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Fujifilm X-H1 Development Story #4 -Film Simulation ETERNA, or The Art of Omission

Fujifilm X-H1 Development Story #4

Fujifilm has just published the fourth episode of its Fujifilm X-H1 development Story, this time it’s all about the new ETERNA film simulation.

Fujifilm X-H1 – $150 Bundle Savings: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera


Let’s examine the difference between photographic and cinematic expression.

In photographic expression, the basic communication is complete in a single frame. For that purpose we put emphasis on color as an important element to deliver the photographer’s message. For example, the blue sky is enhanced so when reflecting back to the memory, it is as clear as it can be. The colors are enhanced to an extent so that the image still looks natural. Other colors are treated the same way. In FUJIFILM, we refer the color reproduction as “Image Color”.

Cinema communicates differently. In cinema, there are the transition of time, the movement of performers, and the sounds and voices. The image designing in cinema should complement all these elements to create a seamless flow. If the cinematic image design were completed in each frame in the same way as the photographic expression with enhanced colors, then the flow would not be so smooth. In Cinema, the saturation is suppressed, so a particular color would not stand out. The tonality is wide to deliver the atmospheric vibe of the scene. This is the characteristic of cinematic image design. People often refer to it as “Cinema Look” or “Film Look”.

[…] The film simulation “ETERNA” is designed to achieve the “Cinema Look” in one take. The dynamic range is 12-stop wide. The highlight and shadow tones are both soft. The difference is obvious when it is compared with PROVIA (with the dynamic rage set at 100%). The dynamic range is comparable to that of F-Log. It has room for post production, so this also comes handy.

[…] The saturation is suppressed and is slightly adjusted on each key color. A touch of magenta was added on blue to achieve the image color, but to achieve the cinema look, the color is shifted toward cyan. The blue sky in the background will then complement the story. The cinema look is like an art of omission.

Read it all at fujifilm-x

It’s interesting that they say that cinema look is the art of omission. This is what they also told us about the Classic Chrome film simulation here, where they said it “omits the element of color in order to stand for the story you want to tell to stand out“.

So ETERNA follows the Classic Chrome philosophy, but is even more desaturated.

If you want to know and see more of ETERNA, we have published a dedicated ETERNA article, which also includes a comparison of ETERNA Vs. other film simulations.

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Previous episodes:

Fujifilm Manager Interview: Full Frame X100F Successor? More Megapixel on Fujifilm X-T3? Medium Format Fixed Lens? X-H1 and more!

Fujifilm Manager Interview

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MESSAGE TO SOURCE: In case you read this “CMJ”, the rumor box should work now. With your permission, though, I’d love to chat with you via email or any other way you decide. Of course I guarantee 100% anonymity. And last but not least… THANKS a lot :).

_ _ _

Fujifilm Manager Mr. Udono had a live stream with Thai youtube channel กล้องกล้วยกล้วย. It’s a one hour talk, with questions made in Thai and English answers of the manager. But don’t worry, I listened it all for you, and I’ll make summary for you guys…. you’re welcome ;)

The focus is on the Fujifilm X-H1, of course. You will find a more detailed list of statements at the bottom of this article.

For the start I will focus on some of his answers, that are more related to questions he got about the future of Fujifilm.

Full Frame Interchangeable Lens System
As usual Fujifilm categorically excludes an interchageable lens system with full frame sensor. He says “No plans for FF. We have high quality APS-C sensor and Medium Format

Full Frame X100F Successor
I know that a wide spread specualtion is that the Fujifilm X100F successor might get a full frame sensor, and it could make sense, since Fujifilm would not have to build up a complete new line of lenses, but also here, Mr. Udono seems to indicate that this won’t happen. He says:

The most important is design and size. With full frame, the camera and lens will become bigger. Compactness is important factor of X100 line. We don’t want to miss such important point

So, if you ever hoped for a full frame X100… these words don’t really make much hope for that.

On the other hand, the Full Frame Sony RX1RII is actually very compact, and comparing it at camerasize. But compared to the Fujifilm X100F, the RX1 has no hybrid viewfinder, which for sure needs its space too in the camera body.

Medium Format Fixed Lens Camera
The manager does not seem convinced by this idea. A fixed lens camera seems to make sense to him, if it is compact. A fixed lens MF camera would be much bigger than X100F.

Future APS-C Sensor Megapixel
Will Fujifilm offer APS-C sensors with more megapixel than the the current 24MP? The manager answers:

We have to think at balance between image quality and speed. More pixel take longer time to process. 24MP is already enough. If we have opportunity to increase we will, but we have to think at speed and image quality. For high megapixel images we have Fujifilm GFX 50S.”

This fits with what we have already rumored about the Fujifilm X-T3 here, which we know will have still less than 30MP, so there won’t be a huge jump in terms of megapixel on the next generation X-Trans sensor.

IBIS Future
Just like Fuji Guy Billy in the TCSTV live stream here, also Mr. Udono confirms that the IBIS mechanism is currently quite big, hence it does not fit into smaller bodies. His words:

in order to keep IQ, at the moment Fujifilm needs bigger IBIS unit

Product Planing – How Long does it Take to make a Camera / Lens?
Mr Udono starts saying that they care of customer feedback when they design new products:

We listen to customers and photographers. X-H1 we listened to photographers voice and added functions on top of X-T2. Especially for top end cameras we have lots of discussions with photographers. Direct comunication with customers, also via dedicated Fujifilm showrooms”

Then he shares more details about how long exactly it takes to develop and then launch a camera and lens to the market:

“Once we have a fix idea, it takes 1 year to make the camera. But before it takes another year of discussions. So 2 years in total. In case of lens development we need more time.”

And more:

  • 4:2:2 and 10bit: Limitation of processor. We tried to have more specifications, but at the moment it’s difficult
  • MK lenses: Cover 70/80% of film needs. For web-users who shoot video. Not for cinema or TV
  • ETERNA: If lots of request, Eterna might come to other X series cameras
  • Size: small and lightweight is still top key factor for mirrorless, also in future
  • Fujifilm X-T2 next firmware update: We will think of upgrading it
  • XF200mF2: coming later this year
  • Touch Screen: more functions and improvements possible
  • Articulating screen: The mechanical parts requested to make articulating screen would make the camera bigger

You can find the full Thai interview at กล้องกล้วยกล้วย Youtube

Fujifilm X-H1 – $150 Bundle Savings: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera
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Photographers Anonymous – Why I Hate All of You!

Write Your Articles Directly On FujiRumors!

Guest Post by The Overrated Photographer. You can follow him on instagram or on his website

I just wanted tell you all how much I hate you all.

It may seem harsh, but as a member of Photographers Anonymous (PA), life isn’t easy dealing with this GAS (Gear Acquisition Syndrome) addiction. Every Tuesday night we meet up, talk about our problems with photography purchases. Once in a while, a person slips up and they show up with a new body or lens, but we support them, we don’t judge, that’s what we do because we’re a family in it together.

But this isn’t about them, this is about me. This is about my problem…

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Fujifilm Manager DPReview Interview: “We want DSLR Users Friendly Fujifilm X-H1”

Jun Watanabe - Manager of Product Planning in the Sales & Marketing group
Jun Watanabe – Manager of Product Planning in the Sales & Marketing group

Fujifilm Manager X-H1 Interview

DPReview interviewed Fujifilm manager Jun Watanabe about the Fujifilm X-H1.

Here some excerpts:

  • IBIS: Q: Fuji said in the past IBIS not compatible with X-mount? A: We have spent the past two or three years developing a system where using both hardware and software, we can cover [the necessary] imaging circle. The most important thing is precision. Because a sensor with IBIS is a floating device, it has to be perfectly centered and perfectly flat. We had already achieved a sensor flatness tolerance down to an order of microns, but the challenge was to maintain this precision with IBIS.
  • ETERNA: We wanted to create a more cinematic look, so we studied ‘Eterna’ – one of our cine film emulsions
  • ZEBRA: We couldn’t add zebra because of hardware constraints. The processor cannot support it. It requires too much processing power. At this time, we’ve achieved the best possible performance for the processor.
  • 10 bit: There are 10-bit cameras on the market, but we recommend using Eterna to short-cut the recording process. We think 8-bit is enough for good quality.
  • SIZE: Professionals are generally more accepting of larger cameras, and [compared to DSLRs] the X-H1 isn’t that big. And we have had requests from some of our professional users for a bigger camera, especially those photographers that use our longer lenses. A bigger grip and more solid body were both requested.
  • KAIZEN: it’s not impossible to imagine that the X-T2 might yet benefit from some of the advances present in X-H1.
  • PROCESSOR: DPReview say that apparently there were internal discussions about including a dual, or even a completely new processor in the X-H1, but this would have added to development time, as well as cost. It’s possible too that some of the heat-management benefits of the X-H1’s larger internal volume compared to the X-T2 might have been nullified.

Read the whole interview at dpreview.

Fujifilm X-T3 Vs. Fujifilm X-H1

And since I get this question very often these days, the Fujifilm X-T3 will have a new sensor (less than 30MP) and also a new processor, as we reported here. So we can expect improvements over the Fujifilm X-H1, but probably also limitations, since the more powerful processor will be in an overall smaller body, so heat management will definitely be a challange to solve for Fujifilm. But the Fujifilm X-T3 will not have IBIS, and IBIS is indeed a mechanism that takes a lot of space in the X-H1, as Fuji Guy Billy told us here.

Overall I think that even when the Fujifilm X-T3 will be out later this year, there will be still enough reasons for many user to pick the Fujifilm X-H1 over the X-T3, first and foremost because of IBIS, but also the ergnomics and controls will be better for those guys, who feel like the retro controls slow down their shooting, or those who also work with big glass (such as the XF200mmF2).

Sure, Fujifilm could re-design the Fujifilm X-T3 to make it more similar to the Fujifilm X-H1, but personally I would consider this a huge error. Fujifilm should not change the much loved design, controls and ergonomics of the X-T2. Let the Fujifilm X-H1 be the camera that goes after traditional DSLR users, and the X-T3 keep 100% the original X-DNA.

Fujifilm X-H1 – $150 Bundle Savings: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera
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Fujifilm X-H1 Development Story #3 – Weather Sealing and Super Coating

Fujifilm X-H1 Development Story #3

Fujifilm has just published the third episode of its Fujifilm X-H1 development Story, this time focusing on the camera body.

Previous episodes:

Fujifilm X-H1 – $150 Bundle Savings: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera
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Fujifilm X-H1 Coverage: X-H1 facebook group + X-H1 facebook Page

Weather Sealing:

“it has total of 68 sealing points on the body alone, and additional 26 sealing points for the battery grip. For your reference, the number of sealing points is 61 for X-Pro2 and 63 for X-T2 […] There are more buttons on the X-H1. There are also physical changes in the shape with the new devices. These factors contributed to more complicated weather sealing design for the X-H1. […] we test to see whether it could actually withstand -10℃ temperature. The temperature is actually set at lower than -10℃ for the test.


 “The X-H1 is also treated with a new coating on the exterior. If you compare the X-H1 with the X-T2, they may look very similar at first glance. Both have the same black hammer tone finish. But if you take a closer look, you will see that the grain size of the exterior coating is a bit different. […] The scratch resistance of the coating is measured in H. Previous X Series models are 4H, which is very durable already. The value is same as that of automobile body coating. The X-H1 achieves 8H scratch resistance.

Full story at fujifilm-x

Fujifilm X-H1 Cameralabs First Look, Video Centric Review, Face Detection Video Tracking Test and More

Face Detection Tracing test at 梅晟義 Youtube. Keep in mind it’s pre-production firmware. Looks good so far, though. Sometimes it looks unsharp, but that’s because of the smartphone recording.

The X-H1 Coverage Continues

The buzz surrounding the Fujifilm X-H1 launch seems never to end, and while this night was the first night after 10 days, that I could sleep at least 6 hours, my X-H1 coverage continues without a pause.

But given the huge X-H1 buzz, let’s make a little summary of what has been posted already in the last 3 days.

A special note goes to TheCameraStoreTV live stream, where Fuji Guy Billy answered really many questions, including the one how Fujifilm made the X mount compatible with IBIS.

  • click here: TCSTV Live Chat with Fuji Guy Billy: How Fujifilm made X-mount IBIS Compatibile and Why Would Chris Destroy the X-H1? ;)
  • click here: Fujifilm X-H1 Wooden Niccolls Movie by TheCameraStoreTV
  • click here: Full List of Deals on Fujifilm X-H1, X-T2, GFX 50S & More
  • click here: Size Comparison: Fujinon XF 200mmF2 Vs. XF 50-140mmF2.8 Vs. XF 100-400mmF4.5-5.6 Vs. CaNikon Full Frame
  • click here: Fujifilm X-H1 Development Story #1 -Frame. Fujinon XF200mmF2 will Weight more than 2kg
  • click here: See the Fujinon XF200mmF2 Mounted on Fujifilm X-H1 – Coming Soon
  • click here: Fujifilm Complete X Guide Update: Includes Fujifilm X-H1 and Removes (discontinued) XC 16-50
  • click here: Lensbaby Burnside 35mm F2.8 Announced
  • click here: Fujifilm X-H1: Media Slides + 5 Little Things That Make the it That Much Better
  • click here: Fujifilm X-H1 Development Story #2 -Frame Pt.2 – Heat Dissipation, IBIS and Shutter Shock Reduction

And it’t not over yet ;)

What we have for you now is another X-H1 roundup, where you can see:

  • Cameralabs Fujifilm X-H1 first look review
  • a well made video centric review, where they talk also about ETERNA as well as X-H1 low light focusing when recording video
  • face detection AF-tracking test
  • a wondeful 6 minutes movie about Varanasi, filmed on X-H1, that triggered my “travel-GAS” :)
  • caged birds video… an awesome one!

You will find everything down below.

Fujifilm X-H1 Pre-orders – Bundle deals Save $150
Fujifilm X-H1: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera

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Fujifilm X-H1: Media Slides + 5 Little Things That Make the it That Much Better

Fujifilm X-H1 Media Slides

Once again, Fujifilm has improved the AF-algorithm on the Fujifilm X-H1, making it Fujifilm best camera for autofocus tracking and low light focussing.

What we have for you today, are some media slides, that illustrate the AF improvement and that highlight the difference between the Fujifilm X-H1 and the Fujifilm X-T2.

But there is more.

I will also attach other Fujifilm X-H1 slides, including an even more accurate table of the IBIS efficiency, where you can see that the XF35mmF1.4 actually has an average of 5.7 stops of stabilization!

Speaking of media slides, there are a lot more of them in Anthony Thurstons’ article5 Little Things That Make the Fujifilm X-H1 That Much Better“. I will share a few of Anothony’s media slides below and integrate them with some that are not included in his google fotos drive.

Overall the slides demonstrate how many areas Fujifilm has improved over the X-T2, and of course we all cross fingers that, where possible, some of these improvements will come to X-T2 & Co via firmware update.

Make sure to follow our Fujifilm X-H1 facebook group and Fujifilm X-H1 facebook Page

Fujifilm X-H1 Pre-orders – Bundle Deals with $150 savings
Fujifilm X-H1: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera

Media Slides Screenshots Below

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ETERNA Film Simulation Available in Lightroom for Fujifilm X-T2 & Co with a Little Hack

image shared by Rene Delbar at the Fujifilm X-H facebook group
image shared by Rene Delbar at the Fujifilm X-H facebook group

ETERNA for Fujifilm X-T2  & Co in LR

In the recent (and fantastic) TCSTV Fujifilm X-H1 live stream, Fuji Guy Billy said that ETERNA on Fujifilm X-T2 is very possible via firmware update in future, hence (almost) confirming our rumor of December 7 here.

But if you own the latest version of Lightroom, you can already now see how your X-TransIII files look with the ETERNA film simulation applied.

Follow these simple steps:

  • Download an EXIF Editor
  • Change the X-T2, X-Pro2, X-T20, X-E3 or X100F EXIF camera name of your image to “X-H1” using the EXIF Editor
  • Load your EXIF manipulated image in Lightroom Classic CC 7.2
  • ETERNA will be available in your Lightroom camera calibration menu
  • Smile :)

This “hack” is available already since a few days now, when Adobe added X-H1 support.

Will you try it? Then feel free to share your images and your findings here in the comments :)

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Fujifilm X-H1 Pre-orders
Fujifilm X-H1 (all combos): BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera

For Whom is the Fujifilm X-H1? Kevin Mullins Needs to Talk :: Worth Upgrading from Fujifilm X-T2?

Fujifilm X-H1

UPDATE: Allow me quick follow up to the previous article: I confirm that Fujiflm has changed the front plate design of the X mount. If you don’t trust me, you can go to dpreview and see how the X-T2 can have two different mount designs, older are more angled, newer more round. This has not been made casually by Fujifilm, but there is a reason behind that. Most likely it is related to mitiage grid artifacts, as we reported here.

Kevin Mullins

The epic Fujifilm X-H1 live blogging is now officially closed, but you can check back to see a comprehensive list of first look reviews, samples and videos after 2 nights and 3 days of non stop coverage.

What we are trying to do now, is to enter more in specific to some of your questions, and focus on certain topics.

In our “All About IBIS” article yesterday, we made an in depth technical and practical analysis of IBIS.

Today we try to adress another question that I get also via email: for whom is the Fujifilm X-H1?

I was planing an article about it, but today wedding photographer Kevin Mullins published a youtube video where he answers this question.

And since I not only agree with him, but he also says it in a much better English than me, make sure to check out his video here.

In short:

  • The Fujifilm X-H1 is aimed at videomakers (where there is still room for improvement, though), sport and wildlife photographers
  • It’s for photographers who use big lenses, want a big grip, a solid body
  • For people who want extra functionality and don’t need small cameras
  • The X-H1 is all about power
  • The X-H1 is not really for wedding and street photographers. No reason to move to X-H1 from something like X-Pro2, X-T2, X-E3 etc., which are better for that
  • The X-H1 is another option in the Fujifilm line, and not an upgrade to the X-T2, so it makes sense to call it X-H1
  • If he buys the X-H1, then it’s for his videos work especially on the youtube channel. But not for weddings
  • It would be great if the autofocus and shutter system if the X-H1 would be rolled into the X-T and X-Pro line of cameras

Join our Fujifilm X-H1 facebook group and Fujifilm X-H1 facebook Page. Follow FujiRumors via Facebook, RSS-feed, Instagram and Twitter

He also says:

  • He invested into the X system because of smaller size, and size is still an important factor for him
  • X-H1 has amazing video tech, internal F-log, Eterna Cinema film simulation, indipended custom settings for stills and video, touch screen and of course IBIS
  • sensitive shutter button, takes time to get used to, but those who shoot very quickly in sports or also weddings they will love it
  • sadly no articulating screen, and for video makers that would have been awsome
  • no audio connection in body. You must buy the vertical grip to monitor your audio

Down below, a video of The Photography Team that discusses the questions… X-T2 or X-H1?

Fujifilm X-H1 Pre-orders
Fujifilm X-H1 (all combos): BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama

Fujifilm X-H1 Bundle Deals Save $150
Fujifilm X-H1 + XF 16-55: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama
Fujifilm X-H1 + XF 50-140: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama
Fujifilm X-H1 + XF 100-400: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama
Fujifilm X-H1 + Vertical Grip + XF 16-55: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama
Fujifilm X-H1 + Vertical Grip + XF 50-140: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama
Fujifilm X-H1 + Vertical Grip + XF 100-400: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama
*on Adorama click “create your bundle” to see the deals

Fujifilm X-H1 + Free Domke Bag – worth $229
Fujifilm X-H1 : Adorama
Fujifilm X-H1 + Vertical Grip: Adorama

Fujifilm X-H1 Announced: Pre-orders, Reviews, Samples & More – LIVE BLOGGING Ended Feb. 16 2:30 AM EST

Fujifilm X-H1 is Real
Live Blog – Refresh Page for latest Updates

Pre-order Options
Fujifilm X-H1 (All Combos): USA: BHphoto ($150 savings on bundles), AmazonUS, Adorama EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, WexUK
Fujinon MKX 18-55mmT2.9: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama
Fujinon MKX 50-135mmT2.9: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama

* BHphoto $150 X-H1 Bundle Savings

Press Release + Product Pages/Samples
Fujifilm X-H1: Press Release / Product Page + Sample Images / X-H1 Catalogue
Fujinon MK 18-55mmT2.9 + MK 50-135mmT2.9: Press Release / Product Page for MK 18-55 and MK 50-135

Follow & Like
Fujifilm X-H1 facebook group, where BETA testers share images and answer your questions
Fujifilm X-H1 facebook Page, for X-H1 news and rumors
FujiRumors via Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter

FujiRumors Notes
As the Fuji manager said to BHphoto (video below), the X-H1 has a shorter blackout time (100msec of blackout-time), when used in combination with electronic first curtain shutter. He says blackout is so short that it feels like shooting a DSLR. Fuji Guys confirm our rumor about face detection in 4K. Eterna film simulation looks really good, and as we rumored here, it will come via firmware to X-T2 (and maybe more cameras). However, for stills, Classic Chrome remains my favorite.

First Look Reviews


New Firmware Updates

Mixed + Technical Tables

  • atomos – Fuji X-H1 records via Atomos Ninja Flame in 4K
  • – Fujifilm top manager Mr. Toshihisa Iida X-H1 presentation to the press
  • camerasize – Make your own size comparison

Video Links

Fujifilm is uploading MASSIVE promo videos! I will share only a selection. Go to Fujifilm Global Youtube, fujifilm-x and Fuji Guys Youtube to see all promo videos.

In order to make your life easier, the newest videos will always be displayed at the top, so that you don’t have to scroll the entire video stream all the time, to find the new ones.

Videos Embedded


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