We recently reported about the price increase on Fujifilm film.
While I can understand the price increase (due to the circumstances of these days), I do not fully understand why Fujifilm is discontinuing film after film, when other companies (Kodak) seem at the same time to have a huge comeback and actually revive old film stock.
In fact, in a very interesting video published by NBC Left Field a while back (video linked below), a Kodak manager said that over the last few years the demand for film increased by 15% to 30% and the growth seems to continue to accelerate.
So much so, that Kodak is thinking not at which films they should discontinue, but which ones they should bring back.
Recently Kodak announced Kodak the return of Kodak Gold 200 in 120 format (and it will cost 25% less than the Kodak Portra and Kodak Ektar film)
And not only Kodak. CineStill joins the positive trend by releasing CineStill 400Dynamic and also new actors join like Japanese Camera Hunter with the new Fugufilm 400 reversal film (follow them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for latest news).
So, lots of nice news coming from the film side of life.
And what about Fujifilm?
Well, Fujifilm goes the opposite way and keeps up dropping its legendary film stock (with this honorable exception).
I hope Fujifilm will revise the trend and bring back some of the films we so much loved.
Film is Not Dead – A Revival Story