Fujifilm X/GFX Firmware Fixes macOS SD-Card Bug and Do You Prefer to Update Your Gear via SD-Card or Camera Remote App?


As we reported earlier today, Fujifilm has issued a firmware update for six X/GFX cameras. It fixed the issue we reported about in early February here.

You can read all the details and get the download links in this article.

And here comes my curiosity: I recently started using the Camera Remote App to update my cameras, and I find it so comfortable, that I was wondering if anyone else is using it. Hence, down below is a little survey where you can tell us if you use the App or go old-style via SD-card.

To Update my Fujifilm Cameras I prefer to use:

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Sigma X Mount Lenses Coming February 21: Low Profile Announcement with No Sigma Stage Online Event?


So, it’s out: according to information we have received, Sigma will announce its first autofocus X mount lenses on February 21.

Now, over the last few years, Sigma has launched new products at the so called “Sigma Stage Online” events. And some FR-readers made me notice that Sigma has not yet announced any Sigma event for February 21. As a consequence, some doubt that the rumor is correct.

Look, I am called FujiRumors, not FujiFacts, so there is always a possibility that I am wrong.

With that said, maybe the lack of “Sigma Stage Online” event does not mean necessarily that nothing is coming at all.

Maybe Sigma just decided to go more low profile with this announcement: a sober press release that announces the new X mount Sigma trinity and that’s it. That could explain why (at least until now) no Sigma Stage Online event has been announced.

One question I get often these days is: will Sigma make some design changes over the current versions (hence adding an aperture ring)?

Look, at this point in time, I have no answers to this questions. If I am able to get one, I will answer it on FujiRumors, otherwise I am afraid we will have to wait for February 21 to find out for sure.

Certainly Sigma had enough time to make design changes and put an aperture ring on them. But rationally speaking I believe for Sigma it is simply more convenient to keep the current design (hence no aperture ring). So while I hope in an aperture ring, I am not very optimistic about it. But maybe Sigma did put some effort into changing the design, knowing that Fuji X shooters generally love aperture rings on the lenses. Let’s hope so.

Here is what Sigma will announce:

Sadly this lovely Sigma APS-C mirrorless lens won’t be included in the X mount launch.

We have covered the upcoming Sigma lenses several times over the past few weeks:

For the full specs comparison, you can click the links below:

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MARK THIS DATE: Sigma X Mount Lenses to be Announced on…


Sorry, guys, I am late.

But I’ve received this information right while I was cooking my wife’s favorite dish for a Valentines Day dinner (*quick instructions below).

Anyway, now we are done, my little Fuji lover is going to bed with his mom, and I have time to share it with you.

The rumor is this one: Sigma will launch its first X mount lenses on February 21.

We also confirm that the lenses to be announced will be:

We have covered the upcoming Sigma lenses several times over the past few weeks:

For the full specs comparison, you can click the links below:

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Linguine/Spaghetti with shrimp and rocket salad (Rucola) and lemon and tomato

Time to prepare: 15/20 minutes – 2 people

Put the pasta… and let it cook while you prepare the sauce.

Sauce: Fry a bit of garlic and chili for a few minutes (low heat, don’t let the garlic turn brown). Then throw in some nice, fat shrimps (raise the heat). Let them fry 1 or 2 minutes with the garlic. Then put in a bit of decent white wine (about half a wine glass). Cook for 1/2 more minutes with rather hot flame. Then put in some tomato cut in smaller pieces (should be very mature tomato). Let it all cook for a few more minutes at medium heat (4/5minutes).

Drain the spaghetti/linguine and throw them in the sauce (keep a bit of cooking water in a glass, so if the sauce turns to dry, you can use the cooking water to make it more creamy). Then add the juice of half a lemon (for 200/250g of pasta), the skin of half a lemon and the rocket salad to taste (simply ripped in smaller pieces with your hands) and mix it all nicely.

Now you can serve the dish… and if you do so, feel free to send me the images via email at fujirumor@gmail.com. ;)

Mee the Film Simulation Noodles
