Updated Fujifilm Gear 2021 In Stock Check – Fujifilm GFX100S Soon at Amazon and X-E4 Available Now at BHphoto


Here is an updated in stock check for the gear Fujifilm announced in North America.


Adorama and Moment had a few samples in stock, but as to expect, they run out quickly. The next one to possibly have a few available should be Amazon, who expects stock by October 20 here.


It’s available at AmazonUS here, at BHphoto here and at Moment here. Not available at Adorama and Focuscamera.


It was originally planed to ship by the end of September, but Fujifilm issued an official delivery delay notice for the GFX50SII with GF35-70 kit, so let’s see how this will change things.

So far all stores expect the body only version as well as the kit version to be available on October 21.


So far stores expect it to ship on November 30. Only Adorama is slightly more optimistic and gives us November 20 as shipping start.


Currently available only at BHphoto here (black version).


It is back-ordered everywhere. The only time indications we get comes from Moment here, who expects to deliver by November 4.

XF27mmF2.8 R WR

Fujifilm announced it. But they can’t deliver. I consider myself lucky to be able to have grabbed one a few months ago, last sample in stock. Since then, nothing. Whoever ordered one, better be armed with lots patience. A patience that will be rewarded, as it is the perfect lens ;).


It is expected to ship on October 21. Adorama is more pessimistic and expects to deliver in January 2022.

XF 33mmF1.4 R LM WR

It was supposed to start shipping on September 29, but pre-orders are very high and forced Fujifilm to issue an official delivery delay notice. Now it is expected to ship on October 21 in North America. Oddly enough, in Europe it is shipping and in stock.

XF 23mmF1.4 R LM WR

It is expected to ship on November 30.

XF18mmF1.4 R LM WR

Good News. This one is in stock everywhere!

BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / Focuscamera


It’s All In Stock (in Europe): Fujifilm GFX50SII, Fujinon GF35-70mm and XF33mmF1.4


Good news first: several stores spread all over Europe have now the Fujifilm GFX50SII, Fujinon GF35-70mm and XF33mmF1.4 in stock.

In fact I have received los of emails by FR-readers (thanks a lot), who either got their sample already or found the gear marked as available at several stores. So it looks like over here in Europe Fujifilm was able to keep its word and ship the gear by late September / early October.

So if you live in Europe, check out your local store to see if they have the gear available.

An exception is of course the Fujinon XF23mmF1.4, which Fujifilm said would ship only sometimes in November.

The bad news?

Well, if you live in North America, then nothing shipped and nothing is in stock so far. Seems like Fujifilm prioritized European customers this time.

To know when Fujifilm is expected to start shipping the latest X and GFX gear in USA, check out our huge in stock check here.


Fujifilm GFX100S and GFX100 Get Blackmagic RAW and New Features Guide for Firmware 1.20/4.10


Earlier today Fujifilm dropped a bunch of firmware updates, some more substantial, some just bug fixes. You can see the full list here.

The biggest changes come for the Fujifilm GFX100S and Fujifilm GFX100, which get Blackmagic RAW support.

This required Fujifilm to update the Owner’s manuals for those two cameras.

But there are firmware updates also for Fujifilm X-T4, X-T3, X-H1, X-T30, X-E4, X-Pro3, X100V, Fujifilm GFX50S and Fujifilm GFX50R. Make sure to check out all the details and download the latest firmware at our dedicated article here.

And even though I am not into video with my Fujifilm GFX100S, I will update my camera anyway, because who knows what Fujifilm fixed with that “fix of minor bugs” phrase. Sometimes they fix major bugs actually.

Don’t ask me why they do it. It’s a great news if Fujifilm fixes a major bug. No need to hide it behind a generic “minor bug fix” phrase.

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