Tokina SZ 8mm f/2.8 Fisheye Listed


The Tokina SZ 8mm f/2.8 Fisheye lens for Fujifilm X mount is now listed at Amazon US here.

About this item

  • Lightweight (280g) and compact (overall length 52mm) construction
  • Fast f/2.8 lens for compact APS-C sensor mirrorless cameras
  • High quality built and sophisticated exterior design
  • Clickless aperture ring for smooth operation in video shooting
  • Detachable bayonet type hood to use with full-frame mirrorless cameras for achieving circular fisheye effect

The lens had been announced back in February here.


Because it’s Cool: Fujifilm X-H2S Meets FPV Drone and Delivers Epic New Zealand Mountain Bike Downhill Race


I would like to share this video in a dedicated article, for the simple reason that it is cool :)

It shows a Fujifilm X-H2S mounted on a drone following a crazy mountain biker going downhill on the mountains of New Zealand.

So the videos are two: I recommend to start with the final product (1st video above) and then watch the behind the scenes (video below).

You can also read the story here at fujifilm-x.


DPReview Publishes Statement About Flawed Fujinon XF150-600mmF5.6-8 Sample Gallery


After noticing that DPReview removed their flawed XF150-600mmF5.6-8 sample gallery, I invesitaged the issue and found out that the reason for the removal was the use of not yet firmware compatible X-T4 with the XF150-600mmF5.6-8 (now confirmed by DPReview itself).

In that article, I also asked DPReview to apologize for the error and inform their community that what they saw did not reflect the real performance of this lens.

For me the story ended there, my job was done, and the next move (if any) was up to DPR.

Well, I am happy to report that DPR made its move. And hence it is fair from my side to report about it.

In the sub-section of the forum dedicated to Fujifilm cameras, Richard Butler of DPR opened a thread where he released the following statement here:

In the build-up to Fujifilm’s launches this week, we shot a series of samples with the 150-600mm F5.6-8. These were created using an X-T4 so that the X-H2S could be shot separately, allowing us to provide more samples and more information for our readers at launch.

It was only after publication we were told that the lens will not work to its full ability until firmware updates have been issued. Upon finding this out, we made the decision to take the gallery down.

We want everything we publish on to be valuable to our readers, which means ensuring it is both accurate and meaningful (in this case, by being representative of the lens). We apologize for falling short on this occasion.

Richard Butler
Technical Editor

So what, story closed?

Well, that’s DPReviews statement, we take note of it and we certainly appreciate they went public with it (although maybe it would nice to have it on the same place, where the gallery was published, hence on the front page. But hey, no nitpicking here, that’s also fine in the sub-forum. Important is that their community is informed somehow).

There is just one sentence in that statement that, if we want to be really precise, sounds a bit off to me:

It was only after publication we were told that the lens will not work to its full ability until firmware updates have been issued.

According to our information, when Fujifilm sent DPReview the new gear, Fuji also gave them clear instructions, which included the instruction not to use any other camera on the XF150-600mm except for the X-H2S.

So, according to our sources, DPR was actually immediatly informed about it, but for some reason the instructions Fujifilm sent to them somehow got lost or not heard or misunderstood or missed or whatever.

And then, sure, after the flawed gallery went online, Fujifilm did contact them and informed them (again) about the issue with the X-T4 on XF150-600mm.

Final Word (I promise) ;)

Look, I have no reason to doubt what my sources told me. In fact, I totally trust them and I am sure it is accurate.

But I also have no reason to doubt that Richard Butler has genuinely found out only after the fact that the X-T4 could not yet be used on the XF150-600mm.

All I would like to say to Richard is that I can assure him instructions were given, and I understand that the DPR team is a large one, with lots of busy activities and pre-production gear to test and handle, and that there is the opportunity that at some point somebody inside that large team did not handle Fuji’s instructions the best way possible, hence they got lost somewhere, and unaware of the instructions, DPR started testing the lens on the X-T4.

I allow myself to give Richard this possible scenario, as I believe it is not unlikely that this is what happened. It could be useful to know this to eventually look into it and potentially find ways to make sure that such misunderstandings don’t happen again.

That’s really all.

And Richard: I look forward to the new sample gallery, the new reviews and whatever DPReview is working on, as DPReview is a huge reference point also for us Fujifilm X and GFX shooters.

with love from Italy


“My Impression? Fujifilm X-H2S High ISO Performance is 1.5 Stops Better than X-T4 thanks to Four Analog to Digital Converters” – REPORT


ISO Boost?

So far we know (and it has been well documented) that the Fujifilm X-H2S has a vastly improved dynamic range performance in video over the the previous generation sensor, with 14+ stops compared to the previous 12 stops).

But so far we don’t have any word about the dynamic range or ISO performance for stills. And that makes sense, as it is pre-production and we better wait for the final thing before we make any judgments.

With this disclaimer printed clearly on top of the article, I’d like to share a video overview of the X-H2s plus new lenses shared by Ringfoto.

It’s in German, so let me translate the part I’d like you to hear.

Martin at Ringfoto shows samples he took with the Fujinon XF150-600mmF5.6-8 of his cute dogs running around. He talks very positively about the autofocus.

Then he addresses the concern that f/8 at 600mm (900 equiv.) might be perceived as too slow by some, as you will have to shoot at higher ISO. But here is what he says:

Opposite to other X-Trans cameras, the X-H2S has four analogue-to-digital converters [admin note: X-T4 & Co have two A-D-C]

Thanks to the new sensor and new technology inside the camera and the four analogue-to-digital converters, my feeling with this pre-production X-H2S at this point is that ISO performance on X-H2S is 1.5 stops better than on the X-T4, which would be sensational.

I want to be careful for now, but it looks very promising.

So what is Ringfoto talking about when they mention the analog-to-digital converter (ADC)?

We know the Fujifilm X-T3 and X-T4 (and all other ISOless or ISO invariant Fuji cameras) have two analogue-to-digital converters. On the X-T3 it works like this: every image recorded under ISO 640 “travels” through one ADC, and every image above ISO 640 goes through another ADC. This helps to improve noise performance.

This can have the paradoxical effect that an image taken in camera at ISO500 can be more noisy than an image taken in camera at ISO800 or even ISO1200, because after ISO640 the other ADC kicks in to improve performance, as you can see at the photonstophotos technical chart here.

What the real life implications of this are has been explained by Rico in several articles, such as the GFX 50 Series is an ISO-less Classic

What’s important for us to know in this article, is that those analog-to-digital converters are a good thing when it comes to noise performance.

And now that we know thanks to Martin that the Fujifilm X-H2S has four AD-converters as opposed to two ADC in the previous X-Trans cameras, then this could indeed explain what Martin observed: a sensational improvement in ISO performance.

Now, to my knowledge Fujifilm has not made any public statement about the increased number of ADC or about the improved ISO performance in stills.

All we could observe until now is that in video the noise performance is shockingly good, as documented also by Gerald Undone and we reported here.

My final word?

Well, there is no final world.

I will wait for final production samples to be tested side by side with other Fujifilm cameras. And this is what also Martin at Ringfoto said, that he wants to validate (or not) his impression with a final production camera.

And once he did that, I will do my job, report and translate his findings for you.


The Power of Fujifilm Colors :: Fujifilm X-H2S Rumors :: X-ProF and X-T5 Wishlist :: PSAM Dials Debate and More – Top 10 May Articles


Here are the top 10 articles for May:

  1. Fujifilm X-H2S Images in Slightly Higher Resolution
  2. The Power of Fujifilm Colors: Leaving Fuji for Nikon Z and Back to Fuji for the Colors
  3. X-ProF, (Re)designing the Perfect Camera :: Fujifilm X-T5 Wishlist :: X80 with 40mm Lens :: Fujifilm GFX 50R II :: FR-Readers Wishlist Corner
  4. BRILLIANT: Fujifilm X-H2S coming with External Active Cooling Accessory and here is How it Works (Not via Battery Grip)
  5. LEAKED: First Fujifilm X-H2S Hands-On Images
  6. Fujifilm X-H2S to Offer Animal/Object Autofocus Tracking
  7. Rumor Update: Fujifilm X-H2S with PSAM Dial
  8. Fujifilm X-H2 with 40MP will be More Affordable than Fujifilm X-H2S with 26MP
  9. FUJIFILM X Summit Announced for May 31 at 9AM EST: Fujifilm X-H2S (but not X-H2), XF150-600mmF5.6-8 (but not 56mmF1.2II) and More
  10. Is Fujifilm Losing Its Soul? Let’s Talk PSAM Dials! An Error or a Necessity?

And here is the latest and greatest.
