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Which WOW Products Would You Like from Fujifilm?

A Japanese Fujifilm manager recently said that they are working on developing “WOW” products.

So I’d like to hear from you guys what would make you say “WOW”. I’ll start the list with three products that I have the feeling would make quite some of you happy.

Feel free to extend the list in the comments.

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AstrHori 75mm f/4 for Fujifilm GFX Coming August 23

The previously leaked Astrhori 75mm f/4 for Fujifilm GFX will be released on August 23.

That’s according to the image we have received and now share with all of you.

For hands on image of this lens check out our previous article.

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RUMOR: Fujifilm to Launch Two Tilt Shift Lenses for GFX in 2023 – SPECULATION: Fujinon GF21mmF4 TS and Fujinon GF30mmF4 TS?

On the official G mount roadmap, Fujifilm says that there will be a tilt shift lens (not lenses) coming in 2023.

And in fact, they even showed us during the X summit in September 2021 mock-ups of that lens. We can clearly see it’s a GF30mmF4 TS.

But here is the thing.

We have been informed, that Fujifilm does not plan to release one, but two tilt shift lenses for the GFX system in 2023.

If Fujifilm does not change plans, one of them will surely be the Fujinon GF30mmF4 TS.

As for the second one, you might remember how back in 2019 Fujifilm officially asked you guys which tilt lenses you want to get for your GFX. For your convenience, you can see the survey again down below.

Which Fujinon GF Lens Should Fujifilm Make Next? - max. 1 selections

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Out of the four options Fujifilm gave us, most of you wanted the widest one, the Fujinon GF 21mm F4 Tilt Shift.

The second spot went to the one lens Fujifilm will make for sure, the Fujinon GF30mmF4 TS (unless they change their mind).

A smaller number of the GFX community desired a Tilt Macro option.

Since my source mentioned a second “tilt shift” and not “tilt macro” lens, all those who voted for the Fujinon GF21mm F4 TS can be quite hopeful now.

But I don’t have details on the second lens. It could be also something totally different. I will see if I can find out more for you guys and will eventually let you know here on FujiRumors.

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New Fujifilm Patents: Fujinon GF 20-30mmF4, GF 24-50mmF3.5-5.6 and 50-380mmF3.3, 35-280mmF3.3 (Cine Lenses?)

I was debating with myself if I should stop to report about patents at all.


Because in 10 years of blogging I have shared hundreds of patents on FR, and none has ever seen the light of the day. What I have seen once or twice, is a patent surface only after the real lens had been already announced (making the patent “leak” useless)

The problem?

I notice that when I report about patents, people think this means the patented item will surely come, it’s just a matter of time.

And that’s a problem, because:

So I don’t want to create false hopes by sharing patents, as those are concepts written on paper, and they remain such in 99% of the cases.

On the other hand, this is a rumor site. Those patents exist, even if the products in those patents will never see the light of the day.

So I decided that I will report about patents, but I will put my disclaimers hoping people will read more than just the mere headline.

And today we talk about a couple of GF and probably Cine lens patents surfaced on the web and brought to us thanks to the Japanese website Asobinet here and here.

So let’s look at them one by one below.

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LEAKED: AstrHori 75mm f/4 for Fujifilm GFX First Image and Specs

With the growing popularity of the Fujifilm GFX system, third party manufacturers started to make G mount lenses.

For example, we have a couple of nice Laowa G mount lenses, Mitakon G mount lenses, Irix G mount lenses and TTArtisan G mount lenses.

Well, another third party manufacturer is about to join the Fujifilm G mount system: AstrHori.

Now, AstrHori isn’t new in the Fujifilm world, as they already make a couple of lenses for the Fujifilm X system.

But the AstrHori 75mm f/4 will be their first lens for the Fujifilm GFX system. You can see an image of it mounted on the Fujifilm GFX100S above (in its original watermark free version ;))

  • 75mm F4
  • Format: medium format 4433
  • Focal length: 75mm
  • Aperture range: F4-16
  • Optical structure: 8 elements in 6 groups
  • Field of view: 44.2°
  • Focus range: 0.82m~∞
  • Filter size: Φ67mm
  • Size: about Φ75mm*L76mm
  • Weight: about 634.5g
  • Bayonet: Fuji GFX / Hasselblad x
  • Focusing method: Manual focus

GFX Gear

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Which Fujifilm GFX Camera Would You Like to Get Next? VOTE NOW

We published an article, where we reason about the future for the GFX series. A future, to say it once again clearly here, I have no idea about due to the lack of rumors, which tends to make me believe that nothing GFX camera related is coming in the foreseeable future.

And yet, this won’t stop a rumor site from having fun making speculations, or should it? I just need to make sure that you guys get a clear indication from my side that this is a speculation, not a rumor.

So what’s the speculation?

For the reasons we explained in this article, we look at the following cameras:

  • Fujifilm GFX100S/R with 102 MP stacked BSI sensor
  • Fujifilm GFX150S/R (or GFX160S) with 158 MP non-stacked BSI sensor
  • Fujifilm GFX100S/R MKII (same sensor of the current GFX100S but with new processor)

The comment section on the original article was vivid, as well as over at our Fujifilm GFX Facebook group.

So I thought we could try to nail the whole discussion down to one brutally short survey: which GFX are you potentially more interested in?

And yes, I know we don’t know if they will ever come. We don’t know the features nor the price they’d have if they’d ever come. We don’t know about possible design differences. We know nothing.

But we are a rumor site. And and as such it does not hurt to add a bit of lightness and fun to it by speculating on Fujifilm’s future.

NOTE: “S” models listed below are SLR styled models and “R” models are rangefinder styled models

As of the next GFX camera, I'd be more interested in... (NOTE: "S" models are SLR styled and "R" models Rangefinder styled)

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“Cr@p Light, Cr@p Backlight and Everything is just There on GFX Medium Format Files” – GFX Roundup

2022 has been an X series year so far, and therefore we haven’t covered the GFX system as much as for example last year, when the stellar Fujifilm GFX100S and the affordable Fujifilm GFX50SII hit the market.

And let me say this: Fujifilm has no hurry at all to release new GFX cameras, as the Fujifilm GFX100S is a crazy seller, which is still more often out of stock rather than in stock.

So time for FujiRumors to remind us all that there is also the GFX system out there thanks to a dedicated roundup.

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What’s Next for GFX? The Rise of Speculations (and My Take on Them)

There is pattern in the Fujifilm world.

And the pattern is, that the sensor used on the X series, later on finds its way also on the GFX series.

The only difference? The sensor used in the GFX series comes from the same silicon wafer of the one used for the X series, it is just cut out 4 times bigger (and of course with different CFA array on top, meaning a Bayer vs an X-Trans one).

That’s a well known fact for FR-readers, but in case you are still hesitant about it, just read what Fujifilm Nordic told in March 2022, confirming that X and GFX share the same technology also in terms of sensor and processor. Hence, looking at the X series will give indications also on the future of the GFX series.

Well, so let’s look at it.

In terms of 5th generation sensors we have:

Assuming that Fujifilm will continue to share the same sensor platform on the X and GFX system, and considering the statements made by Fujifilm Nordic, people believe that Fujifilm will soon launch new GFX cameras using the sensor technology of the X-H2 cameras.

And if I’d sum up the most “rumored” options for the future of GFX, I’d nail it down to three cameras that people think could come in a not so distant future::

  1. Fujifilm GFX100S with 102 MP stacked BSI sensor
  2. Fujifilm GFX150S (or GFX160S) with 158 MP non-stacked BSI sensor
  3. Fujifilm GFX100S MKII (same sensor of current GFX100S but with new processor)

So is this really the case? Let’s talk about it.

FujiRumors – My Take on It

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Let’s Talk Kaizen: about What Changed, What Didn’t, and The Choice Fujifilm Had to Make

Recently a Fujifilm manager said that they are committed to bring X-H2S autofocus features as much as possible to older models (X-T3/X-T4).

So what, is Kaizen coming back?

Well, Kaizen never left. It was just on semi-pause for a while, and for an excellent reason I might say.

Let me explain.

Fujifilm vs The Rest

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