Fujifilm X-H2S or X-H2 or Fujifilm X-T5 or X-T5s – Which One Are You Most Interested in? VOTE NOW!


Here on FujiRumors we try to be as accurate as possible.

We multiple check, we verify, we investigate, we don’t speculate, we don’t share fakes and by doing so we reach a 90%+ rumor accuracy.

But why am I so careful with the rumors?

Well, because I know that some of you make buying decision based on our rumors, and, true story, some even cancel their holidays based on our rumors (as a well-known youtuber recently told me, who canceled a family holiday after I’ve shared the rumor of the May 31 announcements).

So, that’s quite some responsibility I have to deal with, that I try honor by being as accurate as possible.

But for one time today…

… let’s just start the week by having some fun!

I’d like to launch a survey that is totally hypothetical, has no rumor-foundations and is merely something to satisfy my curiosity and have fun to speculate about.

Let’s launch a survey, based on the assumption (not rumor, a mere speculation) that just as Fujifilm will launch a 26MP stacked sensor X-H2S and a 40MP non stacked sensor X-H2, they will also release one day a Fujifilm X-T5 with 40MP non stacked sensor and a Fujifilm X-T5s with 26MP stacked sensor.

Between these 4 cameras, which one is the one that interest you most?

And yes, I know it’s just speculation. And I know we don’t know the price of each of these hypothetical cameras (which we don’t know if/when they will come). And we also don’t know the specs. But you guys can make educated guesses and estimates on this, I am sure of that. And you also have your design and ergonomic preferences.

So, just roughly, just for fun, feel free to vote the survey below and let us know your thoughts in the comments.

I am most interested in:

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Fujifilm X Summit Americas on May 31 at 2PM EST (After Event to the Global X Summit at 9AM EST)


Fujifilm has officially announced the Fujifilm X Summit Global for May 31 at 9AM New York time.

That’s when we will know everything about Fujifilm’s latest and greatest gear, when we will read and watch tons of reviews and also when we will be able to pre-order our gear.

If you want to know what will come (and what not) check out this article.

But there is more!

The Fuji Guys announced the Fujifilm X Summit Americas. It will take place always on May 31 but a few hours after the global event, at 2PM New York Time (8PM Berlin time).

Whatever is going to happen on May 31, no matter how many X summits there will be, FujiRumors will cover it on FujiRumors.


Fujifilm X-H2 with 40MP: Do You Want it with X-Trans or Bayer CFA – VOTE NOW


If we combine what Fujifilm told us with the rumors we have shared, we can be sure that the 26MP stacked BSI Fujifilm X-H2S will have an X-Trans sensor.

But the question remains open, if the high resolution non-stacked 40MP Fujifilm X-H2 will have an X-Trans or Bayer sensor.

Now, both color filter arrays have their strengths and weaknesses. We have written about it more in detail here. In short we could sum it up like this:

  • Bayer Array: better for more features and less power hungry and less heat generation and less battery drain
  • X-Trans Array: better for image quality (sharper*, less color noise at high ISO**, more film-like grain etc)

What I would like to hear from you today is what you’d prefer. Hence, down below is a survey.

Feel free to drop your vote.

I hope the high resolution 40MP non-stacked Fujifilm X-H2 will have...

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* as documented by DPReview here
** as documented by admiringlight here


Fujifilm X-H2 and X-H2S: The True Difference is not Video vs Stills, but Resolution vs Speed



Fujifilm X-H2 vs X-H2S

Since the day FujiRumors unveiled that there will two Fujifilm X-H2 cameras, the whole internet world was sure: one is going to be the video centric version, and the other the still oriented one.

The main theory out there:

  • Fujifilm X-H2S is the video oriented version
  • Fujifilm X-H2 high resolution is the stills oriented version

But in my eyes this differentiation makes no sense at all, and never did.

I mean, we know the non stacked 40MP Fujifilm X-H2 will shoot 8K video. So why is it considered the stills oriented version? Isn’t 8K something videographer might also appreciate?

And if the Fujifilm X-H2S is supposed to be the video centric version, why is it the only one with a stacked sensor, allowing for crazy bursts with the electronic shutter and making it ideal for sports and wildlife photography?

The True Difference

We should stop making the differentiation between a “stills” and “video” camera.

Truth is, both, the X-H2S and the X-H2 are highly capable hybrid cameras.

If you need 8K video, then the X-H2 is for you.  But if 6K video is enough, you can also go with the X-H2S. As for stills, if you do lots of wildlife and sports, go with the stacked sensor X-H2S and it’s staggering 40 fps, but for general use and landscape photography, go with the non-stacked 40 megapixel X-H2.

It makes much more sense in my opinion to differentiate them in terms of speed vs resolution rather than video vs stills.

For ultimate speed, get the Fujifilm X-H2S. For a significant higher resolution, go with the Fujifilm X-H2.

We Need Both

Some might say Fujifilm should have launched only one X-H camera.

But to me two cameras make sense, as both cameras are different enough to justify their existence.

And it also simplifies the choice for us.

If you need all the virtues that come with a stacked sensor, get the X-H2S. If instead what you want is more resolution, the X-H2 is for you.

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X-Trans Unlocked: Fujifilm X-H2S will Certainly be X-Trans, but Unknown if 40MP X-H2 is X-Trans or Bayer


X-H2S: Stacked and X-Trans

Now that we have told you that the 40MP Fujifilm X-H2 will not have a stacked sensor, another question has been automatically answered with 100% certainty: the Fujifilm X-H2S will have an X-Trans sensor.

So how can we be so sure about it?

Well, because back at the epic X summit in September, Fujifilm did announce that a new “stacked BSI X-Trans sensor” would be launched in 2022.

So, with the Fujifilm X-H2 not having stacked sensor, we are left with the Fujifilm X-H2S. Hence, we can be sure that the X-H2S will have an X-Trans CFA.

X-Trans Unlocked

Now, you know that I consider X-Trans a wonderful thing, but even more so if combined with a stacked sensor.


Because the stacked sensor can circumnavigate some of the challenges represented by the X-Trans CFA (mainly the 20-30% increased processing power needed), hence it would allow us to retain the image quality advantage of X-Trans without sacrificing on features and speed, where Bayer usually has advantages.

The power of X-Trans is about to get unlocked. :)

X-H2 with Bayer or X-Trans?

And what about the Fujifilm X-H2 with 40MP? Will it be X-Trans too?

Well, I don’t know yet.

What I know is that the higher the megapixel, the thinner the image quality advantage of X-Trans becomes (although an advantage will still remain there even at high megapixel). At least that is my understanding after having heard Fuji Guy Billy back in 2016 saying why Fujifilm went with Bayer CFA on the high resolution GFX cameras

But if one would go with X-Trans for image quality, Bayer has other important advantages (such as less power hungry, easier to implement more features, less expensive).

Personally I’d not be mad if it was a Bayer sensor. But if somehow Fujifilm would be able to make a 40MP X-Trans Fujifilm X-H2 work fast and pack tons of features in it, then I’d still love to have it in X-Trans and pay the extra money to get it over Bayer. But again, I’d be happy also with a Bayer sensor for the high res X-H2.

Anyway, I hope this question will not remain unanswered for too long. I am working on it and will let you know as soon as I can.

In the meantime, feel free to drop your preference and thoughts in the comments.

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