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Fujifilm Managers Interview: About Internal Camera Memory, X Pan Aspect Ratio, ISO Button Gate on X-H2/s and More – FujiCast

In the lastest Fujicast episode, Kevin and Neale have, among the others, a talk with Fujifilm UK manager Andreas Georghiades and they also go to the Fujifilm headquarter in Japan and talk to product planers.

Needless to say, the talk mostly gravitates around the Fujifilm X-T5. Down below is a summary as well as the podcast to listen.

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Blame the Fujifilm X-T5…

Have you noticed that cameras like the Fujifilm X100V, X-E4, X-T30/II, X-Pro3, X-S10 are out of stock in many places?

And why is that?

A sudden brilliant influencer marketing campaign by Fujifilm?

Nope. ;)

You have to blame the Fujifilm X-T5 for that!

In 2022, Fujifilm has launched three crucial cameras for their future: Fujifilm X-T5, Fujifilm X-H2s and Fujifilm X-H2.

And why are they so crucial for Fujifilm?

  • X-H line can potentially bring more new customers into the Fujifilm X system
  • the X-T* line is Fuji’s bread and butter
  • higher end cameras have more profit margin than cameras that cost $1,400 or less
  • niche cameras like X-Pro3 don’t make nearly as much money as more mainstream cameras

So what Fujifilm did is simple: they knew that by March 2023, when the Japanese fiscal year ends, they absolutely must ship out as many X-T5, X-H2 and X-H2s cameras as possible. And given the parts shortage, they had to reserve most of the remaining parts for those three cameras.

And especially the Fujifilm X-T5, Fuji’s most important camera, is one that can not fail on the shipping front.

That’s why Fujifilm is extremely well prepared with the Fujifilm X-T5, and that’s why B&H Photo will be able to ship out all pre-ordered X-T5 cameras on day 1 (and they still have X-T5 left in the warehouse).

That’s valid also for other vendors, who will very likely also have a decent stock (but I did not talk to other vendors, so this is just my guess). Except for certain retails for the reasons I explained in the comments to this article.

In short: if you are looking for an X-Pro3, and X100V, X-T30II and X-E4 or any other camera you can’t find in stock, then blame the Fujifilm X-T5 for that.

X-T5 USA Pre-Orders

Fujinon XF30mmF2.8 Macro Pre-Orderrs

  1. USA: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama
  2. Worldwide: AmazonCA / Amazon of Your Country
  3. UK: AmazonUKWexUK / ParkCameraUK
  4. EU: AmazonDE / AmazonIT / AmazonFR / AmazonES  / CalumetDE / FotoErhardt / Fotokoch / PCHstore

X-T5 Other Countries

X-H Cameras

FR-Readers Wishlist Corner: Firmware Suggestions, Video-Less X-Pro4, Fujinon XF16-160mmF3.5-5.6 and More

Wishlist Corner

I am terribly sorry…. terribly sorry that many of you had to wait so long to be featured.

But no matter how hard I work, especially in a crazy 2022, with 3 higher end cameras coming out and 4 XF lenses coming out, I simply could not find time to collect all your wishes and share them.

So I’ll do it today… I grabbed a large beer, took a deep breath, and worked to organise the wishes I have received over the last few months in this article.

So… down below it is: the FR-readers wishlist roundup

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

Fujifilm X-T5 Look Up Table (LUT) for F-Log and F-Log 2 Now Available

This LUT file is to edit the movie data below when the data is edited by a movie editor on your PC or Mac.

* F-Log movie data recorded with GFX100S, GFX100, X-E4, X-S10, X-T30 II, X-T30, X-T2, X-T3, X-T4, X-T5, X-Pro3, X-H1, X-H2S, X-H2 and X100V
* F-Log2 movie data recorded with X-H2S, X-H2 and X-T5.


F-Log 3D-LUT file / F-Log Data sheet

Last updated: 11.7.2022 [11.8MB]
*Decompress the “” file and launch “.cube” file from a movie editor.
Last updated: 6.16.2022
F-Log_DataSheet_E_Ver.1.1.pdf [192KB]

F-Log2 3D-LUT file / F-Log2 Data sheet

Last updated: 11.7.2022 [2.5MB]
*Decompress the “” file and launch “.cube” file from a movie editor.
Last updated: 6.16.2022
F-Log2_DataSheet_E_Ver.1.0.pdf [120KB]

X-T5 USA Pre-Orders

Fujinon XF30mmF2.8 Macro Pre-Orderrs

  1. USA: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama
  2. Worldwide: AmazonCA / Amazon of Your Country
  3. UK: AmazonUKWexUK / ParkCameraUK
  4. EU: AmazonDE / AmazonIT / AmazonFR / AmazonES  / CalumetDE / FotoErhardt / Fotokoch / PCHstore

X-T5 Other Countries

Fujifilm Lays Out its Digital Camera Range without Fujifilm GFX50R and X70 (So What About Successor – SPECULATIONS?)



All the below are my thoughts, guesses and speculations based on an slide Fujifilm showed and on hints dropped in past Fujifilm statements.

At no point Fujifilm said that both lines are 100% axed. And a slide shown by a regional outlet of Fujifilm has less value than what the official Fujifilm headquarter in Japan says.

None… I repeat, NONE of my sources has told me the Fujifilm GFX50R or X70 won’t get a successor.

Fujfiilm Digital Camera Range

You might remember how a few months ago, Fuji Guy Billy explained the digital camera range of Fujifilm.

The list Billy made gave us indication on which lines are very likely to see a successor and which ones not.

However, in the list Billy did GFX cameras and fixed lens cameras were not included.

And this brings us to today’s article.

I have received the slide you can see above that Fujifilm used during a press meeting.

Just like with Billy’s list, also here we see no entry level X series camera anymore.

In addition to that, this slide contains the Fujifilm X100V, which means it’s a solid part of the family and will get a successor at some point.

The new Fujifilm X-H2 is missing, but only because the slide was shown to press before the launch of the Fujifilm X-H2.

Totally missing though are the Fujifilm X70/XF10 and the Fujifilm GFX50R.

So what does this mean?

Well, the fact that neither the GFX50R nor the X70 are in the list certainly shows that those cameras do not play an important role in Fuji’s lineup anymore.

Regarding the Fujiifilm GFX50R, Fujifilm managers made some conflicting statements: the first one said that they see no need for a GFX50R successor due to the reasons we explained here, and the second manager clearly expressed his wish for this line to continue. So I guess not even in Japan the final word on the GFX50R successor has yet been spoken.

As far as the Fujifilm X70 goes, Fujifilm should not blame the camera for its failure. It was destined to fail due to horrible (can I say “stupid”?) decisions Fujifilm made and that we explained in this article. And to make things worst, they tried to fix it with the Fujifilm XF10, which is just another error in planing. I believe this could be a very successful line… if Fujifilm finally decides to treat it with dignity!

But sure, in times where camera companies struggle, I would not be totally surprised if those cameras, that are not vital for the system, get dropped. It would save R&D to focus on other more popular models.

Also, APS-C is marked as “X-Trans”, so this might indicate that there is no space anymore for Bayer in the APS-C lineup (which so far was reserved for lower end models).

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Rumors and Discussions

Fujifilm Managers Interviews: About Competition and Alliances, Dreams of Modular and Fixed Lens GFX and More

image courtesy - phototrend
image courtesy – phototrend

There have been two interviews with Fujifilm managers, one in French (the more comprehensive one) and one in Japanese (short).

I will sum up both of them, but the Japanese one only because it involves Koji Matsumoto, the president of Fujifilm Imaging. It does not say much at all, but if we hear from his mouth that X-H2 and X-H2S are selling better than Fujifilm thought, than it has its value.

The French manager was definitely much more talkative and if you don’t speak French, our summary below will cover it all.

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

Fujifilm X-T4, X-E4, X-T30II Discontinued at Major Japanese Stores: So Let’s Talk Fujifilm X-T5, X-E5 and X-T40

Several major Japanese stores like MapCamera, BicCamera, and Yodobashi have now marked the Fujifilm X-T4, X-E4 and X-T30II as discontinued.

Map camera still has it in stock, but they won’t be receiving anymore units for sale after their stock is depleted. There’s a note on the pages that says “在庫限り(生産完了品)” which translates to “Limited stock (discontinued item)“.

So let’s talk about it.

Fujifilm X-T5:

In the past, especially when it comes to the X-T line, once a successor was released, the older model was still manufactured for a while, simply because they remained very popular. So discontinue the X-T4 even before the Fujifilm X-T5 arrives would be very unique.

But hey, we also live unique times with the massive parts shortage.

Since the Fujifilm X-T5 will be announced shortly, Fujifilm could have decided to stop Fujifilm X-T4 production in order to use some of the X-T4 components for the Fujifilm X-T5 production. A unique, drastic but maybe necessary move. But that’s just a mere speculation of mine, trying to make sense on why it is marked as discontinued at some Japanese stores.

Fujifilm X-E5:

It usually takes Fujifilm almost 4 years to update the X-E line. So a Fujifilm X-E5 coming so soon (X-E4 was announced in January 2021), would be extremely surprising.

If Fujifilm really discontinued the X-E4 as some Japanese stores write, then I believe the most likely reason is not because a Fujifilm X-E5 is about to drop, but because Fujifilm needs some of the parts to manufacture newer and more important cameras (in terms of revenue for Fujifilm) as the Fujifilm X-H2S, Fujifilm X-H2 and the imminent Fujifilm X-T5.

Fujifilm X-T40

Fujifilm needs about 2 years to update the X-T** line.

The Fujifilm X-T30 was released in February 2019. It’s successor, the Fujifilm X-T30II came in September 2021. So one might think we might have to wait late 2023 or early 2024 for an X-T40, but consider that the Fujifilm X-T30II is a last second emergency product of Fujifilm: they run out of parts and in order to keep the manufacturing process of the X-T30 alive, they needed to use new and slightly improved hardware parts (such as a better LCD screen).

Not even Fujifilm sees the X-T30II as a true successor to the X-T30. So I guess a Fujifilm X-T40 in not too distant future could be a possibility.

But the problem here is: I have zero rumors or ever so slight hint and whisper about it, which makes me believe that the Fujifilm X-T40 won’t come that soon.

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100% Fuji Colors Power

Rumors and Discussions

Fujifilm X-H2 Look Up Table (LUT) for F-Log and F-Log 2 Now Available

This LUT file is to edit the movie data below when the data is edited by a movie editor on your PC or Mac.

<LUT file for F-Log>
* F-Log movie data recorded with GFX100S, GFX100, X-E4, X-S10, X-T30 II, X-T30, X-T2, X-T3 , X-T4, X-Pro3, X-H1, X-H2S, X-H2 and X100V
<LUT file for F-Log2>
* F-Log2 movie data recorded with X-H2S and X-H2.


F-Log 3D-LUT file / F-Log Data sheet

Last updated: 9.9.2022 [10.9MB]
*Decompress the “” file and launch “.cube” file from a movie editor.
Last updated: 6.16.2022
F-Log_DataSheet_E_Ver.1.1.pdf [192KB]

F-Log2 3D-LUT file / F-Log2 Data sheet

Last updated: 9.9.2022 [1.7MB]
*Decompress the “” file and launch “.cube” file from a movie editor.
Last updated: 6.16.2022
F-Log2_DataSheet_E_Ver.1.0.pdf [120KB]


Which WOW Products Would You Like from Fujifilm?

A Japanese Fujifilm manager recently said that they are working on developing “WOW” products.

So I’d like to hear from you guys what would make you say “WOW”. I’ll start the list with three products that I have the feeling would make quite some of you happy.

Feel free to extend the list in the comments.

The Fastest Growing Fujifilm Group

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“Sony A7IV will Always Have a Special Place in My Heart, But I am Selling All my Sony Gear for Fujifilm X-H2S” and Here is Why

Maybe you have noticed that lately we tried to highlight also reviews from smaller youtube channels, along with the usual big ones.

Now, I won’t enter the discussion on why it seems that at least some of the big channels have a conflictual relationship with the Fujifilm managment, leading them to either ignore Fujifilm cameras (some never reported about the launch of the X-H2S) or to review Fuji gear… how can I say that… to review it not with the same care as they do with other brands.

But that’s not the article, where we want to talk about it.

What you need to know now is: we will keep covering the reviews of huge channels (in case they cover Fujfiilm, but highlight when they make errors like here and here), but also highlight smaller channels every now and then.

Small channels might not have the best studios, lights and audio, but they are often run by truely passionate photographers, who probably shoot more pictures with their gear out on the field than many of the huge channels combined. So their opinion, at least in my eyes, has just the same value the one of massive youtube channel.

So today we talk about TC, who owns the Sony A7IV and lots of lenses, but after his comparison with the Fujifilm X-H2S, he decided to sold off his entire Sony full frame kit. If you want to know why, you can find the video below as well as a summary.

Why are You Scared of PSAM? ;)

Before we go ahead, just a little consideration of myself. Why are you scared of PSAM?

Look, TC switched back to Fujifilm among the others because it has a PSAM dial and he loves it. So now we have a former Sony shooter coming back to the Fujifilm camp thanks to the Fujifilm X-H2S.

And isn’t that what we want? And what Fuji needs? More people shooting with their gear?

What damage does it do to us retro lovers?

Fujifilm has basically already said that there will be a Fujifilm X-T5, X-E5, X-T40, X-Pro4, X100V successor… and all of them with the retro feel we all love. That’s plenty of options that will continue to exist for us.

And now let’s see what motivated TC to sell all his Sony gear to switch to Fujifilm.

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