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TASCAM XLR Audio Adapter for Fujifilm X/GFX Full Specs Online and Coming End of December for €490

Back in August, TEAC announced the development of TASCAM XLR Audio Adapter for Fujifilm Mirrorless Cameras, the Tascam CA-XLR2d-F.

Note that a future firmware update coming in 2022 will make the X-T4, X-S10 and GFX100S compatible with the Tascam CA-XLR2d-F.

Now, in the original press release the expected shipping date was “end of 2021“. Now Tascam confirmed that they will release it at the end of the month.

Now the full specs and the price have been shared and you can find them down below.

As for the price, some stores already list it on their website. For example German Videodata lists it for pre-order for €490 without VAT. In Japan the price will be of 65,780 Yen (converted to $579)

Tascam XLR CA-XLR2d – Features at a Glance

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BHphoto Top 10 Mirrorless Cameras of 2021: the GFX Medium Format Consecration Continues

We are approaching the end of the year, hence we will be bombarded by 2021 top and flop gear posts and videos.

DPReview shared their top and flop gear already, and we reported about it here.

Now also BHphoto has put up their list for the top 10 mirrorless cameras of 2021.

Once again the latest GFX gear enters the ranking at the very high positions. But the GFX system gets its consecration not only in the year-end rankings, but also at the box office, where especially the Fujifilm GFX100S is causing headache to Fujifilm due to a high demand they simply can’t match.

And what about Fuji’s APS-C series? Well, things look good, very good for the X system in 2022.  Just keep an eye on the latest X-H2 rumors ;).

BHphoto Explora – Top 10 Mirrorless Cameras of 2021

  1. Nikon Z9
  2. Sony A1
  3. Fujifilm GFX100S
    Not too long ago, the thought of a 100MP camera sounded like very wishful thinking, considering 36MP was high-res and 24MP is still a go-to standard for many cameras today. FUJIFILM’s GFX 100S isn’t the first 100MP camera, it’s not even FUJIFILM’s first, but it represents the first time 100MP has been available sub $10K and in a camera body that’s portable and reasonable for walkaround shooting use. It redefines medium format and breaks down the barrier that’s made medium format, especially high-resolution medium format, so inaccessible for virtually everyone until now. What’s even more impressive about the GFX 100S is that it has also benefitted from full-frame and APS-C mirrorless development, too, and features many of the same imaging assets you’d expect from other current cameras, like IBIS, DCI 4K 30p video, and even phase-detection AF. Unlike medium format cameras of the past, which were notoriously slow and outdated in performance, but you’d suck it up for the amazing image quality, the GFX 100S doesn’t need these excuses anymore as it meshes high-resolution medium format quality with current mirrorless performance.
  4. Canon R3
  5. Sony A7IV
  6. Fujifilm GFX50SII
    Accessible and medium format are no longer mutually exclusive terms with the GFX 50S II; the second-gen compact medium format mirrorless with a new integrated design and the same 50MP sensor that put the GFX system on the map. Late summer saw FUJIFILM release the second generation of their first mirrorless medium format camera, the GFX 50S II. Compared to what a conventional second-gen camera is, though, this new GFX trended in a new way, with a focus on becoming even more accessible than the first generation of cameras, meaning medium format is now a realistic consideration for people shopping for full-frame systems. And with that in mind, the GFX 50S II presents a truly interesting choice for photographers who value image quality above all other camera specs. Beyond value alone, the GFX 50S II also saw some physical changes, bringing it in line with its 100MP sibling and featuring a fully integrated viewfinder and forgoing the more modular nature of the first GFX 50S.
  7. Nikon Zfc
  8. Sony ZV-E10
  9. Sigma fp L
  10. Panasonic Lumix GH6 (or GH5 II, for the time being)

You can read the full list here at B&H.

BREAKING: Fujifilm X-H2 with 26 Megapixel coming 2022 (and Now the Big Question is…)

Look guys, this is trusted stuff. Solid and reliable. And 100% true. Believe it or not. It’s going to happen.

The Fujifilm X-H line has been canceled!!! Axed! Forever!!!

Nah, just kidding… we don’t do fake rumors here ;).

So let’s get serious and tell you exactly what is going to happen.

FujiRumors told you that there will be two Fujifilm X-H2 cameras and that they will have a different megapixel number.

According to our sources, one will sport a high resolution 40 megapixel sensor (not 43 megapixel as many speculate based on available Sony sensors).

And what about the other Fujifilm X-H2?

Well, we did get additional information from our sources. Multiple trusted sources. And they told us that the second Fujifilm X-H2 camera will have 26 megapixel.

I know what you want to know now.

You want to know if it will be the same 26 megapixel sensor we have in current X series cameras such as the Fujifilm X-T4 or if it will be a new 26 Megapixel sensor.

At this point I can’t answer this question.

Some of you might remember that I once said the Fujifilm X-E4 would be the last X-Trans IV 26 Megapixel camera. But evidently I was wrong, as we got the Fujifilm X-T30II (although that’s basically just an X-T30 on firmware steroids and new LCD). So I might well be wrong again?

Let’s see the two options I see for now:

  1. Fujifilm decided to make a high resolution and more expensive Fujifilm X-H2 and offer at the same time a much more affordable version of the X-H2 using the proven and trusted X-Trans IV BSI 26 Megapixel sensor.
  2. Fujifilm will use a new 26 Megapixel sensor

My opinion on both options:

  1. Fujifilm could have decided to use the X-Trans IV sensor of the X-T4, but combine it with the new processor on the X-H2 to squeeze the most out of the X-Trans IV sensor. That would be siimilar to what they did with the Fujifilm GFX50SII, where they used the old sensor of the original GFX50S, but combined with the newer processor of the GFX100S Fujifilm was able to take more out of it (faster autofocus speed, more film simulations etc.)
  2. This would be very atypical for Fujifilm, to launch in one year (2022) two completely new higher-end APS-C sensors. But just because Fujifilm never did it before, it does not mean it can’t happen with the Fujifilm X-H2.

Which one do you consider more likely? Feel free to vote the survey down below.

And make sure to follow FujiRumors to get more Fujifilm X-H2 rumors soon.

Regarding the Fujifilm X-H2 with 26 Megapixel...

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Fujifilm X-H2 Rumors Recap

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Vote Your Top Fujifilm (Related) Product and Roadmap Lens 2021

click the image to find out what FujiRumors considers Fujifilm's top product for 2021
click the image to find out what FujiRumors considers Fujifilm’s top product for 2021

Top Fujifilm Related Product 2021

There won’t be any more announcements in 2021, so time to look back at the Fujifilm year 2020 and vote which one according to you was the top product of the year launched by Fujifilm.

And why not, let’s include also the third party autofocus lenses for Fujifilm launched (or announced) this year as well as the latest Instax products.

Also, you can vote on what in your eyes is the most exciting lens on the X roadmap and GFX roadmap. In this survey I will include the rumored XF56mm f/1.2 II as well as the lenses on the Viltrox roadmap and TTArtisan roadmap.

So the gear you can vote on down below is this one (the surveys itself is at the bottom of this article):

I hope I didn’t forget anything. The survey is down below.

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Samyang AF 12mm f/2.0 for Fujifilm X to Ship in January 2022 (in North America)

A FR-reader ordered the new Samyang AF 12mm f/2.0 and wondered when it would finally ship.

So he contacted the Samyang USA customer service and this is the reply he got:

We anticipate this order to be shipping around January 2022.

The lens was announced back in October, so we are looking at a looking at a three months waiting times for those, who pre-ordered it. Sounds like a long waiting, but compared to what is happening in the Fujifilm world, it is actually blazing fast. I mean, we are still waiting for gear to ship that was announced 9 months ago.

NewThird Party Fujifilm X Autofocus Lenses Group

Fujifilm GFX50S Discontinued at BHphoto

FujiRumors broke the news about the crazy Fujifilm GFX50S deal, and as to expect, for such a price, it sold out instantly. So lucky those FR readers who were able to grab it at that crazy price.

Now the Fujifilm GFX50S is marked as discontinued at BHphoto.

If there are other crazy deals, FujiRumors will let you know first again. (and thanks for the FR-reader for letting me know via rumor box)

The GFX Community

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Top 7 Critiques on Fujifilm that Are Absolutely Justified

I recently wrote an article, where I list 10 attacks on Fujifilm that do not make any sense.

In that article, I promised that I would also write an article about the exact opposite, meaning sharing a list of critiques on Fujifilm that I totally understand and I agree with.

You can find it down below.

And of course, feel free to add your own critiques on Fujifilm in the comments down below.

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Look Apple, also Fujifilm Can Make Cool Ads ;)

I have always admired the incredible creativity US companies and people have when it comes to create giant, inspiring and exciting shows, may it be for ads, movies and what not.

The latest Apple event, where they unleashed their powerful new MacBook Pro computers is an example of this creativity applied to new product launches. Gosh, I was so pumped for the event, more or less the same excitement I felt when I received my first beer at the Oktoberfest ;).

It’s the total opposite of our Fujifilm X summits, where in a dry tone Japanese managers soberly present the latest Fujifilm X and GFX gear.

Different cultures, different presentations.

But there was one moment during the Apple event, that went particularly under my skin: the MacBook Pro M1 Pro/Max video ad, which you can see down below.

And you know what?

It did remind me a bit of the ad Fujifilm made for the Fujifilm GFX100S, which you can also find below.

Sure, different budgets allow for different special effects, but I wanted to give credit to Fujifilm for at least trying to release an inspring ad. My favorite Fujifilm ad though remains this one. ;)

So, this was a little excursus in the marketing world (which Fujifilm managers said back in 2018 to be one of their weak spots compared to Sony).

We will soon focus again on rumors, don’t worry about that. Just follow FujiRumors, we are going to have lots of fun soon ;).

34 Fujifilm Products Won the “Good Design Award” achieving the Most Awards for the Third Consecutive Year

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