FUJIFILM 2021 “GFX Challenge” Program Closes Tomorrow: Get up to $10,000 for Your Photo/Video Project


The Fujifilm GFX Challenge Program 2021 closes tomorrow.

To know what the GFX challenge is about, check out our previous coverage here.

In short, you submit your project to Fujifilm, and Fujifilm will give selected projects up to 10,000 USD to support them.

The Global Grant Award recipients will receive: 
– Complimentary use of a GFX System camera body and two GF lenses for the duration of their project
– Mentoring and technical assistance from Fujifilm technicians / product experts
– $10,000 USD grant

The Regional Grant Award recipients will receive: 
– Complimentary use of a GFX System camera body and two GF lenses for the duration of their project
– Mentoring and technical assistance from Fujifilm product experts
– $5,000 USD grant

Learn more about it (and apply if you want) here.


From FULL FRAME to Fujifilm APS-C: Six Years Later As a Full Time Landscape Photographer


Back in 2015 Andy Mumford, a full time landscape photographer, switched from using a full frame system to the Fuji X system and in this video he talks about what effect it’s had on his photography, both professionally and personally.

The video would be worth to watch also just for the stunning images he shares (including some from around my home in the Dolomites). So go check it out.

I feel he nicely brings to the point what it means to shoot with Fujifilm cameras. And I also agree that if you don’t print enormous images, then 16 or 26 megapixel are more than enough.

I do love to print my images, too, and so far the largest I have hanging at my home is a 90x60cm (35×23 inches) image taken with the 24MP Fujifilm X-E3, which looks absolutely perfect, even when watched in “photographers mode” (meaning not watching from the normal distance as every non-photographer would do, but by going very close to it and basically pixel peeping with the eyes ;))

Also Andy, who rarely prints beyond 1 meter (39 inches) is totally fine with the current resolution Fujifilm cameras offer.

As far as his thoughts go, here is is summary:

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

Samyang AF 12mm F2 X ePhotozine Review: Excellent Performance at an Excellent Price!


The brand new Samyang 12mm f/2.0 autofocus lens for Fujifilm X is in stock since a few weeks now.

So how does it perform?

ePhotozine tested the lens and is extremely happy with it. Here are their Pros and Cons:


  • Outstanding central sharpness
  • Low central CA
  • Fast and virtually silent AF
  • Weather sealing
  • Close focus
  • Well-controlled distortion
  • Modest vignetting
  • Excellent price


  • Some edge CA
  • No OIS

You can read the full review here.

NewThird Party Fujifilm X Autofocus Lenses Group


Happy New Year 2022 and Thanks to…


thanks to www.tomgrill.com for the image

I wish all FR-readers a happy New Year 2022 and would like to say a few thanks to:

🖤 to our amazing sources, who are always helping me to find the right track in the thick rumor jungle
🖤 to all those, who supported me by using affiliate links or clicking on google banners. It’s really as simple as that: without your help, this blog would have to close tomorrow morning
🖤 to all those FR-readers, who shared Fujifilm news with me, commented kindly, criticized my work constructively, voted a survey, shared an article on social media or simply stopped by to read this blog



Viltrox 13mm f/1.4 Pre-Orders Available Now


You can now pre-order the upcoming Viltrox 13mm f/1.4 for Fujifilm X Mount at Pergear here. The official announcement will take place on January 3rd.

We have already covered reviews about this lens here and here.

We Got You Covered!
