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Trusted Source Confirms: “Fujifilm Developing Ultimate APS-C X-camera. Based on X-T Design. Price Not Yet Set, but Most Expensive X”

I recently shared with you a rumor from a new source, that said Fujifilm is developing the ultimate APS-C X-Trans camera, that could cost as much as $5,000 and have some killer features also for video.

As many of you guys, I also specualted it could be some kind of video-camera like the Sony FS5, especially given the lastest announcement of Fujifilm’s new Fujinon MK cinema lenses.

But I was wrong.

In fact, here is some new information I got from a trusted source:

  • Correct: Fujifilm is working on the ultimate X-series X-Trans APS-C camera
  • Design based on X-T line (We don’t know the name yet, but it’s seems it won’t be called “X-T3“)
  • The camera is still under development, hence the camera price has not yet been set
  • The only sure thing is that the camera will be more expensive than any other X-series camera currently on the market
  • Best Fuji APS-C camera for video work

It’s a long term rumor, so everything is subject to change. But, currently, these are 100% Fujifilm plans.

However, I have to remind you, that in some cases, Fujifilm can drop plans, just like it happened with the X-Pro1s, a rumor which I earned massively shitstorm for. Well, at least Fujifilm confirmed that FR sources are awesome, by displaying a X-Pro1s prototype at the X-Pro2 launch party ;)

I don’t know what Fujifilm’s next step will be regarding this “ultimate X-series camera”, but I hope to be able to keep you updated with news about its development.

And to prevent attacks about “made up fake rumors clickbait”, I would like to quickly share the rumor hit rate of the last years. Sure, they do not proof anything, maybe just that I really try hard to be as accurate as possible for you guys.

At this point, really thanks a lot to everybody, who helps FR to achieve this accuracy. Your guide me safly to the stormy waters of fake rumors.

stay tuned,
Fuji X Forum, Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter


The ultimate X should absoltutely have this killer feature: a pop-up smiley! :)

shared by Ed at our X100F facebook group here
Can someone give me a reason to buy the x100f over this? I mean this one plays music! I’m pretty sure this has the max f stop of 1.0. “

Record: 14 Fujifilm Products Win the “iF Design Award” 2017 (Including 1 still Unreleased Product… Instax Square? – UPDATE)

[Logo]iF design award 2017

14 Fujifilm products won the IF design award 2017… and it’s a record for Fujifilm. Below you can read the list of 13 winners. 1 is still not officially announced, so it is missing in the list.

If I should place a bet, I’d say it’s the Fujifilm Instax Square. The square film has already been announced last year and has been displayed at photokina, as you could see in my photokina report. Fujifilm also already launched a special instax square page. But the camera itself is still a mystery.

UPDATE: The 14th product is the FUJIFILM BL-7000/VP-7000 you can see at Fujifilm’s design page.

Full Press release

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Fujifilm GFX: Outstanding Image Quality… But if Fujifilm Would Give Me A Free Camera, I’d Pick the… And You? – POLL

Amazing image, right? Taken with… the new Fujifilm X100F :) and shared by Kıvanç B. at our Fujifilm X100F facebook group here

Fujifilm GFX or X-Trans III

Ok, I admit, the samples GFX owners shared so far at our GFX group are simply… superb! I mean, every day I check out the images and everyday it’s just “WOW”.

But I was wondering, if I would not own a Fujifilm camera already and Fujifilm would send me a free camera (including 3 lenses), which one would I choose? (It’s really a mere thought experiment, since Fujifilm would not even clean my sensor for free)

Well… I think I’d still get the Fujifilm X-T2.


Yes, it’s true, the Fujifilm GFX has such a large sensor compared to APS-C, that no matter how sofisticated current APS-C sensors are, they can’t really catch up with a Medium Format sensor in term of image quality.

However, what I want from a camera is not only IQ (which is great already in my trusty X-T1, and it’s even better in the X-T2).

I also want a camera that is light and easy to carry around. I want a camera that works fast and reliable, when I occasionally have to track my crazy nephew riding downhill on his toboggan. I want a discrete camera on the street and one that allows me to carry around 3 lenses on my travels, without taking to much space in my backpack. I want a camera that looks sexy. And I want a camera that is the best allrounder possible in the smallest package imaginable.

So for now, the answer is: I want the Fujifilm X-T2 (or Fujifilm X-T20… but since it’s free I’d go for the X-T2 ;) )

Now you know I’m a rangefinder style lover. So why no X-Pro2 or X100F?

Well, here is the thing: I do make one film project every year with my students. And having a hybrid camera that gives me nice 4K video would be interesting for me, since I’m sure many of my students will have 4K TV’s at home in a few years… so the X-T2 is the way to go.

With all that said, if all I would need is the ultimate image quality, I guess I’d have no other choice than to grab the Fujifilm GFX… but I need an allrounder that can do everything very good (video included). So please Fujifilm, send me an X-T2 :)


I launch this poll, because I’d be interested to see, how many of you guys would grab the Fujifilm GFX if price would be no problem. Maybe the price is the only thing that keeps you from purchasing the GFX? Or maybe the advantages of current X-TransIII cameras (such as speed, better video and AF) would still make you pick an APS-C Fuji, even if all the gear would be given to you for free?

I won’t include every Fuji cameras in this poll. Only the latest generation, so X-TransIII and the GFX. Vote and feel free to tell us thoughts in the comments.

And of course… it’s Friday, so enjoy your weekend :)

Rule 1: You can Not Sell again the Camera and Lenses You Get for Free
Rule 2: Imagine you do not own a Fujifilm camera already

Imagine You Don't Own a Fujifilm camera, and You Would Get one for Free (3 lenses included)... which One Would you Take?

View Results

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Jonas Rask – Shared here at our GFX facebook group: Another day. Another GFX image.  GFX50s – 32-64mm at 37mm – f/4 – exp 1/4s – ISO200 – developed in Capture One 10. A lot of people talk about that elusive “3d pop” – I find that term complete nonsense. But let me direct your attention to the leg and foot of Jonas in this portrait. Even though the DOF is large enough for the ground both in front of- and behind his foot to be in focus, it still gives a distinct feeling that his foot almost “steps out of the frame” in another layer. – This might be because of added resolution, as well as the added colorinformation in the file. The effect is obviously best in the full resolution file which you can download here: You can see the GFX challenge video that we did for this shoot here:

Fujifilm GFX Vs. Hasselblad X1D Shadow Recovery, About the “Unheard Sharpness” and DPreview GFX Shooting Experience

Unheard Sharpness

Shared by Chris Weiner here (visible only to GFX facebook group members… but it’s the image I shared at the top): “Having used a PhaseOne and an H5D for more than two years, I can say that a sharp handheld headshot at 1/15 is unheard of in the world of medium format! Bravo to Fuji engineers.”

DPreview GFX shooting Experience

DPreview just shared their Fujifilm GFX shooting experience in Tokyo. Some excerpts:

  • I love the ergonomics of this camera […] most control points can be accessed using the camera with a single hand. […] the grip on the Fujifilm is just so much more comfortable [than on the Nikon D810 and Canon 5DSr]
  • I thoroughly enjoyed myself while shooting with with the GFX
  • While AF is slow, it is both accurate and precise (in good light). This is the positive of a mirrorless camera using a CDAF system.
  • AF is poor in low light
  • The viewfinder image gets noticeably ‘crunchy’ when focus is initiated, and moiré and ‘shimmering’ can be very distracting in some scenes, especially cityscapes.
  • Pleased with the camera’s battery life
  • Raw files seem to have excellent dynamic range […] I was also able to recover a ton of blown highlights
  • Using this camera reminded me just how much I love Fujifilm colors and skintones
  • Despite some sluggishness in its operation, the GFX 50S was surprisingly good for street and travel photography
  • The Fujifilm GFX 50S is fun and easy to use and the files look awesome. What more can I say?

Read the whole shooting experience and see the samples at dpreview

Fujifilm GFX: USA BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: AmazonDE, CalumetDE AmazonUK, WexUK, ParkCamerasUK, PCHstore AUS: CameraPro

A Short Tale about Adobe and Fujifilm

Before we start with the GFX Vs. X1D comparison, I’d like to tell you that first reports by X-guru Rico Pfirstinger say that the Adobe support for Fujifilm GFX is still not optimal (Auto-DR bug, miscalibration of most higher ISO settings and extended ISO settings issues – read it all here.).

If Rico’s observations are correct, then it might be good practice to use several RAW converters (like Iridient), to compare the RAW potential of different cameras, until Adobe improved support.

In the past, Adobe was not the fastest when it came to deliver proper support for Fujifilm cameras. With X-Trans, the situation was so desperate, that Fuji Guy Billy even made a public appeal to Adobe to finally work seriously on X-Trans support.

Luckily the things are much better today and the issues of the past have been fixed. Especially the combination Lightroom 6 and X-TransIII give the best results we have ever seen from Adobe. But it was a really long journey.

Fujifilm GFX Vs. Hasselblad X1D Shadow Recovery

RAW files, Art Work, Tech Talk, Inspiration, Suggestions, Help… it’s all there, at our Fujifilm GFX community :) And if all you want are news and rumors tailored to GFX only, check out our public GFX Facebook page.

GFX facebook member Alex compared the Shadow recovering capability of the Fujifilm GFX Vs. the one of the Hasselblad X1D in this facebook post (visible only for GFX members, but you can find the images also below in this article). Both feature a 50MP 44×33 Medium Format sensor. Here are his clonclusions:

Standard testing 3 stops under 5 stop push (and then some with shadows). Fuji looking great no real colour noise in the shadows here as the X1D – well see for yourself”

Original Frame

Fujifilm GFX (look at the shadow under the car)

Hasselblad X1D (look at the shadow under the car)

_ _ _

Piet Van den Eynde: + 3 on the Exposure slider and no grain to be seen – shared here

The Complete X-T2 Review :: X-T2 Vs. EOS M5 :: From Sony to Fuji, The First 6 Months :: GFX Reports :: X-Acquire (miXed zone)

Cover Stories

The complete X-T2 Review at mirrorlessons youtube

Fujifilm GFX
USA BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, WexUK, ParkCamerasUK, PCHstore AUS: CameraPro

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Fujifilm Manager: “We Investigate the Next Film Simulation :: Fujifilm Close to 20% Mirrorless Market Share :: More Video-Capable Camera”

This time it’s imaging-resource, who had a talk with a couple of Fujifilm Managers. Here some excerpts:

  • Current GF best sellers: the 63mm and the 32-64mm, with the demand for the zoom being “a bit higher than expected
  • Future GF lenses requests: a telephoto prime around 200mm focal length. A wide zoom, like a 15mm, a more ultra-super-wide zoom. A 70-200mm
  • Fuji thinks GFX owners are 50/50 split between professionals and high-end amateurs
  • Film Simulation: “Some want maybe AGFA or Kodak […] So now we are investigating what’s next.”
  • Mirrorless Market share of Fujifilm is close to 20% now [NOTE: it was 14%-15% last year. X-T2 and X-Pro2 raised the bar further]
  • 4K on X-Pro2: “Basically, we cannot upgrade the X-Pro2 because it’s a difference of hardware.” [NOTE: this does not fit with what Fuji Guy Billy said here]
  • We got a lot of requests from videographers that Fuji shooters should have more video-capable functionalities of the cameras…”
  • The biggest market for the X100 line is the USA.
  • Besides Instax, which is perceived as a new technology amongst young people, also the use of disposable cameras is increasing, because for “young customers […] it is kind of fun because they cannot see the result.”
  • Capture One will not support the GFX?: “We have a solution with Adobe Lightroom raw conversion. We also have our Fujifilm original Tether Shooting Plug-in PRO with Lightroom, which we just released from November with the X-T2 and of course the GFX. Its functionality is quite good.”

Read the full interview at imaging-resource

Fujifilm GFX Shipping Today: USA BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS

Previous CP+ 2017 Interviews with Fujifilm Managers:

  • Fujifilm Manager: GFX & X-T2 Demand Higher than Expected :: Fujinon 200/2.8 or 200/2 :: Fujifilm X-E3 :: X-T2 Kaizen & More – Click here
  • Fujifilm Manager: “Next Generation APS-C Sensor Will Still be X-Trans. Mirrorless Will Maybe Beat DSLR’s In Every Aspect With Next Processor / Sensor Generation” – Click here
  • Fuji Manager Talks about GFX, X100 FULL FRAME, X-T2 Firmware & More – Click here

Fujifilm Manager: “Next Generation APS-C Sensor Will Still be X-Trans. Mirrorless Will Maybe Beat DSLR’s In Every Aspect With Next Processor / Sensor Generation”

DPreview interviewed well-known Fujifilm Managers Toshihisa Iida, Makoto Oishi and Shinichiro Udono.

The focus of the interview is on the GFX, but they also talk about the APS-C line, the MK Cine Lenses, and the new X100F.

And one thing we can say for sure now: there will be an X-Trans IV sensor in the next generation APS-C cameras.

  • Future GF Lens requests from photographer: telephoto lenses, in the 200-300mm range. Wide-angle, like a 15mm equivalent, and an equivalent to the 70-200mm on full-frame.
  • In order to beat DSLR’s, Mirrorless has to improve speed and viewfinder blackout. “Maybe one more processor and sensor generation should be enough to make mirrorless beat DSLRs in every respect”.
  • With the new MK cine lenses “we’re looking at a new kind of video customer, who’s getting into the market via mirrorless. Mostly they’re using SLR lenses, which aren’t perfect. So a lot of those customers are looking for more affordable cinema lenses.”
  • X100F same lens of X100/S/T: We looked into whether we should change it, but it would have affected the size of the camera, and we concluded that the form-factor is one of the most important selling-points of the X100 series.
  • Q: Will X-Trans continue in the next generation of APS-C sensors? A: For APS-C, definitely. For the GFX format, we’ll probably continue with the conventional bayer pattern. If you try to put X-Trans into medium format, the processing gets complicated, and the benefit isn’t very big. X-Trans is a 6×6 filter arrangement, not 4×4, it’s something like a 20-30% increase in processing requirement.

Full interview at dpreview

Fujifilm GFX: USA BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: AmazonDE, CalumetDE AmazonUK, WexUK, ParkCamerasUK, PCHstore AUS: CameraPro
Fujifilm X100F: USA: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, WexUK, PCH AUS: CameraPro

Zack Arias Impresses His Audience with ISO 12,800 and Crazy Sharp Samples Taken with FUJIFILM GFX at his GPP Stage Talk

GFX Launch NightZach Arias – X-Photographer

Geplaatst door Fujifilm Middle East op woensdag 15 februari 2017

As you read here, Zack Arias is considering to sell all his X-gear to get the GFX.

In his recent GPP talk, he introduces the GFX in an interesting one hour video. Here some excerpts:

  • He will start telling you why he chose Medium Format and his first steps in with Medium Market.
  • He goes through his personal issues that, amongst the others, also influenced his work…. and shares his way out of that.
  • At minute 31:00 he starts sharing his recent work with the GFX
  • 32:25: He shares pictures that his 18 years old son took with the GFX.
  • 35:00: “I’ve shot every format, but Medium Format has this look. It’s how the highlights and shadows are retained, the soft transitions between those two, how the focus falls off. I can’t describe steroscopic bokeh at all, but I can see it. […] I want that different look.”
  • 39:00. Pixel Peeping Time… and you will hear the people just say “WOW!!” when they see the amazing sharpness and details.
  • 42:30: The MF Phase One is amazing. Has 1 AF point, though. He goes at 1,600 ISO at max with his Phase One now.
  • 43:55: Zack shows an image taken at ISO 12,800 (JPEG)… and again another WOW goes through the audience.
  • 48:00: A Fuji Representative says that Capture One will support the GFX

Check out the video at Fujifilm Middle East facebook here. For more GFX videos at the GPP by Fujifilm Middle East click here.

Fujifilm GFX: USA BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, WexUKParkCamerasUKPCHstore AUS: CameraPro

via theonlinephotographer

Working with the Fujifilm GFX :: X-T2, Almost Good Enough to Switch :: F-Log X-T2 Profile at FilmConvert :: ON1 PhotoRAW Improves X-Trans Support (miXed zone)

2017 WORKSHOPS & Online Trainings

Cover Stories

Full size Fujifilm GFX SOOC at ivanjoshualoh

  • Work & Play with GFX at ivanjoshualoh
  • ALMOST Good Enough to Switch… – Fujifilm X-T2 Review at LinusTechTips Youtube
  • ON1 Photo Raw 2017.2 Now A Real Fuji Raw Contender. Raw Processors for Fujifilm (X-Trans from X-Pro2) Compared at joelwolfson
  • FilmConvert X-T2 F-Log Profile at filmconvert: “We’ve profiled just the F-Log picture style for this camera release – Fujifilm has included their own film simulations on the camera which we think look great!”

Fujifilm GFX
USA BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, WexUK, ParkCamerasUK, PCHstore AUS: CameraPro

Fujifilm X100F
USA BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, WexUK, ParkCamerasUK, PCHstore AUS: CameraPro

Fujifilm X-T20
USA BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, WexUK, ParkCamerasUK, PCHstore AUS: CameraPro

Fujifilm XF50mm
USA BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, WexUK, ParkCamerasUK, PCHstore AUS: CameraPro

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2017 X Workshops :: 7 RAW Converters Compared :: Fuji Guys F-Log/X-T20 Videos :: XF50/2 First Look :: From Canon to Fuji (miXed zone)



I’d light to highlight a few workshops that could be interesting for you. And just to be clear: I’m not affiliated with any of these workshops. If you join them or not, I won’t make a penny out of it. However, from my own experience, I can tell you that workshops can help way more to improve your photography than purchasing new gear.

Streets of Vancouver Photography Workshop
Simplicity In Seeing Online Training & Inspiration

It’s a few years now, that I follow Olaf’s work with admiration. Definitely a talented X-shooters. And I’m happy to see he is now willing to share his talent not only through his images, but also to share his knowledge and experience with workshops and online trainings

  1. The Streets of Vancouver Photography Workshop, his first photography workshop ever (3 days in July). For more details, please check out his website here.
  2. Olaf also launched his educational and mentoring platform, Simplicity-In-Seeing. The platform was created to go beyond what is currently available in photography education. His focus is on the craft of seeing, on all the elements that help photographers to develop, maintain and challenge their seeing. Check out his website here.

More Workshops & Trainings

  • There is a Fujifilm “X” Photographers Travel & Nature Summits at fujifilmxphotosummits with 3 ½ days of presentations, talks etc. by 4 Fuji “X” Photographers + technical and corporate from the FUJIFILM headquarters in New York. Jack Graham and Bill Fortney also offer a few workshops over the year in USA. Full details at fujixphotoworkshops.
  • Rico Pfirstinger Workshops: Go To New Zealand (or Guernsey) to Learn How To Master Your Fujifilm Camera at Rico’s Ultimate X-Secrets Workshops 2017. More here.
  • X-Shooter Ian offers workshops and online educational. More at ianmacdonaldphotography. Vancouver Street Photography Workshop here + Toronto Street Photography Workshop here.
  • NEW – UPDATE  (NSFW): X-photographer Jiri is offering Group Nude Art Photo Workshop in Prague (click here) and 1-on-1 Nude Art Photography Courses in Prague (click here)


Fujifilm GFX

Fujifilm 100F

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