Show your Monochrome Photography – The Art of Subtraction – #10YearsOfXMount
The #10YearsOfXMount initiative continues.
In April Fujifilm wanted us to tell them which is our favorite film simulation and asked us to share images using that film simulation with the hashtag #10YearsOfXMount.
For May the theme is “Monochrome Photography“. Fujifilm writes:
Show your Monochrome Photography!!
“The Art of Subtraction”
We always want more and more, but sometimes things are better when it’s less and less!
The monochrome photos is exactly that.
It allows you to draw more attention to the subject by eliminating the color elements from the photos.
Show us your monochrome photos shot with X mount cameras!
Make sure to tag your photo with #10YearsOfXMount and your photo may be featured on our official accounts!
Personally, most of my images are in color. But there are some, including one of my favorite images, that are in Black and White. Taking away colors can be a great way to remove distractions and focus on the story you want to tell.
And if you don’t want to go full black and white, Fujifilm offers several film simulations that subtract colors and saturation in order to help to make the story stand out, for example with Classic Chrome or even Eterna.