BREAKING: Fujifilm X-H2 with 26 Megapixel coming 2022 (and Now the Big Question is…)


Look guys, this is trusted stuff. Solid and reliable. And 100% true. Believe it or not. It’s going to happen.

The Fujifilm X-H line has been canceled!!! Axed! Forever!!!

Nah, just kidding… we don’t do fake rumors here ;).

So let’s get serious and tell you exactly what is going to happen.

FujiRumors told you that there will be two Fujifilm X-H2 cameras and that they will have a different megapixel number.

According to our sources, one will sport a high resolution 40 megapixel sensor (not 43 megapixel as many speculate based on available Sony sensors).

And what about the other Fujifilm X-H2?

Well, we did get additional information from our sources. Multiple trusted sources. And they told us that the second Fujifilm X-H2 camera will have 26 megapixel.

I know what you want to know now.

You want to know if it will be the same 26 megapixel sensor we have in current X series cameras such as the Fujifilm X-T4 or if it will be a new 26 Megapixel sensor.

At this point I can’t answer this question.

Some of you might remember that I once said the Fujifilm X-E4 would be the last X-Trans IV 26 Megapixel camera. But evidently I was wrong, as we got the Fujifilm X-T30II (although that’s basically just an X-T30 on firmware steroids and new LCD). So I might well be wrong again?

Let’s see the two options I see for now:

  1. Fujifilm decided to make a high resolution and more expensive Fujifilm X-H2 and offer at the same time a much more affordable version of the X-H2 using the proven and trusted X-Trans IV BSI 26 Megapixel sensor.
  2. Fujifilm will use a new 26 Megapixel sensor

My opinion on both options:

  1. Fujifilm could have decided to use the X-Trans IV sensor of the X-T4, but combine it with the new processor on the X-H2 to squeeze the most out of the X-Trans IV sensor. That would be siimilar to what they did with the Fujifilm GFX50SII, where they used the old sensor of the original GFX50S, but combined with the newer processor of the GFX100S Fujifilm was able to take more out of it (faster autofocus speed, more film simulations etc.)
  2. This would be very atypical for Fujifilm, to launch in one year (2022) two completely new higher-end APS-C sensors. But just because Fujifilm never did it before, it does not mean it can’t happen with the Fujifilm X-H2.

Which one do you consider more likely? Feel free to vote the survey down below.

And make sure to follow FujiRumors to get more Fujifilm X-H2 rumors soon.

Regarding the Fujifilm X-H2 with 26 Megapixel...

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Fujifilm X-H2 Rumors Recap

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FujiRumors Is Back with Big Fujifilm X-H2 Rumor Coming Soon!


Everything has to go back to normal at some point.

So you guys “suffered” through the Black Friday articles deal season, and I have to regroup myself and crawl back from the motivational low to write anything here on FujiRumors after losing my dog after almost 17 years together.

I know one day pain will leave and make space for the good memories. But as J.S.Foer wrote in his wonderful book Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close: “You cannot protect yourself from sadness without protecting yourself from happiness“. And after 17 years of happiness, now it’s time for sadness. And it’s good that it is this way.

So let’s try go back to normal, which on FujiRumors means break some rumors for you.

And I have a rather big one coming up: more details about the non-40 megapixel Fujifilm X-H2.

It will be shared soon.


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Top 3 Features Coming with Capture One 22 on December 9


Capture One 22 will be officially released tomorrow as you can see from the official announcement page here. The top 3 features that will come with the new version are the following:

  • Panorama Stitching
    Build stunning panoramic stitches of landscapes, cityscapes, architectural scenes and more with incredible resolution and total detail from edge to edge. Produce superb wide-angle shots without warping and distorting corners. And don’t let the word “panorama” hold back your imagination – with multi-row stitching, you can build your image in all directions, giving you a huge DNG file to work with that’s fully editable directly in Capture One.
    HDR Merging
    Combining multiple RAW images with different exposures, HDR Merging gives you a single high dynamic range image in just a few clicks – perfect for landscapes set during sunrise or sunset, interior shots showing both an indoor and outdoor setting, or any scene with big differences in exposure. Go one step further by using the powerful editing tools in Capture One to finalize your image.
  • Auto Rotate
    Time is money – spare yourself hours of manual rotation in your workflow with our first AI-driven tool, letting you automatically rotate huge image batches simultaneously.

You can read more at the dedicated Capture One 22 launch page here.

I will soon say good bye to Capture One 21 and upgrade to Capture One 22 myself.


Fujifilm Instax Mini EVO Review


Now that the Fujifilm Instax Mini EVO is available for pre-order, I’ve looked around for reviews.

The only review worth to be mentioned at this point is the one of Bernie Shore. You can see his video below as well as a summary. In case you missed it, I will also share the Fuji Guys video we’ve already posted in the past.

There are some unboxing videos and first impressions from Japan and other Asian countries, where the Instax Mini EVO started shipping already. But to get our hands on the Instax Evo here in Europe also in North America, we will have to wait February 1st according to BHphoto and also according to AmazonUS.

Instax Mini EVO Review / Summary

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Samyang 12mm F2 AF X First Impressions Review


In Europe and other parts of the world, the brand new Samyang 12mm f/2 AF X autofocus lens for Fujifilm X mount is already shipping, and hence the first reviews now start to appear on the web.

As we reported a few days ago, Samyang US customer service told to a FR-reader that his Samyang 12mm f/2 should ship in January, hence it might take a bit longer in North America to ship.

So how does this lens perform?

Well, you can find a first impressions video review by Luca Petralia (as well as a summary) down below.

NewThird Party Fujifilm X Autofocus Lenses Group

Samyang 12mm f/2 AF X First Impressions

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