at best misleading, and at worst just plain wrong. C’mon folks, these cameras have the same sensors, albeit operated slightly differently. How far apart can the DR be?

You can read more at blog.kasson here.


So What, Did FujiRumors Fall in Love with Fully Articulating Screens? Would a Fujifilm X-T5 with Selfie Screen be a Dealbreaker for You? POLL


3 Times I Loved the Selfie Screen

I lately shared a couple of posts on my Instagram page, showing images of myself making good use of the Selfie Screen on my Fujifilm X-T4.

So what, did I join the “dark side” and fell in love with fully articulating screens as some have suggested?

Well, not really.

The whole point of these posts was just to show that, in rare cases, a fully articulating screen really simplifies the composition of an image.

So here are 3 times I loved the fully articulating screen on my X-T4 as it allowed me to take a picture that would have been much more complicated and cumbersome to take with any other screen.

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

The Advantage of APS-C over Full Frame… or How to Instantly Become the Most Hated Guy on Photography Forums ;)


Italian professional photographer Andrea Jump Cimini is a man on a mission: become the most hated guy on photography forums ;).

So how is he going to achieve that?

Well, by telling you which advantages APS-C has over Full Frame especially for event photography in low light.

With 2,700 subscribers only (but quickly and well deserved growing), Sony and Canon probably still did not fly that guy around at fancy and fun events nor spoil him by giving him pre-production gear to test. So, out of the control of big corporation he speaks something rare to find these days: his honest and un-biased opinion ;).

The video is Italian, so if you understand Italian, watch the video below. If not, we have a summary for you guys.

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

IMPORTANT Messages to all Sources (and FR-readers): Contact Box didn’t send out mails for Months (but Now it’s Fixed)


Today I found out that the contact box that sources use to contact me anonymously and also regular FR-readers use to drop me news and interesting tidbits, did not work since August!

If you used it, you got the message that the email was sent but indeed it was NOT.

I contacted Andrea from SonyAlphaRumors (he uses our same platform) and he confirmed it is not working also for him.

So we now went ahead and fixed it.

IMPORTANT: If you have used the rumor box between early August to now, I have not received what you have sent me. Please feel free to send me your messages again. I will catch up with what I have lost in these months if you re-send me anything.

For technician aficionados: Gmail changed the DNS settings and the server couldn’t send emails anymore.


Fujifilm X-T5 will be SHIPPING in November (Announcement also in November)


Yesterday we told you that the Fujifilm will announce the Fujifilm X-T5 in November.

We then asked you also which questions about the X-T5 you’d like me to answer.

Tons of questions came in, and one of them we can already answer today “when will the Fujifilm X-T5 start shipping?”

In fact, give Fuji’s past, many said that with an announcement in November you can probably expect the X-T5 to ship in 2023. And honestly I’d have said the same.

But we would be wrong!

According to our trusted sources, Fujifilm will start shipping the Fujifilm X-T5 in November!

So yes, announcement in November, and shipping in November!

It happened very rarely in the past that Fujifilm started shipping new gear the same month it has been announced, so that’s definitely a pleasing news for those of us hoping to get our hands on the Fujifilm X-T5 before Christmas.

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