Fujinon XF56mmF1.2 II Additional Specs: 67mm Filter Size, Weather Resistant and No Linear Motor


When Fujifilm started to release the newest f/1.4 lens trinity, they all got the weather sealing, a new optical design to resolve the 40MP of the X-H2 and X-T5 and they also got a linear motor for blazing fast autofocus.

Well, according to our trusted sources, the Fujinon XF56mmF1.2 II will follow that path, but not completely.

We got told this by trusted sources:

So what the XF56mmF1.2 II will lack over the the latest f/1.4 lenses is the linear motor.

We remind you that the current version uses DC coreless motor (the smallest motor). Stepping motors are better but bigger. So I wonder (not rumor) if this version has a stepping motor.

Before we make any judgment on AF, let’s wait for the real world reports, which will all drop on September 8 and we will cover live here on FujiRumors

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Full Fujifilm X-H2 Specs Leaked, but Not All is Correct – I confirm 1/180,000 ES Speed


The full specs of the Fujifilm X-H2 have been leaked by Nokishita.

And it took no time for some to notice that they list the fastest electronic shutter speed at 1/80,000, and even less time for others to point the finger towards a wrong rumor I have shared.

But here is the thing: it’s not FujiRumors that is wrong.

I confirm (and it is 100% correct) that the electronic shutter will be 1/180,000 fastest.

Look, same happened with the price of the GF80mmF1.7, where FujiRumors leaked a different price compared to Nokishita, and it turned out we were correct.

And to be fair, that’s not even Nokishita’s fault. Fujifilm has just send out to press and stores the specs with an error, which Nokishita then simply copied. So it’s the stores that have wrong information from Fujifilm. No fault on Nokishita, who remains the greatest of all of us.

Anyway, 1/180,000 electronic shutter. That’s it. I wonder who needs it, but it will be there

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LEAKED: Fujinon GF20-35mm F4 R WR Specs


Here are the main specs of the Fujinon GF20-35mmF4 leaked by Nokishita.

As we already told you, it will be announced September 8 at 2PM New York time along with the Fujifilm X-H2 and Fujinon XF56mmF1.2 II.

GF20-35mmF4 R WR

  • lens construction: 14 elements in 10 groups (3 aspherical lenses, 1 ED aspherical lens, 1 ED lens)
  • Minimum shooting distance: 35cm
  • Maximum magnification: 0.14x
  • Number of aperture blades: 9 (circular Aperture)
  • Filter diameter: 82mm
  • Size: φ88.5 x 112.5mm
  • Weight : 725g

It will be Fujifilm’s widest lens, dethroning in this regard the Fujinon GF23mmF4.

The Fujinon GF23mmF4 has also a filter size of 82, its dimensions are 89.8 x 103 mm and it weights 845g.

So the Fujinon GF20-35mmF4 will be slightly longer, but noticeably lighter than the GF23mmF4.

via digicame-info

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BREAKING: Fujinon XF56mmF1.2 MKII Announcement on September 8


We have at least one more gear to add to our September 8 X Summit party.

Trusted sources informed us that also the Fujinon XF56mmF1.2 MKII will be announced on that day.

So, coming September 8 at 2PM New York time will be:

That’s what will come for sure.

But who knows what else could come or maybe we will see also some development announcement, which Fujifilm also likes to do on X summits.

Whatever it is, it is definitely worth to tune into fujirumors.com on September 8… we are going to have a hell of a party ;).

left: the new 56mmF1.2 - right: the original 56mmF1.2
left: the new 56mmF1.2 – right: the original 56mmF1.2

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