7Artisans AF 35mmF1.4 Listed at Store for €189


The upcoming 7Artisans AF 35mmF1.4 is listed at €189 at a store in Europe. You can see it above google translated.

The image itself shows the TTArtisan AF 35mmF1.8, which is already available and the store just uses as a placeholder.

As far as the description goes, it is clearly all about the 7Artisans AF 35mmF1.4.

We have shared pictures of the upcoming 7Artisans AF 35mmF1.4 mounted on Fujifilm cameras in this article here.

Product Descriptions and Specs

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

26 Fujifilm Products win “iF Design Award 2025” – Including “Film Simulations”


A total of 26 Fujifilm products have won the iF Design Award 2025.

This is a testament on how healthy of a company Fujifilm is. Not because they won the awards, but because they have so much money to waste on these meaningless stuff.

That’s all as far as photographic equipment goes. Then there are MRI machines, Bronchoscopes and more things. If you want to see the full list go here.


SmallRig Fujifilm GFX100RF Accessories Launched


SmallRig has launched a series of accessories for the Fujifilm GFX100RF.



Fujifilm GFX100RF Lack of IBIS Explained – The Problem is NOT the Bigger Camera Body


One of the biggest critiques to the Fujifilm GFX100RF is the lack of IBIS, especially considering that it has a 100 megapixel medium format sensor.

So why has the Fujifilm GFX100RF no IBIS?

Well, that’s exactly what Thomas and Andreas asked the Japanese product managers of Fujifilm when they met them in Prague, who passed them the chart you can see above (video below).

Let’s take a look:

The important lines in the chart are the black diagonal lines. In that chart you can see that in order to get sharp images with for example a 250mm lens, you need to shoot at about 250th of a second.

On the very top (over the red line) we have the telephoto lenses that need OIS.

The purple on the left is the range where you need a tripod.

The yellow part shows where IBIS works best.

On the right we see the range that does not need IBIS and can be shot handheld without IBIS and yet get sharp images, and they marked the 35mmF4 in that range.

So, looking at the chart, I’d say that if you shoot at 1/40th of a second or higher, then IBIS would be of little use anyway.

And maybe in real world, you might be able to squeeze a bit more out of it. Test samples shared at the German fuji-x-forum.de look still sharp at 1/20th. So probably I personally would feel confident to go down to 1/30th, unless I am on my 7th coffee and my hands shake like crazy ;).

Also the leaf shutter helps to get sharper images, because it does not introduce as many vibrations as the mechanical shutter does.

One more tidbit about IBIS discussed in the video:

implementing IBIS would have made the camera bigger, but not that much.

Apparently the increase in body size would still be acceptable for Fujifilm. The problem would have been the lens, as in order to cover the entire sensor plus the area in which the sensor can move due to IBIS, the lens would have become significantly bigger. And since compactness was paramount for Fujifilm when developing the GFX100RF, they decided not to go with IBIS. The body size increase would have still been acceptable, but not the lens size.

And always keep in mind: whatever moves in your frame at very slow shutter speeds will get blurry anyway, as IBIS only compensate for camera shakes.


Fujifilm GFX100RF Aspect Ratio Dial Bet Explained at the X Summit’s Best Moment


I’ve watched the entire Fujifilm X Summit and you can find it summed up here.

But there is a part that I did not sum up because it did not disclose any technically relevant information, and yet it was in my opinion the best and most interesting part of the X Summit, because it told us about the philosphy behind crafting the Fujifilm GFX100RF.

At minute 39 of the Summit, Fujifilm introduces us the work of the legendary photographer Josef Koudelka.

More precisely, they bring us at his exhibition “Ruins“. The images were shot with a 6×17 Fujifilm camera in Koudelka’s favorite format 6×17.

But 6×17 was not always Koudelka’s go-to format.

He fell in love with this format only in 1986 when he was asked to particapte to a project called DATAR to photograph landscape in France.

He noticed a 6×17 Fujifilm panoramic camera sitting on a table and said “maybe I’d like to try that one, can I borrow it for a week?“.

He started shooting with it and an the wide format started an entirely new phase in his photography.

Koudelka will later on say, that the change in format he made in 1986 was absolutely essential for staying fresh and looking at things in a new way.

At this point, we hear Koudelka himself talking about Fuji’s 6×17 camera and how the wide format introduced a big change in his photography: a change that kept him motivated and his photography fresh. Koudelka says:

Many photographers stopped to photograph. But I did not stop to photograph, because I started to use panoramic camera. I realized that I can do something different, and in fact, that it will help me to continue with photography.

Regarding the Fujifilm GFX100RF, Koudelka said:

You made a fantastic camera. I think it is going to be very successful because people are going to discover that they can do something that looks different.

I know that some might argue that cropping in post is sufficient.

However, as Josef Koudelka noted, committing to a specific aspect ratio forces you to see the scene differently. Instead of deciding what works best later, you’ll train your eye to capture the optimal composition on location.

The aspect ratio dial embodies this philosophy.

It’s not just a tool. It’s a visible reminder to rethink your approach every time you shoot. It’s a invitation to change your perspective and capture a fresh view on the world. It’s a challenge to try something new and refresh your creative vision.

Yes, I know. It’s too early to say if Fujifilm has won this bet. The market will decide. But for those, who’ll love it, it might become an important and refreshing part in their photography.
