BREAKING: Fujifilm X-H2S with 26 Megapixel STACKED Sensor


Fujifilm told us in September 2021, that in 2022 they will launch the 5th generation BSI stacked sensor camera.

Well, today FujiRumors can tell you with 100% certainty that the Fujifilm X-H2S will feature a new 26 megapixel stacked sensor.

So what, case closed?

Not at all, because as you know there will not be one Fujifilm X-H2, but two Fujifilm X-H2 cameras.

  • Fujifilm X-H2S 26MP stacked sensor camera
  • Fujifilm X-H2 40MP high resolution camera

So now the question is: will the high resolution Fujifilm X-H2 also have a stacked sensor? Maybe the 8K capable stacked BSI sensor that Sony already has for sale with 43MP (and Fuji would make effective use of 40 of those megapixel?)

That’s something I am working on and FujiRumors will provide the answer as soon as I can do it with 100% certainty and accuracy.

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Inside Rihanna’s Vogue Cover Shoot with Annie Leibovitz (and Fujifilm GFX100S)


Annie Leibovitz is not new to the Fujifilm X system.

But it seems that she added some gear to her Fujifilm collection.

In fact, she has been spotted using a Fujifilm GFX100S for her Rihanna Vogue cover shot.

And to be clear, this post is not meant to say “you need a GFX to create well paid work“. In fact I have seen Annie also using Sony, Phase One and other cameras. Fujifilm is just one of the options she has.

You can see the final result at the Vogue page here.


Fujifilm X Summit on May 31: Still Unknown if Fujifilm X-H2s, X-H2 high res, XF150-600, XF18-120, XF56MKII, GF20-35 Will All Drop There


FujiRrumors unveiled that the an epic Fujifilm X summit will take place on May 31.

As usual during Fujifilm X Summits, we can expect lots of gear to come. And in the past we also saw new lens roadmaps, firmware announcements, displays of prototypes and more.

So definitely X Summits are a huge event for us Fuji lovers.

However, I’ve already read comments all over the web claiming that FujiRumors said the following gear will be announced on May 31:

Look, a little bit I got used to the fact that some people make their assumption based on fragments of what I write. In fact, there are at least 10 rumors I’ve never shared about the X-H2 and actually people think I’ve shared them.

So today I feel I need to make another important clarification.

FujiRumors never said that all the gear listed above will be announced on May 31. What we said is that this is the stuff Fujifilm has surely in the pipeline for 2022 and surely some of it must come on May 31. But I have no idea if all of it will come on that date. Maybe yes, I certainly hope so, but my hopes are not rumors.

So I ask you a bit more of patience and I’ll update you as soon as I have solid information on exactly we can expect on May 31.

Fujifilm X-H2/S Rumor Recap

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Would it be Madness? Selling X-T4 and X-E3 to get the Fujifilm X-E4?


There is this weird idea that keeps hammering my head.

It says: sell the X-T4 and X-E3 and get the Fujifilm X-E4.


Because the X-E4 would be the perfect fusion between the form factor I love (X-E3) and the power I sometimes need (X-T4). Plus it would have a two way tilt screen which I vastly prefer over the selfie screen on my X-T4 (even though in some radical composition necessities it can be very helpful).

So this weekend I will just make shameless private use of FujiRumors and ask what you think about this idea.

But let me be clear: this post is not to say the X-E3 is not a capable camera. I mean, I shot a wedding with it and it worked just fine. But the X-T4 is simply the more powerful tool and in some occasion this extra power can be useful.

So why am I still hesitating?

The reason is simple: I’d no longer have an X series camera with IBIS (only my GFX100S).

Now, I know some guys claim IBIS is for losers and it completely destroys the photographic purists experience. But trust me, when you hike for hours up a mountain (as I love to do), and maybe at some very narrow path you want to stop to grab a quick picture with a tired and shaking hand or you have your son on the your back moving around while you try to take a picture, then having the IBIS solution as an option is more then welcome. And if I don’t need it, I turn it off… easy ;).

So what should I do?

And yes, I know the 5th generation of Fujifilm cameras is coming. I will probably get one of those cameras, too. So maybe it would be better to wait and see what Fujifilm has to offer in 2022/early 2023, and based on that see which cameras sell, keep and buy.

I don’t know, I am confused. Maybe just sell everything and go for X-E4. Or wait a bit longer, see what the future brings, and then take decisions.

And since lately I am so absorbed by Fujifilm X-E4 reviews, trying to make up my mind, I will share a couple of reviews down below.

Reviews… or 5 Reasons why the Minimalist X-E4 is Perfect for Stree Photography

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

BREAKING: Fujifilm X Summit on May 31 with Huge Announcements


According to our sources, the Fujifilm X Summit that Fujifilm promised us to happen sometimes in May will happen on May 31.

There is lots of stuff that Fujifilm has in the pipeline for 2022. But will it really be all announced on May 31?

Let’s see what we know will come for sure in 2022 based on our rumors and on lenses Fujifilm has on their official roadmap:

I don’t know yet if Fujifilm will announce everything on May 31. We will update you as soon as we can.

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