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FR-readers Wishlist Corner: Fujifilm X-TSony, Firmware Upgrade Suggestions, Lens Wishes and Much More

Here on FujiRumors I get many, really many thousands of emails and personal messages a year.

There is no team behind FujiRumors. It’s me, Patrick, that’s it. And I try to reply to every single one of you, in my spare time from my day job.

I feel very privileged that such a large community comes together here on FujiRumors… but with huge fellowship, comes also huge responsibility and work.

Hence, for as much as I try, sometimes I am not really able to answer you all in a super-comprehensive way.

But I think everybody gets a reply, and surely I read ever single message I receive.

Among those messages, there are many, who express lens wishes, firmware wishes, improvement ideas and all possible things.

Today I decided to collect many of those messages I get, and put them all in one big FujiRumors readers wishlist roundup.

I would like to honor your participation as good as I can, and this little wishlist roundup, is a little sign, that whatever you tell me, I listen…. and I share :).

Have a wonderful Sunday,

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FR-readers Wishlist Roundup

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Fujifilm Manager: “I think There will be a Fujifilm X-E4, but it Might Skip one Sensor/Processor Generation”

I know, here on FujiRumors we told you that Fujifilm decided to drop the Fujifilm X-E line, which means there won’t be any Fujifilm X-E4.

It’s one of those rumors, I hope to be wrong with all my heart (but I am very confident I am not).

Now, the X-E line was always walking on a thin line, and it risked to be dropped already in the past, as you know from my X-E3 love letter.

These days I am scanning the web for any statement regarding the X-E4, that can give me some hope.

I searched long, and I found a short statement made by Italian Fujifilm manager Massimo Vaghi in a 2+ hour long Fujifilm X-T4 and X100V live chat.

He says:

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BCN Sales Ranking: Fujifilm Grows 115% and Sony, Canon & Co Fall 30% to 50%

The latest BCN ranking has just been published. It collects data of about 40% of the Japanese electronics and online stores. Here is what they see:

  • in March, camera sales were down 49.5% compared to March last year
  • Sony dropped to 44.5%, Olympus to 54.9%, and Canon to 32.3%
  • Only Fujifilm grew 115.6%. It has the fourth largest market share

They write:

In the rankings by series, Canon’s “EOS Kiss M” beat the Olympus “OLYMPUS PEN E-PL9” by a small margin to gain the top position. Sony ranks No. 1 by manufacturer and ranks No. 3 at “α6400”. As for Fujifilm’s soaring rise, “FUJIFILM X-A5” ranked 6th, and “FUJIFILM X-E3” ranked 9th. (Daisuke Okura, BCN)

Nice to see the Fujifilm X-E3 doing well. And hence even more disappointing that Fujifilm decided to axe it!

Also, keep in mind that in the last 6 months Fujifilm was extremely busy and launched lots of cameras, from the X-Pro3 to the X-T200, X100V and ultimately the X-T4 (the latter one not included in the raking, though). All this, while other manufacturer were not nearly as active.

And yet, nice to see this sales performance boost. It’s well deserved for a camera company, that makes some of the most inspiring photographic tools out there.

via via bcn

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Iridient X-Transformer 1.6.4 adds Fujifilm X-T4 Support and More

Iridient X-Transformer 1.6.4 is now available with support for the Fujifilm X-T4 and updates for other recently released models (X100V, X-Pro3, X-T200) to sync them up with the very latest Adobe DNG Converter 12.2 (and CC) versions for color profile and white balance calibration metadata.

This update also modifies the Lightroom plug-in so that normal (JPEG, TIFF, etc) images can be used for selection of images for conversion to DNG, as long as the associated RAF is present along side the standard image. This makes selection of images with old versions of Lightroom that may lack support for newer models RAF much easier, particularly if shooting JPEG+RAW mode as you can just import the JPEGs and use them for selects right from Lightroom.

You can download Iridient X Transformer here.

Fujifilm X-T4: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / FocusCamera

Top X-T Community: Fujifilm X-T facebook group
Top X-T Page: Fujifilm X-T Page

Five Reasons Fujifilm Won’t Make a Full Frame Fujifilm X100

DPReview published a list of 5 reason, why Fujifilm won’t make a full frame X100 camera.

  1. A larger sensor would add size and weight, mitigating a major X100 selling point
  2. Such a product would cost a lot to develop and manufacture
  3. The result would be a very expensive camera – reducing its potential audience
  4. A move to full-frame would annoy and worry existing loyal Fujifilm APS-C customers. Also, if Fujifilm announces any full frame camera, could look like a massive vote of no confidence in APS-C
  5. The risk of cannibalization within existing lineups is too great

And what about a medium format X100 then? DPR writes:

So might Fujifilm build a medium-format X100? There’s an argument to be made that it makes sense in a way that full-frame just doesn’t. Medium format would offer an increase in potential image quality over full-frame (albeit relatively modest – about 2/3EV), a significant leap in image quality over APS-C, it’s a major part of Fujifilm’s brand identity, and the larger format is a key differentiator for Fujifilm compared to competitive manufacturers.

Well, I won’t enter the argument about the “relatively modest” advantage of the Fujifilm GFX over full frame. This is a thesis DPR started pushing back in 2017, and FujiRumors comprehensively answered it in the article “DPReview Recommends 3 Full Frame Cameras Combined over 1 Fujifilm GFX“. Also, in the meantime something called Fujifilm GFX100 hit the market, with the newest sensor technology.

For the rest, the whole 5 reason list makes sense. Check out the full in-depth article at dpreview.

And one could also add one more ;)

  • full frame offers a “relatively modest” advantage over APS-C, and also has a couple of disadvantages over APS-C, that you can read here

Popular photography industry insiders, claimed that APS-C is the actual sensor size sweet spot. Keep in mind, they said “sweet spot“, not “automatically the best tool for everybody“.

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Fujifilm has updated the following software:

FUJIFILM PC AutoSave Ver. here
The software update Ver. incorporates the following issue:

  1. The phenomenon is fixed that the PC AutoSave cannot be installed with the warning of the certification expiration displayed when it is newly installed to Mac PC with macOS10.15.

The software update Ver. incorporates the following issues:

  • Applicable model for the “RAW FILE CONVERTER EX 3.0 powered by SILKYPIX” is added.
    Applicable Model : FUJIFILM X-T200, X100V

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Fujifilm Manager: “The Fujifilm X-T4 is Bashing the Door Down Hard on Sony A7III users”, X-H2 and More

Kevin Mullins and Neale James published episode 55 of the Fujicast. Once again, they host Fujifilm manager Andreas Georghiades.

Of course the main course of the meal is the Fujifilm X-T4, but they cover much more in a 1:23 hour podcast.

Here on FujiRumors we will highlight only what the Fujifilm manager said in regard to the Fujifilm X-T4. You can read it down below (in the podcast starts at min. 1:06:31)

Question: How many more cameras will Fujifilm launch this year?

  • If Fujifilm Japan will release more cameras this year, the marketing team will resign. Fujifilm marketing UK had the busiest 6 months he can remember. X-Pro3, X-Summit, House of Photography, X-T200, a few lenses, X100V, X-T4…

Question: What does the Fujifilm X-T4 bring, for those who might have been waiting for Fujifilm X-H2, that perhaps the X-H2 doesn’t bring

  • No comment on future no existent products
  • The X-T4 ticks all boxes people required when X-T3 was launched (IBIS, selfie screen, bigger battery)

Question: Sony is a strong among wedding photographers. Is the X-T4 a statement “look, there is Fuji now!”

  • He won’t dis on Sony, the manager used to work for Sony
  • Sony is a great electronic company
  • But for him Sony feels a bit soulless
  • on paper the specs add up, but they do not seem a well rounded package overall
  • The X-T4 is bashing the door down hard on Sony A7III users: the autofocus performance, the fast and quiet mechanical shutter, the 6.5 stops, it is the complete solution for everybody shooting stills and video
  • feedback from photographers and journalists is really positive so far

Question: When will the Fujifilm X-H2 come?

  • ……… silence ………

X-T4: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / FocusCamera

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Fujifilm Japan Updates Camera Manufacturing Pages and Lists Fujifilm X-T4 as Made in China Only

Fujifilm Made In

There was some confusion lately, as we saw Fujifilm X-T4 beta samples marked as “made in Japan” and also “made in China”.

Now, I don’t know if this clarifies or further confuses things, but Fujifilm Japan updated its official “made in” pages, and the Fujifilm X-T4 is listed as made in China only.

On the other hand, Fujifilm X100V and Fujifilm X-Pro3 are listed as made in Japan.

This is the official list of Fujifilm Japan at their Q&A page.

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