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Top 10 October Posts: New Fujifilm GFX100 Rumors, New Firmware, Fujifilm X-E4 Rumors, X-S10 Attack on SONY, New Roadmap & More

Phew… that was a buy month!

Alone in October, here on FujiRumors we published 101 articles. That’s probably more articles than the hours of sleep I had the entire month!

But I hope all this mega-effort was worth it and you had a fun time reading FujiRumors.

What kept me so busy?

Well, surely the huge buzz around the big announcements, which culminated in the Fujifilm X summit and the official announcement of the Fujifilm X-S10, the XF10-24mmF4 MK II, the new X mount roadmap and the X-T3 firmware.

It was so busy, that making a Top 10 list is kind of limiting.

In fact, many in the top 10 were rumors about the Fujifilm X-S10. Hence, in order to avoid the X-S10 dominance in the list, and give space also to other relevant and interesting news, I will sum X-S10 rumors into one point.

So, here are the top 10 posts for October.

  1. Fujifilm X-S10 rumors (several posts with the top 3 being the leaked images, the layout explanation and the press release)
  2. New Firmware for Fujifilm X-T3 and X-H1 Released
  3. RUMOR: New Fujifilm X Lens Roadmap Coming Soon
  4. Next Fujinon X Mount Roadmap to Include Fujinon XF 18mmF1.4 WR
  5. Fujifilm X-E4 Coming in First Quarter 2021
  6. Fujifilm X-S10: Attack on SONY (& Co), Why it is NOT an X-T40/X-H10
  7. Fujifilm Digital Camera Range: Making Sense of the Line-Up, What Should be Dropped, What Should Stay… and Where is the X-H Line?
  8. Next Fujifilm GFX with 102 Megapixel (not Monochrome) and Much Smaller than Fujifilm GFX100
  9. IBIS COMPARISON: Fujifilm X-S10 vs X-H1 vs X-T4 – Smarter Wiring, 30% Smaller Side by Side with Older IBIS Units
  10. New Fujifilm Camera FF200003 Registered: Fujifilm X-E4, New Fujifilm GFX or Surprise Camera X-T40 or X80?

Bonus Posts You Should not Have missed:

  1. Fujinon XF70-300mmF4-5.6 vs XF55-200mmF3.5-4.8 vs XF100-400mmF4.5-5.6 vs XC50-230mmF4.5-6.7
  2. SIZE COMPARISON: Fujinon XF18mmF1.4 vs XF16mmF1.4 vs XF23mmF1.4
  3. Fujinon XF Wildlife Photography Lenses Needed, Base ISO 100, Firmware Wishes and More
  4. Good Bye, X-T1: I Sold my Fujifilm X-T1 Today – About Love for Dials and the Story Behind my Favorite X-T1 Image
  5. The X-Pan Rebirth of Fujifilm X-Pro1

Stay tuned for more fun coming in November ;).

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ENDS TODAY: Save up to $1,000 on Fujifilm X/GFX Gear

The Fujifilm Summer deals end today, hence these are the last hours, where you can save up to $1,000 on Fujifilm X and GFX gear.


X Bodies

GFX Bodies

Software Deals

You can use our checkout code “FUJIRUMOR” to get an additional 15% discount on all TOPAZ products (Click here). Here is the list of products and bundles:

LAST WEEK of Fujifilm Summer Offers: Save up to $1,000 on X/GFX Gear

This is the last week of Fujifilm summer savings.


X Bodies

GFX Bodies

Software Deals

You can use our checkout code “FUJIRUMOR” to get an additional 15% discount on all TOPAZ products (Click here). Here is the list of products and bundles:

Fujinon XF Lens Roundup: The Travel King, The Pancake Experience, Best Astrophotography Lenses and More

One of the privileges I have running FujiRumors, is that I get to (virtually) meet thousands of Fujifilm X shooters every year.

I get all sorts of questions, feedback, ideas, feature requests and more.

I really try to do my best to answer you all, and one of the things I really enjoy, is that I can give additional exposure to Fujifilm X and GFX shooters out there, by sharing roundups like this.

Sure, it’s a hell of a work, but I feel it’s a nice way I can give back something to the FujiRumors community, which is always so numerous and wonderfully active here.

The content to share is still massive, so I stepped a bit on the gas, and, in addition to the mixed zone I have shared recently, here is another dedicated Fujinon lens roundup… and more will come.

Fujinon Roundup

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FUJIFILM Explains Which Fujinon XF Lenses are Best for Video

One of the main critics to the Fujifilm system, and that we often read here in the comments on FujiRumors, is that despite Fujiiflm cameras becoming great video tools, not all Fujinon lenses are suitable for video.

It seems that Fujifilm felt pressed enough by your critics that they now decided to release a dedicated video explaining which Fujinon lenses are best for video.

The criteria they consider are:

  • Autofocus
  • Breathing
  • Stabilization

And here are the lenses Fujifilm officially recommends:

Fujifilm also mentions that with those zoom lenses, you do not have to worry about AF motor noise.

But honestly, if you are seriously into video, you are probably going to use an external microphone anyway. For example, I filmed my online teaching lessons for my students (during COVID-19 lockdown) with the XF23mmF1.4, which isn’t the most silent, but I used my Rode Smartlav+ Mic Lav, so I couldn’t care less about how noisy the AF motor is.

For those wanting a unique look and feel, Fujifilm recommends to use primes, such as the:

The Fujinon XF80mmF2.8 Macro allows you to captures scenes with a different perspective.

That was it already. So you are basically best of with the 3 zooms mentioned above. Although I feel that the list could have extended and included the XF16-55mmF2.8.

I feel that the currently most comprehensive “Fujinon lenses for video” testing has been made by Philip Bloom. You should definitely check it out here, but keep in mind he used an older firmware, and not firmware 1.02, which, as FujiRumors reported exclusively, improved AF with lenses using DC motors (such as the XF56mmF1.2).

Two Weeks Left: Fujifilm Summer Savings with Up to $1,000 Savings on X/GFX Gear

Down below is the full list of Fujifilm Summer Savings.


X Bodies

GFX Bodies

Software Deals

You can use our checkout code “FUJIRUMOR” to get an additional 15% discount on all TOPAZ products (Click here). Here is the list of products and bundles:

Fujifilm Summer Savings: Best Selling Deals on FujiRumors and Save Up to $1,000 on X/GFX Gear

Down below is the full list of Fujifilm Summer Savings.

In case you wonder, which ones are selling best among the FujiRumors community, here is the answer:

  1. XF 10-24mmF4
  2. XF 16mmF1.4
  3. Fujifilm X-T3
  4. XF 18-135mmF3.5-5.6


X Bodies

GFX Bodies

Software Deals

You can use our checkout code “FUJIRUMOR” to get an additional 15% discount on all TOPAZ products (Click here). Here is the list of products and bundles:

Fujinon XF30mmF1.0, XF35mmF1.0 and XF33mmF1.0 Patents Spotted and Fujinon XF 50mmF1.0 Coming Soon

Finally, 5+ years after our original Fujinon XF33mmF1.0 rumor, the patent for that lens has now been spotted by (via

And not only that!

It looks like Fujifilm looked into slightly different variations of that super-fast lens, more precisely:

Focal length: 34.686 mm
F number: 1.03
Angle of view: 45.4

Focal length: 30.369 mm
F number: 1.03
Angle of view: 51.0

Focal length: 33.489 mm
F number: 1.03
Angle of view: 46.8

As you know, back in 2018 Fujifilm officially added the Fujinon XF33mmF1.0 to the lens roadmap, but later on in 2019, Fujifilm officially canceled plans for the Fujinon XF33mmF1.0 in favor of the Fujinon XF50mmF1.0 for the reasons we already elaborated in this article.

As we could see in a live stream youtube video we reported about here, the Fujinon XF50mmF1.0 is out for Beta testing, meaning Fujifilm will be able to respect the original timeline, hence be able to release this lens within 2020.

From the first sample visible during the live stream, I can confidently say that an impressive lens is coming our way.

If it was really more needed than a Fujinon XF33mmF1.0, given the fact that we already have (and I personally own), the stunning Fujinon XF56mmF1.2, that’s up to you to decide.

For sure, the Fujinon XF50mmF1.0 will incorporate the smoothest and best autofocus, it will be weather sealed, hence addressing two of the major complaints with the XF56mmF1.2.

Plus, the XF50mmF1.0 will be priced surprisingly well, and this is why I believe, that Fujifilm is about to drop a real winner.

Gear Talk Detox Corner: Enchanting and Inspiring Fujifilm APS-C Image Rounudp

There is something I can promise you: in terms of gear talk, we have exciting times ahead. Fujifilm ain’t sleeping, and so ain’t FujiRumors ;).

But as exciting as it will be to talk rumors and specs, we should never forget that at the end of all this talk, there is one single goal: get the picture!

And little it matters, that the images down below have all been taken with Fujifilm X-T APS-C cameras and shared at our Fujifilm X-T facebook group.

Today it’s all about inspiration, motivation, ideas and art.

So, may this post motivate you to close that browser tab, where people discuss about the “zero-point-something” difference at 400% magnification between camera X and Y, grab your camera, and simply go out and take pictures.

Oh, and don’t forget:

… the by far fastest growing Fuji X community, is our Fujifilm film simulation group, where we showcase the unedited power of the much praised Fujifilm colors. Make sure to follow that group too, if you want to see what you can get right in camera.

Image Roundup

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Focus On Glass: Fujinon XF 50-140mmF2.8 Even Better with Future X Bodies and Why no OIS on XF 16-55mmF2.8

We already reported in this post, about the first episodes of the Fujifilm series “Focus on Glass“, which included the XF8-16mmF2.8 and the GF30mmF3.5.

Now new episodes have been uploaded at Fujifilm Spain, this time about two lenses, that we can define the “workhorses” in the X mount lens lineup, the Fujinon XF16-55mmF2.8 and the Fujinon XF50-140mmF2.8.

It includes statements made by Fujifilm managers and engineers about those lenses, which I will report in written form here, to make you safe some time ;)

Fujinon XF50-140mmF2.8

  • no excuse is allowed for this lens:
    – autofocus has to be fast
    – image quality has to be impressive
    – weight has to be light
    – size has to be compact
    – it has to tick all boxes
  • it has outstanding resolution
  • a flawless lens
  • clear color reproduction
  • minimal chromatic aberration
  • Fujifilm is proud of the result
  • 23 glass elements inside with many ED lenses
  • the more the Fujifilm X bodies evolve, the more the potential of this lens is executed
  • an engineer says he can see its performance extended even further in future

Regarding the better performance in future, they probably refer to autofocus speed, but possibly also to sharpness. We know from this Fujifilm manager statement that Fujifilm X glass can resolve at least 32 megapixel, hence, Fujifilm might hint that the XF50-140mmF2.8 is one of those lenses that is currently underperforming on the 26 megapixel X-Trans sensor.

Fujinon XF16-55mmF2.8

  • in order to maximize optical performance, Fujifilm decided to remove OIS, it was not an easy decision
  • it’s a must have lens
  • you can attempt any photo shoot with this lens
  • a reliable partner
  • no excuses are allowed, when making a red badged lens
  • Fujifilm would give it 5 stars

I have been told in the past by my sources, that the optical performance at the wide end did not satisfy Fujifilm completely, hence they decided to remove OIS. At that point in time a strongly debated discussion, but now that Fujifilm offers cameras with IBIS, we can say that in the long term this was the right decision.

You can see both videos down below.

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