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Fujinon XF Wildlife Photography Lenses Needed, Base ISO 100, Firmware Wishes and More – FR-Readers Wishlist Corner

Here is another roundup of wishlist shared by the FR-community to me via email at

Previous Wishlist Episodes:

Because it touches the wish expressed by Michel, Willy and Kenneth, I invite you to check out also our big Fujinon XF wildlife photography survey and other long telephoto primes articles we have previously shared (list below).

Overall, there seems to be a strong wish by the FR-community for longer primes.

But we know the stellar Fujinon XF200mm f/2.0 did not sell well, and hence it’s obvious that Fujifilm is now a bit reluctant to invest further in long lenses.

But keep in mind, the XF200mmF2.0 comes with a 1.4x teleconverter designed specifically for this lens, which transforms the XF200mmF2 lens basically in a 280mmF2.8 lens. So, with 1 single lens, here is what you get:

  • XF 200mmF2.0 = full frame 280mmF2.8 (f/2.8 DOF equivalent)
  • XF 280mmF2.8 = full frame 420mmF4.2 (f/4.2 DOF equivalent)

If you want to, you can check out our previous “long telephoto primes” related articles.

I also got many wishes regarding future cameras, but since this roundup is already hefty enough, I will share the “camera-wishlist” at a later point.

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FR-readers Wishlist Corner

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Steelsring Nikon/GFX and EF/GFX Video Demo and Firmware Updates

Steelsring has posted the following videos:

Video demo using Steelsring Nikon F to Fujifilm GFX Smart Autofocus Adapter on Nikkor AF-S 105mm f/1.4E with firmware 2.0 (video 1 below)

Shoot with FUJI GFX 100 and Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 105mm f/1.4E ED

1) Steelsring Nikon/GFX adapter with v2.0 firmware ( alpha test, improving )
2) IBIS enabled, single hand held , and standing on top of a wall
3) PDAF enabled
4) AF-C , 4K 29.97fps , 100Mbps , default video shoot AF setting
5) Face & Eye detection activated
6) Aperture range F1.4 – F2.0 , zone focus , no MF
7) Compressed to FHD 30p with Handbrake

Video demo using Steelsring EF/GFX adapter with firmware 3.0 (video 2 below)

GFX 100, EF 600mm f/4L II

1) Steelsring EF/GFX adapter with v3.0 firmware
2) IBIS enabled, but not activated in this video
3) PDAF enabled
4) AF-C , FHD 59fps , default video shoot AF setting
5) Face & Eye detection activated
6) @ F4 , zone focus , no MF
7) Compressed to FHD 30p with Handbrake

To access the firmware updates check out the Steelsring page here.

Fujifilm GFX 100: B&H Photo, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera

The GFX Community

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Video Demos

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Fujifilm X-S10 with 26 Megapixel X-Trans Sensor

Well, I actually gave this for granted, that I did not even ask any of my sources about it.

But somehow I noticed that the comments were on fire lately, wondering if the Fujifilm X-S10 would have an X-Trans or a Bayer sensor.

Well guys, I have told you that the Fujifilm X-S10 will be a “mid-range” camera, and as all Fujifilm mid-range cameras, it will have an X-Trans sensor.

Only the entry level and very affordable Fujifilm X-A line and Fujifilm X-T*** line have a Bayer sensor.

  • see here – Fujifilm BAYER vs X-TRANS Blind Test: 88% of Preferences Go To…
  • read here – Fujifilm X-Trans Vs. Bayer: Pros and Cons of Going Bayer or Sticking with X-Trans Sensor

Down below the Fujifilm X-S10 rumor summary:

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Fujifilm X-S10: Fuji’s First Mid-Range Camera with a Deep Grip

Fujifilm X-S10 mockup by FujiRumors (not the real camera)
Fujifilm X-S10 mockup by FujiRumors (not the real camera)

According to our sources, the Fujifilm X-S10 will have a nice deep grip, which I know many of you will love to hear.

It will be Fuji’s first mid-range camera with a deep grip, as the X-E3 and the X-T30, but also the X-T200 and X-A7, have none to very small grips only.

The only other Fujifilm X series camera with a deep grip is the Fujifilm X-H1.

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Top 10 September Articles: New Firmware Updates, X-S10 Rumors, Why Sony A7C does not Kill APS-C, Fujifilm X-H2 Breaktrough and More

Here are the top 10 articles for September.

Looking back it seems we had a fun month. But you know what… I have the feeling it will just get better from now on. ;)

And what about this… a fun experiment?

Write in the comments what you think will become the top 10 articles of October. Let’s see who will come closest to the real deal ;).

  1. Firmware Updates for Fujifilm X-T4, X-T3, X-T2, X-T1, X-H1, X-Pro3, X-Pro2, X-Pro1, X-E3, X-T20 and X-T30 Released
  2. Fujifilm X-S10 New Mid-Range Camera is Coming
  3. Fujifilm X-S10: Fuji’s First APS-C Mid-Range MILC camera With IBIS
  4. Sony A7c Full Frame vs Fujifilm X-E3 APS-C, or 7 Reasons why the New Sony A7c is Not an APS-C Killer
  5. Fujifilm Manager: GFX Triumph and Full Frame Attack Strategy, Shrinking IBIS, AI Future, Fuji X-H2 Needs Breakthrough, COVID and More
  6. Fujinon XF 10-24mm f/4 Mark II Coming Soon
  7. Viltrox 56mmF1.4 vs Fujinon XF 56mmF1.2 First Image Quality Comparison
  8. Fujifilm X-S10 Coming October 15
  9. 4½ Great Reasons Why the Fujinon XF50mmF1.0 Exists (NOT Shallower DOF) and Differences to 56mmF1.2 (APD)
  10. 2019 Mirrorless Camera Market: FUJIFILM is Solid Third with 500k Shipments Behind Sony (1.65 million) and Canon (940k)

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BREAKING: Fujifilm X-S10 will Cost About $999

This comes in fresh today, and I think you’ll LOVE it!

The Fujifilm X-S10 will cost about $999.

If you ask me, that’s a very aggressive pricing. Well done, Fuji :).

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Fujifilm X-S10 Coming with X-T4 alike Selfie Screen

You guys are really getting better ;).

When we shared the first rumors of the upcoming Fujifilm X-S10, many of you predicted it would have a selfie screen (or let’s call it “vary-angle screen“, which sounds more “professional“).

Well, you were absolutely right.

The Fujifilm X-S10 will indeed have a selfie screen, and to be more precise, the X-T4 selfie screen (not the unique X-T100 screen).

In my opinion, unless you shoot selfie video/photos, the 3-way tilt screen of the X-T3 is the better way to go, as it will always stay nicely centered to your camera and never go in the way of your strap (I wrote about how annoyed I am that my Peak Design strap always covers the X-T4 selfie screen when I tilt it out).

Yep, you can tilt the X-T4 screen inwards to protect the LCD, but a ridiculously cheap X-T4 screen protector will do the same job.

The real advantage of the selfie screen is one, and only one: when tilted inwards, the camera looks even more vintage. And I like that :).

But if you stand behind the camera, and not in front, a regular 3-way tilt screen is just better.

To be fair, as a teacher during COVID-19 times, I must admit the selfie screen on my X-T4 served me very well. But if it wasn’t for that, I’d see no point in selfie screens.

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Fujifilm X-S10 Coming with NP-W126S Battery

A few hours ago I have been contacted by a source, who uses a nickname (thanks!!), who confirmed some of our previous Fujifilm X-S10 rumors, and added a few more details:

To the source: if you want, you can also contact me at, so we can have a more direct talk, and it would also give me the opportunity to ask you some questions. But if you don’t want, that’s fine too of course. It’s already great that you gave yourself a nickname :).

From previous rumors we remind you that:

So guys, I think you noticed that something is happening in the rumor world. If you would like to stay on top of it, make sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and RSS-feed.

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Fujifilm X-S10 Will be SLR Styled (not Rangefinder)

Fujifilm X-S10 mock-up by fujirumors (not the real camera)
Fujifilm X-S10 mock-up by fujirumors (not the real camera)

Quick rumor update: the upcoming Fujifilm X-S10 will have an SLR styled body. Hence, it’s not a rangerfinder alike camera such as X-E3, X100 or X-Pro3.

Initial details can be found here.

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BREAKING: Fujifilm X-S10 Coming October 15

Just two weeks ago, we reported about a new Fujifilm camera registered under the name FF200001 and supposed to come on October 16.

Speculations on which camera it could be went pretty wild on the internet, but they were all wrong.

So let me set it right: Fujifilm will announce the Fujifilm X-S10 on October 15.

I have spoken ;).

I know, the leaked registration says October 16. I don’t know, maybe it has to do with time zones or so. But for most of us it will happen on October 15.

The initial leaked details about the Fujifilm X-S10 make it look pretty promising :).

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