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Fujifilm X-E4 Will Not Have IBIS

A while back, we investigated if the brand new compact IBIS system of the Fujifilm X-S10 would fit in the Fujifilm X-E3.

I took technical sketches of the X-S10 IBIS unit provided by Fujifilm and overlapped it to the X-E3.

We could see, that techinically it looks like there would be space for the X-S10 IBIS in the X-E3, and hence also on the upcoming X-E4 (if the X-E4 would have the same size of X-E3).

But today I have to report that, according to our information, the X-E4 has no IBIS.

I don’t know if this is just a matter of costs, or if Fujifilm decided to make the X-E4 even smaller than its predecessor.

Or maybe it’s the price we have to pay to get a flip up screen that still allows the LCD to be flush to the body like on the X100V.

So what, is the potential lack of IBIS a dealbreaker for you? Feel free to let us know in the comments.

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BREAKING: Fujifilm GFX100S, GF80mmF1.7, X-E4, XF27mmF2.8II, XF70-300mmF4-5.6, New Film Simulation Coming JANUARY 27

Yes, I know. A mysterious FF200003 camera registrations has been spotted and is said to be announced on January 29.

But trust me, nothing will happen on January 29.

What you want to do, is to tune in on January 27, because that’s when Fujifilm will have a huge announcement day.

And don’t expect “just” one camera, the FF200003 to be announced.

In fact, I hear we could get all this on that single day:

I will continue to check the list, and I will let you know in case there is something to add or remove to it. Until then, take that as the “official” FujiRumors announcement list.

Anyone out there, who had a new years resolution to resist better to GAS in 2021? Well, on January 27 you’ll be seriously tested :D.

As always, if you liked months of breaking and exclusive rumors, then feel free to join us here on FujiRumors on January 27 for an epic live blogging.

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DON’T PANIC, the Fujifilm X-E4 has an EVF!

Yesterday I reported that the Fujifilm X-E4 will have a flip up screen, similar to the one you see on the Fujifilm X70 and Sony A6400.

When I shared that rumor, I also shared an image with an X-E4 mock-up I made (not the real camera) and two images of an X70 with tilted screen, so that you guys can see immediately how the X70 screen works.

The image I shared was the one you see above. The two smaller cameras on the right show the X70 (and you can read it also printed on the top of the camera).

But for some reason, especially over on facebook, lots of people thought that this means the X-E4 won’t have a viewfinder. But what you see on the left, are two images of the X70 (it’s acutally also written on top of the camera). But probably, scrolling fast and giving just a rapid look at it, people misudnerstood it for a leaked X-E4 image.

And since 24 hours after that rumor, some people still say “oh, X-E4 has no viewfinder“, I feel I need to address this in a dedicated article. I mean, I don’t want anyone to go around in forums and spread the word that FuiRumors said the X-E4 has no EVF.

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ENDS TODAY: Last Hours of Fujifilm X and GFX Deals

This is the last week of Fujifilm X and GFX deals.

Also, stores are constantly updating their holiday deal pages with new deals, so definitely check them out.

General Holiday Deal Pages

XF Lens Deals

X Camera Deals

GFX Gear

All Fujifilm Deals

Officially Fujifilm Recommended SD-Cards

Officially Fujifilm Recommended Power Banks

Apple Holiday Savings

Used Fujifilm Gear

Holiday Savings by Category

FujiRumors 2020: Most Read Articles, Top/Flop Blogger Moments, Most Used Gear and a MASSIVE Thanks!

FujiRumors 2020

There are wines, that get better only with the years. And there are years, that get better only with wine. I guess 2020 was such a year and so I hope you have a glass of wine ready to celebrate the end of this unreal year ;).

Most Read Article

Most Read Non Rumor Article

Most Read Guest Post

Day with most Contacts

Top & Flop Blogger Moment


Anyone out there knows what a burn-out is? I hope not, but I am afraid yes.

As if all the hours I spend every day on the computer to work on FujiRumors weren’t enough, in 2020 I also had to make my entire teaching work on the computer. Correcting homework on PDF files, prepare online-teaching friendly material, cutting video lessons on Final Cut, writing tons of emails to give constant feedback to students and parents. So much work, it just squeezed the last drop of energy out of me.

I ended up staring at the screen for so many hours a day, that as a consequence, my eyesight declined to a point that I had to buy new glasses. But no complaint here… we have seen much worse things happen to people this year… sadly. So I consider myself lucky.

Anyway, somehow I managed to handle all the work anyway and I’ve always tried to deliver creative and fun lessons to my little students. And given the enthusiastic feedback of students and parent, I’d say I did a decent job with that.

And I hope I did a good work also on FujiRumors. In this case, you are my judge and you’ll give your vote to me :).


If anything was good at all in 2020, then the fact that it helped to realign my priorities.

And so, all the things that I took for granted, like getting a beer with a friend, a coffee with a colleague, a hug with my mom, all those “normal” things suddenly revealed themselves as the real important things in life.

And hence, just like this, when inevitably the usual haters insulted me, the biggest achievement for me was that I could lightheartedly say to myself “who cares!”. It just didn’t bother me at all. On the contrary. I really would like to wish also to FR haters all the best 2021. We are in this unreal situation all together, and hence, from human to human, I truely wish you to come out of this as soon and as good as possible so that you can get back to your normal life and fully enjoy it again. And if after that you still don’t like me, that’s ok. Important is, that you and your families are safe and happy.

Top Instagram Post

My Most Used Gear

I got the Fujifilm X-T4 this year for these 5 reasons, and it became my most used camera. Mainly because it’s brand new and hence I wanted to test it and shoot with it more, leaving my X-E3 more often at home. And I must I say it definitely balances better with my most used lens, the Fujinon XF18-135mm.

But overall, I passed 5+ months in lockdown anyway, I worked a lot and had little time to take pictures, sadly. I hope this changes in 2021.

And 2021…

I don’t know in terms of global pandemic…. but surely in terms of Fujifilm stuff, 2021 will be fantastic! :) Don’t worry, we are going to talk about it soon on FujiRumors.

Social Media Boom

Our social media and pages have reached new heights compared to 2019:

And our facebook groups grew massively compared to 2019:

Fujifilm 2021: Is This Really All? Or How Much New Gear We Could Get in 2021 Looking at Fujifilm’s Past Camera & Lens Releases

Fujifilm 2021 – Is This Really All?

Every week I get many emails from fellow FR-readers, asking me if this is really all.

They look at the current X mount roadmap and the latest G mount roadmap, and they see only 3 lenses in total. That’s meager.

Then they look at our rumors, see that we rumored only two cameras, the Fujifilm GFX100S and the Fujifilm X-E4 and wonder if that’s all for 2021.

I diligently reply to all of them, but it has become quite time consuming. So let me address this question one final time here on FujiRumors, so that in future I can just copy and paste the link to this article and send it to those, who inevitably will make me the same question again.

How Many Cameras Could we Get?

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

2020 Rumor Check: What’s Right, What’s Wrong and What’s Still to Come (with Reliability Ranking)

One or two times a year, I like to look back on the rumors we shared here on FujiRumors, and see if I delivered accurate content or not.

Plus, I will share the remaining rumors that should materialize in 2021 with reliability ranking.

Let’s check it out:

  • 90 rumors shared in 2020 so far
  • 1 rumor still to be verified and 2 rumors not in ranking (details below)
  • 82 correct rumors out of 90 verifiable rumors
  • 5 wrong rumor out of 90 verifiable rumors (most of the the wrong rumors were acutally right at the time of sharing. You’ll understand if you check out the details below.)
  • 91% correct rumors

Rumor Overview with Rating

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

Last Week of Fujifilm X and GFX Deals

This is the last week of Fujifilm X and GFX deals.

Also, stores are constantly updating their holiday deal pages with new deals, so definitely check them out.

General Holiday Deal Pages

XF Lens Deals

X Camera Deals

GFX Gear

All Fujifilm Deals

Officially Fujifilm Recommended SD-Cards

Officially Fujifilm Recommended Power Banks

Apple Holiday Savings

Used Fujifilm Gear

Holiday Savings by Category

10 Last-Minute Gifts for Photographers and Fujifilm X/GFX Deals Continue (but X-T3 Removed from Deals list)

BHphoto Explora has shared a top 10 last minutes gift ideas for photographs for those of us desperately searching for a last second present. Feel free to check it out here.

Also, the Fujifilm X and GFX deals continue, but the Fujifilm X-T3 has been removed from the deals list for the reasons we explained here.

Last but not least, at Adorama, you can get the silver Fujifilm X100F for $799 only.

Stores are constantly updating their holiday deal pages with new deals, so definitely check them out.

General Holiday Deal Pages

Holiday Savings by Category

All Fujifilm Deals

XF Lens Deals

X Camera Deals

GFX Gear

Officially Fujifilm Recommended SD-Cards

Officially Fujifilm Recommended Power Banks

Apple Holiday Savings

Used Fujifilm Gear

Fujifilm X-E4 still with 26 Megapixel X-Trans sensor (and Why I’m Happy with That)

Fujifilm X-E4

I noticed some speculation in the comments, on whether the Fujifilm X-E4 might introduce a new sensor generation.

But nope, it’s not going to happen. Fujifilm will put the 26 megapixel X-Trans sensor in the X-E4.

And quite frankly, despite it being 2.5 years old, it is still packed with Sony’s latest and greatest technology: phase detection pixels all over the sensor, back-side illuminated, copper wiring for even faster readout. It’s the best sensor Sony has to offer without going into more exotic (and expensive) terrain with stacked sensors (Sony A9 series), which allow even faster readout, but decrease dynamic range.

Yes, Sony has a 43 megapixel APS-C sensor in offer, but maybe that’s a bit of an overkill for APS-C. In my opinion the sweet spot for APS-C is somewhere around 32/35 Megapixel. It would allow for 8K video recording, be still supported by Fujinon glass and just offer a nice balance between file size, details, dynamic range, costs and just overall performance. For 50+ megapixel, it is probably better to go with the GFX system anyway.

As you can imagine, I am working on more details regarding the Fujifilm X-E4. If I have anything new, I’ll you know on FujiRumors soon.

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