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Focus On Glass: Talking Fujinon XF80mmF2.8 1:1 Macro and About the APS-C Macro Advantage over FULL FRAME

If you are one of those, who defines how good a lens is mainly on how sharp it is, then you’ll consider the XF80mmF2.8 1:1 Macro lens a fantastic lens.

It is clinically sharp and one of the best, if not the best lens in the Fujinon X system.

So let’s talk about this lens, starting from a recent “focus on glass” episodes, where Fujfilm talks about the XF80mmF2.8 Macro. They say:

  • Fuji’s APS-C sensor allows to shoot 1.5 times larger macro photography than a full frame sensor
  • Fujifilm is strongly committed to APS-C
  • the 80mm maximizes the APS-C value proposition and allows user to experience macro photography without sacrifice
  • the synergy between Fujifilm color reproduction and lens technology offers a unique and unrivaled product on the market
  • uses floating focus system to obtain high image quality. New autofocus system was developed for this lens
  • fast and accurate focus
  • Since this is a marco lens, Fujifilm opted for an optical image stabilization system that suppresses shift shake
  • uses many ED lenses to minimize chromatic aberration at wide apertures
  • creates beautiful bokeh at 1:1 magnification ratio

Quite frankly, though, I think the main advantage of APS-C lenses is that you can make them smaller (and consequently cheaper) than full frame lenses. If then in certain areas they have other advantages, that’s a welcome, but minor advantage.

FYI, I’ll add also the video about the glorious XF16mm f/1.4.

  • thanks to floating focus system the XF16mmF1.4 can achieve minimum focus distance of 15cm
  • NanGI coating to reduce flare

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Focus on Glass – XF80mmF2.8 Macro and XF16mm F1.4

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Fujifilm 2021: Is This Really All? Or How Much New Gear We Could Get in 2021 Looking at Fujifilm’s Past Camera & Lens Releases

Fujifilm 2021 – Is This Really All?

Every week I get many emails from fellow FR-readers, asking me if this is really all.

They look at the current X mount roadmap and the latest G mount roadmap, and they see only 3 lenses in total. That’s meager.

Then they look at our rumors, see that we rumored only two cameras, the Fujifilm GFX100S and the Fujifilm X-E4 and wonder if that’s all for 2021.

I diligently reply to all of them, but it has become quite time consuming. So let me address this question one final time here on FujiRumors, so that in future I can just copy and paste the link to this article and send it to those, who inevitably will make me the same question again.

How Many Cameras Could we Get?

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Focus On Glass: “Higher Megapixel Cameras May Come in Near Future and XF200mmF2 Will Satisfy Increased Resolution Requirement”

Focus on Glass

Fujifilm continues to launch dedicated “Focus On Glass” promo videos to their lenses, new and old ones.

Today I’d like to highlight the one they released about the Fujinon XF200mm f/2 R LM OIS WR, a lens that belongs to the very best ones Fujifilm ever made, and is hard to beat in terms of IQ also by similar lenses of other brands. You do get what you pay for!

So how did Fujifilm achieve this tremendous image quality? In the Promo video, managers and engineers explain:

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Wildlife Photography with Fujifilm Gear

Wildlife with Fujifilm gear

guest post by Michal Krause – website@mkrause InstagramFacebook

Some time ago, I read with interest the article in which photographers discussed what gear they miss for photographing wildlife in existing Fujifilm offer. They mostly mentioned various lenses of different focal lengths and apertures, which could give some people the impression that it is almost not possible to photograph wildlife with the Fujifilm X system. Therefore, I decided to summarize my almost five years of experience in this field. I hope to inspire and encourage some photographers who consider getting into wildlife photography with Fujifilm gear.

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RUMOR: Sigma Lenses for Fujifilm Coming in 2021 – Trusted Source

After the buzz created recently here on FujiRumors by sharing this Sigma comment about future Fujifilm X mount lenses, I did contact our sources to check what’s going on.

Can we really hope to get Sigma lenses in 2021 or is it all just a false alarm?

Well, just today I received reply from one of our trusted sources, who (for now) simply told me:

Yes, there will be Sigma lenses for Fujifilm coming in 2021

At the moment I have not received additional details on when exactly the new Sigma X mount lenses will be launched, nor which lenses will come. But I’ll l inform you immediately via FujiRumors as soon as I have more details.

According to the results of our massive Sigma (and Tamron) survey, these are the top 10 Sigma lenses you’d like to see joining the X system:

  1. Sigma 18-35mm f/1.8 DC HSM
  2. Sigma 50-100mm f/1.8 DC HSM
  3. Sigma 56mm f/1.4 DC DN Contemporary
  4. Sigma 16mm f/1.4 DC DN Contemporary
  5. Sigma 35mm f/1.2 DG DN Art
  6. Sigma 150-600mm f/5-6.3 DG OS HSM
  7. Sigma 10-20mm f/3.5 EX DC HSM
  8. Sigma 30mm f/1.4 DC DN Contemporary
  9. Sigma 500mm f/4 DG OS HSM
  10. Sigma 85mm f/1.4 DG HSM Art

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Fujifilm X-S10 First Look and Comparison with Sony A7C

Bigheadtaco posted his Fujifilm X-S10 first impressions and compares it to the Sony A7C, but also adds some comparison thoughts with the Fujifilm X-T30, Fujifilm X-H1 and X-T200.

Also, he shared an X-S10 shooting impression as well as a more detailed comparison of X-S10 vs Sony A7C for vlogging.

You’ll find the first video in summary format below, as well as all the videos.

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Fujifilm X-H2, X80, GFX100V, X-Pan, Monochrome and More – FR-Readers Wishlist Corner

Here is another roundup of wishlist shared by the FR-community to me via email at

Previous Wishlist Episodes:

As opposed to the last episode, this time we focus on camera wishes instead of lens wishes.

In this roundup, one particular and recurrent wish finds me totally agreeing with: the need for a Fujifilm X80!

I do hope Fujifilm will understand that the Fujifilm XF10 was not the X70 successor we were waiting for and that they will finally give us an X80.

I mean, Fujifilm should have been able to overcome these X80 issues by now!!!

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The Power of Fujifilm Colors: Why I LOVE Fuji Colors and See Them in Action at Our Film Simulations Group

I don’t know you, but when I look at an image, the first thing I notice is not how sharp it is at 400% magnification or how grainy it is at 12800 ISO.


What first grabs my attention are subject/composition and colors. Those are the main “WOW” factors for me.

And while for the first one (subject/composition) no Fujifilm camera can help you and it’s totally up to the photographer to compose a pleasing image, when it comes to colors, Fujifilm cameras can be quite a good support for us photographers, and certainly they are for me.

Since I switched to Fujifilm (after a long journey searching for “my” system), I have quite radically changed (and speed-up) my editing-workflow thanks to Fuji’s film simulations.

I still shoot RAW+JPEG, I still adjust exposure, add sharpening here and there and make some other tweaks. But the more film simulations Fujifilm was releasing over the years, the less I found myself in the need to laboriously edit the color part of my images in order to set the right mood.

Not to talk of all those times, when the JPEG is just right out of the box, and I don’t adjust anything at all.

So yes, for me, Fujifilm film simulation make a whole lot of difference and are one of the main reasons why I love Fujifilm.

In order to celebrate Fujifilm colors, I recently launched the Fujifilm Film Simulation group, which has reached 10+K members in a very short time.

In this group, images can be edited in all their parts (sharpening, shadow/highlight recovery etc), except for colors. The colors must come purely out of your Fujifilm camera (or be applied in post in Capture One / Lightroom).

It is also allowed to share images that use custom presets, which means take a film simulation and fine tune its settings in-camera (increase contrast, add grain etc), creating your own receipts to store as custom profile inside your Fujifilm camera. Those are very fun to try out!

Now, since I am in total lockdown again (see me here chilling with my dog and cat at home), I have a bit more time this weekend and I decided to use it to go though the images at our Fujifilm Film Simulation group and pick out some of the most liked shots for you.

You’ll see images taken with all kind of film simulations, but you’ll notice that Classic Chrome and Classic Negative turn out to be the most shared and liked ones (or receipts derived from those film simulations).

But also ACROS, Velvia, Provia and one of my favorites, Astia, are also present down below.

Feel free to check out the images below and to join the group if you want.

NOTE: if you join the group and share images, do not forget to tell us which film simulation you used in the description of the image.

I wish you a fantastic weekend,

Film Simulation Images Roundup

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Sigma Says DC DN Lenses for Fujifilm X Mount will Hopefully Come in 2021

Here on FujiRumors we often discussed the wish for Sigma to make Fujifilm X mount lenses.

However, up until today Sigma has officially always kept a rather pessimistic position on that.

In fact, here are some of Sigma’s past statements:

Sigma CEO said here:

Fujifilm Customers Would be Our Ideal Customer, but Fujifilm Does Not Disclose Their Protocols

Sigma CEO said here:

Our Mission is to Support as Many Systems as Possible, but our engineering resources are limited, so we need to prioritize projects, depending on the demand from the customer

On Fujifilm’s side, initially top managers said this here:

Fujifilm does not need to share X mount protocols with third-parties, since we offer already lots of glass

But I guess the pressure coming from the Fujifilm community was big enough, to make them change opinion later on:

We Open X Mount to Third Parties […] Kenko Tokina actually already announced three lenses for X-mount, with autofocus […] Many customers want more lenses, and we want to satisfy that need

Last but not least, here is one of the rumors we shared back in 2018:

SIGMA Will Make FUJIFILM X Mount lenses if X series Camera Sales Increase by 20%

Well, today, for the first time, we have an official Sigma statement that allows us for the first time to have hope Sigma X mount lenses could come.

In fact, when fellow FR-reader Rob (thanks for letting me know) wrote to Sigma that he can’t wait for X mount DC DN lenses, and there is no excuses not to make them since Fujifilm released their AF protocols, Sigma answered publicly on their official social media channels:

Hopefully we’ll see such in 2021.

But still be careful: they say “hopefully”, so nothing is yet set in stone.

In the past we did launch a massive survey, where we listed all Sigma lenses and did let you vote on which one you’d like to get also for Fujifilm X mount. Your top 10 Sigma-wishes turned out to be the following ones:

  1. Sigma 18-35mm f/1.8 DC HSM
  2. Sigma 50-100mm f/1.8 DC HSM
  3. Sigma 56mm f/1.4 DC DN Contemporary
  4. Sigma 16mm f/1.4 DC DN Contemporary
  5. Sigma 35mm f/1.2 DG DN Art
  6. Sigma 150-600mm f/5-6.3 DG OS HSM
  7. Sigma 10-20mm f/3.5 EX DC HSM
  8. Sigma 30mm f/1.4 DC DN Contemporary
  9. Sigma 500mm f/4 DG OS HSM
  10. Sigma 85mm f/1.4 DG HSM Art

If you want, you can check out and still vote the full survey here.

Crossing fingers some of the them will come also for Fuji X mount in 2021!

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New Fujifilm Deals Launched in Europe with First X-T4 Deals and Much More

Fujifilm Europe has launched new cashback deals.

You can find the deals at AmazonUK, AmazonDE, AmazonIT, WexUK, ParkcamerasUK, CalumetDE, PCHstore and more official Fujifilm retailers.

The deals are similar in every country, but there might be slight differences. I will list down below the deals for Germany and UK.


AmazonUK, AmazonDE and AmazonIT are included in the official Fujifilm dealers list. However “only purchases directly from Amazon (with an Amazon invoice) are eligible for this promotion. Purchases from Amazon Marketplace are not eligible and will be rejected, unless the Marketplace Seller is also a Fujifilm Qualifying (Authorised) Retailer.”

Fujifilm Germany Deals

Deals available at:

To claim the cashback, after your purchase, go to, click „Jetzt Antrag stellen”. The maximum number of claims per customer is 5.


  • Save €200 – Fujifilm X-T4 body or kit with Vertical Battery Grip
  • Save €200 – Fujifilm X-T3 body or kit options
  • Save €100 – Fujifilm X-T30 nody or kit options


  • XF14mmF2.8 R – save 100 €
  • XF16mmF1.4 R WR – save 100 €
  • XF16mmF2.8 R WR – save 50 €
  • XF18mmF2 R – save 50 €
  • XF23mmF1.4 R – save 100 €
  • XF27mmF2.8 – save 50 €
  • XF35mmF1.4 R – save 50 €
  • XF56mmF1.2 R – save 100 €
  • XF56mmF1.2 R APD – save 100 €
  • XF60mmF2.4 R Macro – save 50 €
  • XF80mmF2.8 R LM OIS WR Macro – save 100 €
  • XF90mmF2 R LM WR – save 100 €
  • XF200mmF2 R LM OIS WR 1.4xTC – save 500 €
  • XF8-16mmF2.8 R LM WR – save 150 €
  • XF16-55mmF2.8 R LM WR – save 100 €
  • XF50-140mmF2.8 R LM OIS WR – save 150 €
  • XF50-140mmF2.8 R LM OIS WR + TC XF1.4x Set – save 150 €
  • XF18-135mmF3.5-5.6 R LM OIS WR – save 50 €
  • XF55-200mmF3.5-F4.8 R LM OIS – save 50 €
  • XF100-400mmF4.5-F5.6 R LM OIS WR – save 200 €
  • XF100-400mmF4.5-F5.6 R LM OIS WR + TC XF1.4x Set – save 200 €

Fujifilm UK Deals

Deals available at:

To claim the cashback, after your purchase, go to, click „Claim Now”. The maximum number of claims per customer is 5.

  • Fujifilm X-T4 – Get the vertical grip for half price + a battery for free
  • Fujfiilm GFX50S – save £900
  • Fujifilm X-S10 – Buy X-S10 and save £180 on XF55-200
  • XF14mmF2.8 R – save £50
  • XF16mmF1.4 R WR – save £50
  • XF16mmF2.8 R WR – save £50
  • XF18mmF2 R – save £50
  • XF23mmF1.4 R – save £50
  • XF27mmF2.8 – save £50
  • XF35mmF1.4 R – save £50
  • XF56mmF1.2 R – save £50
  • XF56mmF1.2 R APD – save £50
  • XF60mmF2.4 R Macro – save £50
  • XF80mmF2.8 R LM OIS WR Macro – save £50
  • XF90mmF2 R LM WR – save £50
  • XF200mmF2 R LM OIS WR 1.4xTC – save £250
  • XF8-16mmF2.8 R LM WR – save £75
  • XF16-55mmF2.8 R LM WR – save £75
  • XF50-140mmF2.8 R LM OIS WR – save £75
  • XF18-135mmF3.5-5.6 R LM OIS WR – save £50
  • XF100-400mmF4.5-F5.6 R LM OIS WR – save £100

Fujifilm USA Deals

XF Lens Deals

X Camera Deals

GFX Gear