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Fujifilm X-T3 coming in Silver and Black

this is just a mock up by Fujirumors – original image is a graphite X-T2

Fujifilm X-T3

Some of you guys asked me in the comments if the Fujifilm X-T3 will come in black only or also in silver version, hence for the same price of the classic black version.

Well, according to our sources, there will be also a silver version coming (not graphite).

That’s good news… gives to the camera an even more retro touch ;)

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Fujifilm X-T3 rumored specs

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Fujifilm X-T3 Basically Same Look and Button Layout of Fujifilm X-T2

Fujifilm X-T3

I have been informed (thanks) that the Fujifilm X-T3 will have the same button layout of the Fujifilm X-T2. Also the form factor will remain the same, with just some minor changes. Hence, once it will be announced, you won’t really notice any difference over the X-T2.

For me this is a good news, since the X-T design is loved by many just as it is now. Fujifilm did create the X-H line appositely to have more design freedom and craft a more DSLR-like camera. But the X-T should mantain it’s current form factor.

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Fujifilm X-T3 rumored Specs

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BREAKING: Fujifilm X-T3 Shipping Late September

Photo by insung yoon – original (X-T2) image here

Fujifilm X-T3 Shipping

The Fujifilm X-T3 will ship in late September.

Beyond the X-T3 Specs

So far the rumored Fuji X-T3 specs (full list below) looks very interesting.

But one thing are the specs on paper, another thing is how the camera performs in real life, and that’s what Fujifilm X Shooters care more than anything else.

We will discover everything about the Fujifilm X-T3 in our Live Blogging, which could come surprising, like the XF 8-16 and XF 200 announcement.

So don’t miss the Fuji XT3 live coverage by…

  • getting notified via news feed on Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter
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All I can promise to you, is that FujiRumors will start live blogging 0,0001 seconds after the Fujifilm X-T3 announcement ;) .

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After the busy rumor and announcement time (X-T3 and GFX 50R), you can set it back to default. But now I recommend you not to miss a single post here on FR ;) .

Rumored Fujifilm X-T3 Specs

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Fujifilm X-T3 has BSI Sensor (but not Stacked) for Improved Dynamic Range. A Good News? – POLL

Fujifilm X-T3 Sensor

A trusted source has sent us some important updates regarding the Fujifilm X-T3 sensor specifications.

  • BSI Sensor

It is 100% sure that the Fujifilm X-T3 will feature a backside-illuminated sensor (BSI).

BSI sensors improve dynamic range.

The smaller the sensor, the more BSI influences positively dynamic range (via to ephotozine and dslrbodies).

Other advantages are lower noise (via, more flexibility for lens design (especially wide angle lenses) since it improves corner tendencies such as color shift, vignetting (via wikipedia and dslrbodies) and it allows faster readout rates (via wikipedia).

  • No Stacked Sensor

Trusted sources told us, that the Fujifilm X-T3 won’t have a stacked sensor (stacked sensors allow faster sensor readout).

But what sounds like a bad news, could actually be a good one.

In fact, Sony’s current stacked sensor technology (available in Sony A9) has at least 2 trade-off

  • less dynamic range
  • much more expensive

The stacked sensor in the Sony A9 is not ISO-less (or not ISO-invariant), and according to dpreview, the Sony A9 delivers “more speed, but less dynamic rage” than any other Sony FF mirrorless camera (via dpreview A9 ISO testdpreview A9 test).

We know the X-T3 shoots 11 fps with mechanical shutter, and I guess that 11 images in 1 second should be enough for most of us to capture “the decisive moment“. However, given the new sensor/processor combo, I think it’s safe to assume the X-T3 will have less rolling shutter than any other Fujifilm camera.

  • No Compromise in Image Quality + Huge Speed Boost

To me, it seems Fujifilm decided to go for the best image quality possible.

Hence, they might have decided to avoid any kind of technology, that potentially influences negatively image quality, such as stacked sensors and, according to Panasonic, also IBIS.

Also add to this that:

  • Fujifilm added only 2 MP to the current sensor (from 24 MP to 26MP), probably to preserve a good high ISO performance
  • X-T3 has base ISO 160 (other Fuji X-Trans cameras ISO 200)
  • X-T3 much more modern sensor

All this could add up at the end, and give us a nice improvement. But of course only real life tests will show.

But don’t worry. The combination between new sensor and new processor on the X-T3, will give you a very fast camera anyway.

Stacked Sensor or No Stacked sensor?

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Rumored Fujifilm X-T3 Specs

Fujifilm X-T3 Autofocus Continuous: 11 fps (MS) and 30 fps in 1.25x Crop Mode (ES)

Fujifilm X-T3 Continuous Shooting

A few weeks ago, we shared here on fujirumors that the X-T3 will shoot 20 fps bursts and even faster in “crop mode”.

Now we have some more details about the continuous autofocus shooting on the X-T3 (thanks).

The Fujifilm X-T3 will shoot up to:

  • 11 fps using the mechanical shutter (MS)
  • 20 fps with electronic shutter (ES)
  • 30 fps in 1.25x crop mode with electronic shutter (ES)

As a reference, the X-T2 and X-H1 shoot 11 fps with MS and 14fps with ES. The Sony A9 shoots at 20 fps ES.

In terms of speed and features, the Fujifilm X-T3 seems to benefit a lot from the new processor and sensor. Check out the full list of specs and features below.

You don’t want to miss the X-T3 rumors and live blogging, right? ;)

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have a fantastic day :)

Rumored Fujifilm X-T3 Specs

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Fujifilm X-T3: Headphone Jack, Exposure Compensation Dial and No Selfie Screen

Fujifilm X-T3

Yesterday you guys asked me in the comments, if the Fujifilm X-T3 will have a flippy selfie screen like the Fujifilm X-T100.

Well, according to our trusted sources, there is no selfie screen on the X-T3.

And there is more:

  • there is still the exposure compensation dial
  • the Fujifilm X-T3 has a headphone jack

I am sure the headphone jack will make videographers happy (and overall the video specs, which we shared here).

I don’t know what you guys think about the exposure compensation dial, though. Are you happy with it, or would you prefer a secondary LCD monitor like on the Fujifilm X-H1 and Fujifilm GFX 50S?

Let us know by voting the poll under the updated rumored specs list.

As for the selfie screen, we already vote here.

WARMLY RECOMMENDED: Allow Push notifications (bell icon on the bottom right of your browser) and follow us on Facebook, RSS-feed, Instagram and Twitter and don’t miss the X-T3 live blogging (whenever it happens ;) )

have a fantastic day :)

Fujifilm X-T3: Top LCD or Exposure compensation dial?

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Rumored Fujifilm X-T3 Specs

Fujifilm X-T3 Autofocus: Phase Detection on Entire Sensor, 425 AF points, Improved Face/Eye Detection and Better Low Light AF

A few weeks ago, sources told us that the Fujifilm X-T3 will shoot at 20 fps.

Now we have received more details about the Fujifilm X-T3 autofocus system from trusted sources, so throw that grain of salt in the bin this time ;) .

  • Phase detection coverage on entire sensor
  • Improved Face/Eye detection
  • 425 AF Points, available also in AF-C
  • Improved Low Light Autofocus

Don’t miss the X-T3 live blogging (whenever it happens ;) ) and follow us on Facebook, RSS-feed, Instagram and Twitter

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Rumored Fujifilm X-T3 Specs

Fujifilm X-T3 Video: 4K at 60p, 10 bit and Zebra

Fujifilm X-T3

When the Fujifilm X-H1 was launched earlier this year, Fujifilm Manager Watanabe sair here:

We couldn’t add zebra [to the X-H1] because of hardware constraints. The processor cannot support it. It requires too much processing power.”

Well, I am please to inform you, that thanks to the more powerful processor in the Fujifilm X-T3, the Fuji X-T3 will now have the Zebra feature.

And overall the video specs are improved, since according to our trusted sources, the Fujifilm X-T3 will be capable of:

  • 4k at 60p
  • 10 bit (I am verifying if also internal)
  • zebra (real time highlight clipping warning during video)
  • FYI: Read also – And Now Panasonic Explains What’s Not so Good with IBIS

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Don’t Miss the X-T3 Live Blogging

Just as with the XF 8-16 and XF 200 annoncement on Friday, July 20, there are chances that also this time on FujiRumors we can’t share the Fujifilm X-T3 announcement date.

What I can promise, though, is that the X-T3 live blogging on FujiRumors will start the very same second the X-T3 will be announced.

Don’t get taken by surprise, and make sure not to miss the X-T3 live blogging by…

  • getting the X-T3 live blogging news in your news feed by joining us Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter
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have a fantastic day :)

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Fujifilm X-T3 New Vertical Battery Grip VG-XT3 Registered at the Radio Agency

Fujifilm X-T3 Vertical Battery Grip

Attentive FR-readers will know it already since July 30: theFujifilm X-T3 will get a new vertical battery grip.

Now the VG-XT3 vertical battery grip dedicated to the Fujifilm X-T3 has been registered at the Korean National Radio Research Agency (RRA) – via nokishita

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Rumored Fujifilm X-T3 Specs

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Fujifilm X-T3 has No New Film Simulation (for Now)

Fujifilm X-T3

Back in mid-July, I shared a rumor by a new source, that the Fujifilm X-T3 will have a new film simulation.

I told you that it was not confirmed by trusted sources, so you should take it with a gran of salt.

Well, now trusted sources told me, that there is no new film simulation on the Fujifilm X-T3 [ETERNA will obviously be included, but that’s an “old” film simulation, introduced with X-H1].

In the past we have seen Fujifilm cameras getting new film simulations via firmware updates, so maybe at some point in the future also the X-T3 will get a new one (the new processor certainly allows it). But for now, it hear there is none.

Make sure to follow FR on Facebook, RSS-feed, Instagram, Youtube and Twitter for the latest updates.

have a fantastic day :)

P.S.: To all those copycat sites, who copy and paste the rumored X-T3 specs list from FujiRumors (without giving credits to FR), please edit the list, because you copied also our wrong rumors ;). But it’s nice to know that you trust me blindly ?

Rumored Fujifilm X-T3 Specs

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