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Fujifilm Manager X-T4 Interview: Vary Angle Screen has Advantages also for Still Photographers, APS-C is Sweet Spot

10 days ago, the Japanese youtube channel カメラのキタムラ published two interviews with a Fujifilm manager talking about the Fujifilm X-T4.

Each video is 13 minutes long, and I didn’t understand a single word, so I had to rely on the automatic google translator tool, which also had its struggles.

But I went through it, and here are the things I think I could understand.

If some Japanese FR-reader has time, you can do a summary and share it in the comments below.

Video 1

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Tales of the Fujifilm X-T4: Tale 1 – Versatile Performance

Fujifilm just started the “Tales of the Fujifilm X-T4” series.

Today they published their 1st part. You can read some excerpts below.

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Fotodiox PRONTO Adapter for Fujifilm X Adds Autofocus to your Manual Focus Lenses

The Fotodiox PRONTO is an adapter, that allows you to add autofocus to a variety of manual focus lenses.

The Fotodiox PRONTO for Sony is on the market since a while now.

Now Fotodiox launched also the Fotodiox PRONTO for Fujifilm X, allowing you to add autofocus to your manual focus Leica M lenses. But if you double adapt the Fotodiox PRONTO to other Fotodiox adapters, you can shoot with a variety of other lens mount types, too. In the video below you’ll see how it works.

Introducing the PRONTO auto focus adapter for FUJIFILM X Series cameras! PRONTO is a Leica M to FUJIFILM X-mount adapter that adds auto focus functionality to your lens right out of the box! Just mount your Leica M lens on the adapter, mount the adapter on your X Series camera, focus the lens to infinity, and press the shutter button.

The adapter’s motor moves the lens forward and backwards to auto focus it on your subject at nearly the speed of a native lens! Just like that, breathe fresh life and functionality into your old and new manual lenses! Add a second optional adapter and you can mount and auto-focus lenses from Nikon, Pentax K, M42, and more.

Compatible Lens mounts (via a second adapter): Nikon F and G, Pentax K, M42, Olympus OM, Minolta MD, Contax/Yashica, Leica R, M39, DKL, and T-Mount

Here are some of the main specs:

  • Add autofocus to your Leica M-mount manual focus lenses; Ideal for 50mm and wider focal lengths
  • Improve close focus ability of all supported lenses; super light and compact
  • Further adapt to other lens mounts to increase your autofocus capability
  • Compatible with Fujifilm X-Mount Cameras; Support AF-S & AF-C mode & 5-Axis Stabilization
  • Limited 2-Year Manufacturer Warranty

Here are some things, you should keep in mind:

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Fujinon GF 80mmF1.7 and Fujinon GF 30mmF3.5 Size Comparisons

Fujinon G Mount Lenses – Size Comparison

The Fujifilm GFX community is salivating, looking at the latest G mount roadmap.

In fact, the new roadmap lists a stunning Fujinon GF 80mm f/1.7 lens, which in other sensor sizes is:

  • 63mm f/1.3 in full frame
  • 42mm f/0.9 in ASP-C, hence very close to Fuji’s new Fujinon XF50mm f/1.0

And to be clear: we apply the conversion to the f-stop, only to indicate the equivalent shallow depth of field, and not the light gathering capabilities of the lens itself, which remains the one mentioned on the lens (with the consequences we told you here).

We also find a lovely Fujinon GF 30mm f/3.5 lens, which Fujifilm says is meant for street and landscape photography, be very sharp and also focus fast.

At the recent Fujifilm X Summit, Fujifilm showed some mockups and also disclosed more details.

I thought we catch up on that, sum up all we know, and add a few size comparisons based on the technical sketches Fujfiilm delivered during the event.

Fujinon GF 80mm f/1.7

LEFT: GF110mm f/2 vs GF 80mm f/1.7 Size Comparison // RIGHT: GF 80mm f/1.7 mockup
LEFT: GF110mm f/2 vs GF 80mm f/1.7 Size Comparison // RIGHT: GF 80mm f/1.7 mockup

Let’s start with the Fujinon GF 80mm f/1.7.

Above you can see a size comparison provided by Fujifilm. The Fujinon GF 80mm f/1.7 is 20% smaller and will weight under 800g, as opposed to the GF110mm f/2, which weights 1010g.

The picture above also shows the GF80mm f/1.7 mounted on the Fujifilm GFX100.

Fujifilm gave us some indications on what the differences between both lenses are.

The Fujinon GF 80mm f/1.7 will have a very creamy and softer bokeh compared to the one on the Fujinon GF 110mm f/2. Different bokeh quality for different tastes.

Also, due to its more compact nature, the Fujinon GF80mm f/1.7 is good for outside and active shooting, whereas the GF110mm f/2 instead is better suited for studio.

I decided to compare the Fujinon GF80mm f/1.7 to its closes in terms of focal length, the Fujinon GF110mm f/2 and the GF63mm f/2.8.

GF110 - GF80 - GF63
GF110 – GF80 – GF63

Fujinon GF30mm f/3.5

Next in our list is the Fujinon GF 30mm f/3.5.

In this case, we are going to compare it with the Fujinon GF23mm f/4 vs Fujinon GF 45mm f/2.8.

Sadly camerasize does not have the GF45/2.8 in their database, so I added it manually to the Fujifilm GFX50R.

Down below you see that it is just a tiny bit shorter than the GF23mm f/4

GF23 / GF 30 / GF45
GF23 / GF 30 / GF45

Both lenses are fantastic additions to the Fujinon G mount lineup.

What we want know thought, are the other ones we saw in the internal secret roadmap… but not so secret anymore, thanks to this leak ;).

Fujifilm GFX 100: B&H Photo, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera, CalumetDE, ParkcamerasUK, JessopsUK, PCHstore

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Fujifilm Manager: “The Fujifilm X-T4 is Bashing the Door Down Hard on Sony A7III users”, X-H2 and More

Kevin Mullins and Neale James published episode 55 of the Fujicast. Once again, they host Fujifilm manager Andreas Georghiades.

Of course the main course of the meal is the Fujifilm X-T4, but they cover much more in a 1:23 hour podcast.

Here on FujiRumors we will highlight only what the Fujifilm manager said in regard to the Fujifilm X-T4. You can read it down below (in the podcast starts at min. 1:06:31)

Question: How many more cameras will Fujifilm launch this year?

  • If Fujifilm Japan will release more cameras this year, the marketing team will resign. Fujifilm marketing UK had the busiest 6 months he can remember. X-Pro3, X-Summit, House of Photography, X-T200, a few lenses, X100V, X-T4…

Question: What does the Fujifilm X-T4 bring, for those who might have been waiting for Fujifilm X-H2, that perhaps the X-H2 doesn’t bring

  • No comment on future no existent products
  • The X-T4 ticks all boxes people required when X-T3 was launched (IBIS, selfie screen, bigger battery)

Question: Sony is a strong among wedding photographers. Is the X-T4 a statement “look, there is Fuji now!”

  • He won’t dis on Sony, the manager used to work for Sony
  • Sony is a great electronic company
  • But for him Sony feels a bit soulless
  • on paper the specs add up, but they do not seem a well rounded package overall
  • The X-T4 is bashing the door down hard on Sony A7III users: the autofocus performance, the fast and quiet mechanical shutter, the 6.5 stops, it is the complete solution for everybody shooting stills and video
  • feedback from photographers and journalists is really positive so far

Question: When will the Fujifilm X-H2 come?

  • ……… silence ………

X-T4: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / FocusCamera

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24 Things You Missed About Fujifilm X-T4: Fujifilm Confirms X-H2, Fuji X-T4 vs X-T3 Autofocus Tracking Demo & More

The Fujifilm X-T4 has just been officially announced.

I would like to thank all FujiRumors sources, as we were able to share 80% of the specs ahead of launch, and awesome nokishita kindly provided us with the 20% remaining specs later on.

So, our sources just topped themselves this time! Thanks for helping me to create excitement around this fantastic camera, and feel free to keep it up in future.

With that said, there are things, that no specs sheet showed, and hence might have passed unnoticed.

So I went through all the Fujiflm X-T4 first looks we have shared in our massive X-T4 live blogging (I have never seen youtubers so happy with a Fujifilm camera ;) ), and picked out 24 points you might have missed about the Fujifilm X-T4.


24 Things You Missed about the Fujifilm X-T4

  1. X-T4 much better rolling shutter than X-T3, probably because of the IBIS, says Cinema5D. I guess this means it has the same rolling shutter, but less visible due to IBIS
  2. there are 3 IBIS mode: IBIS only, IBIS + OIS and IS Boost Mode, that mimics a tripod, hence very steady shot. Better don’t use this last option when panning
  3. Jonas Rask writes: “That stabiliser is one amazing piece of tech! I cannot get over how I could handhold my XF35mm f/1.4 at 1 sec and still get a sharp picture!” This falls right in the middle of what people experienced, so it’s a realistic data
  4. 4K60p still has a very slight 1.18x crop. 240fps Full-HD has always a 1.29x crop.
    Digital image stabilization has always crop: 1.1x at 4K30 and 1080p and 1.29x at 4K60 and 240fps full hd.
    You can lock the 1.29 crop in all video modes if you want
  5. EVF is the same, but Fujifilm says they have tweaked the optics in there (says DPRTV)
  6. F-Log also has a F-Log assist function, that gives you a film simulation preview
  7. ‘Focus Check Lock’ option maintains the magnified ‘Focus Check’ view when you start recording, so that it doesn’t immediately jump back out to the whole-image view
  8. dual video recording on separated SD-Cards for back-up
  9. Movie Silent mode has now been renamed “Movie Optimized Control”. Movie Optimized Control because it takes the exposure settings away from the dedicated dials, meaning that you can maintain separate settings for movie and stills shooting.
  10. Battery Charging: if you use the vertical grip, you can charge all three batteries through the USB-C connection on the camera (down below you can see the charging times). Jonas writes: “When using the DC adapter via the USB-C and charging the batteries in camera, you will have a high-speed charging mode. I charged a flat battery from 0%-100% in 24 minutes!”
  11. the mount is reinforced to handle bigger lenses (source – Adorama)
  12. the menu has been updated so you can check the age of the battery (see image below)
  13. new compressed RAW option that makes files even smaller, but it’s a lossy option (not lossless compressed). But saves lots of space. Fujifilm says the quality is ‘about the same as uncompressed’ but there may rarely be a quality difference in the shadow regions of the image
  14. expanded multi exposure modes that allows you to shoot up to 9 frames
  15. below you see a chart on how effective the X-T4 IBIS is on the various lenses
  16. dedicated HDR mode on the sub-dial. Takes 3 shots and creates a RAW file for you with expanded dynamic range
  17. there is “reset” option that is independent for photo and for video. Also, video and stills menu are independent
  18. Gordon from Cameralabs confirms that Fujifilm told him the Fujifilm X-H line will continue and there will be a Fujifilm X-H2 in future. As you know, FujiRumors always told you this, and we also told you back in 2019 that the X-H2 won’t come in 2020… so it’s still a long wait.
    And to be precise I quote Gordon:
    it would be easy to assume the X-T4 is simply a merger between X-T and X-H line. But Fujifilm is keen to point out that the X-T4 is very much an evolution of the X-T series and that the X-H series will continue.”
  19. We saw samples of the X-T4 is made in China as well as Japan, which suggest it is made in both countries. Like some XF lenses, that are made in China and also Philippines
  20. you still can not navigate the menu with touch interface
  21. the front dial is still clickable (it’s no longer on the X-Pro3 for example)
  22. White Balance – Jonas writes ““White Priority” and “Ambience Priority” options in addition to “AUTO” White Balance. The new modes have different ways of processing the pure white. The “White Priority” mode reproduces a stronger white, while the “Ambience Priority” produces a warmer tone. I found the “White Priority” to be really well balanced outside in harsh sunlight, while the “Ambience Priority” worked wonders round the dinner table in more subdued indoor lighting.
  23. Still no AF Tracking option in video – it’s all area, specified area or face-detection
  24. lockable and 40% more rigid eye-cup
  25. BONUS from the comments: the dual charger is an extra, and the little flash is no longer included in the box
  26. BONUS: tone curves adjustements in half stops (no longer full stops)
  27. BONUS: you can select the autofocus box size in video (previously you had to deal with a fixed size)
  28. BONUS: new video file format MP4/H.264 AAC. Better video format for uploading to the internet
  29. BONUS: when used with vertical grip, the X-T4 is actually about the same size of X-H1 with vertical grip

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5 Reasons Why FujiRumors just Pre-ordered the Fujifilm X-T4 and Won’t Wait for Fujifilm X-H2

So I did it. I placed my pre-order for the Fujifilm X-T4.

I hope it will come in time for the wedding I will be shooting.

So why did a rangefinder lover like me buy a SLR-styled camera with selfie flippy screen? And why not wait for Fujifilm X-H2? Here are 5 reasons:

  1. I love dials: the Fujifilm X-H2 will have a top LCD screen. I prefer to have an exposure compensation dial… as many dials as possible. That’s what brought me into the Fujifilm X system, and that’s why I remain there. And I don’t care if the Fujifilm X-H2 has 43 megapixel and new processor. Ergonomics are more important than megapixel to me.
  2. I love compactness: the Fujifilm X-H2 will have a massive grip. That’s great for many of you, but I like my cameras to be smaller (which is why I shoot also the amazing X-E3)
  3. there is no hiding, I would have preferred a 3 way tilt screen. But then I thought, that I use the screen maybe 10% of the time, as I am total viewfinder fan. And in those 10% of the times, I will get used to flip that screen out. It still allows for portrait orientation (which the X-T100 screen does not). And it still allows for low and high angle shots. But again… my thought… I use the EVF anyway all the time. For the rest I will just keep it flipped inwards, like the “hidden screen” of the X-Pro3.
  4. As you know I am a teacher, and I love making more and more videos with my students, as this is an extremely motivating activity for me and for the students. So far I filmed with my X-E3, or X-E2 (which I destroyed). Now it’s time to step up my game and get a camera with IBIS and serious video specs. At the beginning of June I will be on a 1 week school trip abroad called “settimana azzurra”, and I hope to have the X-T4 to document it.
  5. The X-H1 was close to make it into my camera bag. But looking at the massive autofocus improvements on the X-T4, I just had to pass and get the Fujifilm X-T4.

So yes, I am in. I pre-ordered the Fujifilm X-T4. Now the long waiting begins, just like all of you guys, as I have absolutely no privileged contacts with Fujifilm.

Wait… you want to know which color? Well, make your guess in the comments. I will let you know later on ;).

Fujifilm launches mirrorless digital camera “FUJIFILM X-T4”

Fujifilm launches mirrorless digital camera “FUJIFILM X-T4”

– Capturing a precious moment with the world’s fastest* 15fps shooting and quick AF as fast as 0.02 seconds
– Incorporating high-performance in-body image stabilization in a compact and lightweight body
– Capable of recording premium-quality video with ease
– Catering to professional needs with the new high capacity battery that lasts approx. 500 frames per charge

Fujifilm X-T4: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / FocusCamera
NP-W235 Battery: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / FocusCamera
Vertical Grip: BHphoto / Adorama

Full Press Release

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Fujifilm X-T4 Press Release Leaked

Down below you can find the press release for the Fujifilm X-T4 leaked by nokishita. Some key points:

  • 30% more quiet shutter than X-T3
  • huge AF improvement
  • tracking success rate has been doubled compared to the X-T3
  • face/eye detection dramatically improved
  • 6.5 stops IBIS with 18 X mount lenses out of 29
  • IBIS has magnetic force rather than springs
  • X-T4 IBIS is 30% smaller and 20% lighter than X-H1’s IBIS
  • shutter durability with 300,000 actuations (double the X-T3)
  • 240 fps at Full HD
  • Video in the same format can be recorded on to two SD cards at the same time as backup
  • new battery with 500 shots in normal mode and 600 in economy mode (X-T3 has 390 shots in normal mode)
  • The “Fix movie crop magnification” function fixes the video crop rate to prevent changes in the angle of view when switching to a different video mode.
  • An “MIC jack setting” on the camera can be switched input level between MIC level and LINE level. The camera supports external microphones as well as LINE level input from external audio equipment.

THE TIME: Fujifilm X-T4 announcement at 9PM San Francisco time of February 25 – LIVE BLOGGING on FUJIRUMORS

Fujifilm X-T4: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / FocusCamera

Top X-T Community: Fujifilm X-T facebook group
Top X-T Page: Fujifilm X-T Page

Press Text

The X-T4 uses the back-illuminated 26.1MP X-Trans CMOS 4 sensor and a high-speed image processing engine, the X-Processor 4. Combined with FUJIFILM’s colour reproduction technology, the X-T4 delivers a wide variety of options so you can recreate a scene exactly as you remember it.

IBIS provides 5-axis 6.5 stop image stabilisation when used with 18 out of 29 XF / XC lenses. It offers many new components, including new materials to the base part, a refined layout of the shutter’s shock-absorbing structure and newly developed gyro sensors that boast approx. 8 times the detection accuracy of the IBIS unit in the X-H1. This particular mechanism assists night photography and sports photography, and also helps video recording in situations prone to camera shake. The new IBIS unit uses magnetic force rather than springs, which boosts functionality while making it approx. 30% smaller and 20% lighter than X-H1’s image stabilisation mechanism.

Thanks to newly developed high-torque coreless DC motor, the ultra-fast focal plane shutter has the capability to shoot up to world’s fastest 15fps in burst mode, and has advanced response performance with a shutter release lag of just 0.035 seconds. The shutter unit also boasts double the durability with 300,000 actuations and offers shutter noise approx. 30% quieter compared to the X-T3.

The 1.62 mil dots vari-angle monitor allows for more creative and versatile shooting styles.
The LCD/EVF can be boosted in three different ways, Low Light Priority – allowing users to see the subject clearly in low light, Resolution Priority – displaying even the fine details of your subject and Frame Rate Priority which minimises blur in the viewfinder when shooting a moving subject. The eyecup now has a locking mechanism to prevent tearing or dislodgement.
The Boost / Normal modes are now joined by the Economy mode, which saves the power to increase the battery life.

The X-T4 features “ETERNA Bleach Bypass” a new Film Simulation mode, that uses FUJIFILM’s unique technology to provide versatile colour tones. The new mode simulates “bleach bypass,” which is a traditional processing technique for silver halide films; creating images with low saturation and high contrast for a special atmosphere.
Highlight and shadow tones from -2 to +4 can now be adjusted by 1/2 stops, instead of 1 stop, allowing for finer tonality, and White Balance now has “White Priority” and “Ambience Priority” options in addition to “AUTO.” The “White Priority” mode reproduces a stronger white, while the “Ambience Priority” produces a warmer tone.
When “RAW” is selected, users now choose the non-reversible “Compressed” option in addition to the reversible “Lossless Compressed.”

A new algorithm and phase detection AF’s processing capability has led to autofocus performance as fast as 0.02 seconds. This ensures that users can capture and track a subject moving at high speed, especially when combined with the continuous shooting performance of 15fps in post view and 8fps in live view.
Tracking AF performance has also undergone serious enhancement. The tracking success rate has been doubled compared to the X-T3. The Face / Eye AF performance has also been dramatically improved. This enhanced tracking ability has made focusing and taking portraits even easier than ever before.

The X-T4 is capable of recording Full HD high-speed video at 240P, producing up to 10x slow-motion effect. IBIS is effective when combined with the electronic image stabilization function (DIS) for use in the video mode, and brings even more image stabilisation, which is essential for users shooting video whilst walking.
The “IS (Image Stabilisation) Boost” mode mitigates gentle camera shakes, enabling stabilised fixed-point video recording without a tripod.

The stills and video modes now have separate menus and the video-only Quick Menu (Q Menu) button has enhanced the camera’s simplicity while recording video. A ”Movie optimised control” function has been introduced; users can adjust exposure with the command dial as well as the touchscreen panel. With this function, user can switch the STILL / MOVIE mode dial on the top panel to swiftly shift into video recording with stored video settings.

Video in the same format can be recorded on to two SD cards at the same time as backup. And the F-Log View Assist function has been added to correct low-saturation / low-contrast video while recording F-Log. Video is converted equivalent to BT.709 for display to make it easier to attain correct exposure in video recording.

The “Fix movie crop magnification” function fixes the video crop rate to prevent changes in the angle of view when switching to a different video mode. An “MIC jack setting” on the camera can be switched input level between MIC level and LINE level. The camera supports external microphones as well as LINE level input from external audio equipment.

– via nokishita

Fujifilm X-T4 vs Fujifilm X-T3 vs X-H1 vs Sony A7III Accurate Size Comparison

Here is an accurate size comparison between the Fujifilm X-T3 and the Fujifilm X-T4.

As you can see, Fujifilm managed to put IBIS into it without making it that much bigger.

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Size Comparison Below

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