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Last Second Rumors: XF 16-55 and 50-140 will be weather sealed too!

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I just came back from my work, when FR-source drphotorumor shared this information with me. As to expect, other lenses shown in the new roadmap will be weather sealed too:  the 16-55mm f/2.8 and 50-140 f/2.8!

In the meantime also digicame-info is working restlessly. Over at his website (click here) he just announced some prices for the grips (in Yen, obviously). All in all, I’d expect the vertical grip to cost between $/€ 200 – $/€ 250.

  • Estimated retail price of the vertical position battery grip VG-XT1 of X-T1 for about 25,000 yen.
  • Estimated retail price of the hand grip MHG-XT of X-T1 for about 13,000 yen.

My friends, it’s coming, and I hope my students will aplogize me, when tomorrow I’ll go at work just a “little bit” tired. I’m ready with coffee and some good music in the background…. and a lot of excitement!

You’ll have to manage your impatience just for a few more hours. Soon everything will be real!

And you should not miss today’s X-pert corner first look at the 56mm here.

stay tuned,
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First (Partial) Fujifilm X-M5 Image Shows it Comes with Front Command Dial and Compact Size

Fujifilm is now pushing their next X summit all over their social media.

And on one of them, they show what looks like a very small camera in a trouser pocket, accompanied by the word “mobility“.

This is very likely a teaser for the upcoming Fujifilm X-M5.

And while we don’t see much of the camera, we can notice one little detail: besides being very compact, the Fujifilm X-M5 will feature a front command dial, which was not available on its predecessor, the Fujifilm X-M1, nor in any of its X-A line siblings as far as I recall.

The Fujifilm X-M5 will be announced at the X Summit on October 14 at 9AM New York time… and it’s not the only thing we’ll get ;).

Also, Fujifilm China has displayed a teaser which you can see below and it has been shared by the Chinese Weibo account 独立摄影师联合会 here.

Chinese Manufacturers Developing Autofocus Zoom Lenses also for APS-C and the FujiRumors Top Zoom Lens Wishes

According to reports from the Chiense Weibo account 独立摄影师联合会, three (3) Chinese lens manufacturers are developing autofocus zoom lenses, as reported here.

It’s unclear how many of them will be also for APS-C, but for sure at least one brand will be offering also an APS-C zoom lens.

We know: Viltrox is working on autofocus zoom lenses.

So there will be two more brands joining.

In the Chinese prime lens world, we often see just the very same lens being re-branded over and over again. Let’s hope this won’t be the case with these zoom lenses, and that they all will be unique zoom lenses that not only differentiate from each other, but will also offer something not yet available in the Fujifilm X mount world.

And in terms of zoom lenses, here are the top 3 zoom lens wishes as voted in our mega-lens survey back in 2022.

Top 6 Zoom lenses:

  1. XF 16-55mm f/2.8 MK II
  2. XF 16-35mm f/2
  3. XF 11-30mm f/2.8
  4. XF 16-70mm f/2.8-4
  5. XF 16-135mm f/4
  6. XF 18-55mm f/2.8-4 MK II

Since some are similar, we could merge them into a single lens, and ultimately come up with this lis:

Top 6 Zoom lenses (with some lenses merged into 1 lens)

  1. XF 14-30mm f/2.0
  2. XF 16-55mm f/2.8 MK II
  3. XF 16-70mm f/2.8-4
  4. XF 16-135mm f/4
  5. XF 18-55mm f/2.8-4 MK II
  6. XF 23-55mm f/2

If you want to know what the overall most wanted lenses are (primes included) check out this article here.

What’s Hiding Behind Fujifilm’s “Minor Bug” Fixes?

Every time I report about a new firmware update, I get asked (such as here): what’s hiding behind the mysterious phrase “fix of minor bugs“?

That’s a legit question, also considering that, in rare occasions, updating the firmware can actually introduce new bugs (this happens with every brand, Sony, Nikon, Canon and Co. They all struggle with that).

So why update the firmware for a minor thing if your gear works just fine?

Well, unless your gear has a specific issue that the firmware update addresses, it’s generally a good idea to wait a bit before updating. Just to see if some issues come up with the new firmware.

I don’t do that, honestly. I update immediately. But I also don’t photograph weddings or do professional work with my gear (oh well, except for this wedding, but that one I shot for free).

And yet…

even if the firmware addresses a “minor bug”, I strongly recommend to update anyway sooner or later..


Well, because sometimes the bugs are not really “minor”.

For example: in 2020 Fujifilm released a firmware also for X-T4 and it gave us a “minor bug fix”. At that time I was in holiday in Southern Italy and I took some time to try to find out what it really fixed. Well, it turned out the minor bug fix was actually a major one, as it drastically reduced the exposure stepping in video.

This was a major complaint and a major bug fix, but Fujifilm did hide it behind the phrase “fix of minor bugs“.

Other times, the “minor bug” might be better called an “embarrassing bug fix”. In fact so embarrassing, that Fujifilm (but that’s valid also for other brands) doesn’t want you to know what it is, hence they don’t elaborate on that.

For example, I think it was the X-Pro1 that got a “minor bug” fixed, but what it really fixed was that the focus point worked “mirrored”, so if you moved the AF box to the bottom right of the frame, the camera would actually focus on the top left of the frame.

This is why ultimately I always recommend to update your gear, even if Fujifilm calls it just a smaller bug fix.

If you want, wait a couple of weeks and then see if there are reports here on FujiRumors or in Fuji Forums about problems with the firmware. And if there aren’t, update! What Fujifilm calls “minor” might not really be that minor in the end.

And in any case remember: if for some reason a firmware would break certain features of your camera, Fujifilm will release a free follow-up firmware fix and don’t charge you $700+ like Sony :D.

From Near-Perfect to Imperfect: Exploring Fujifilm’s Latest Autofocus Issues and a Surprisingly Simple Fix

Let’s Talk Autofocus

I speak four languages. This linguistic advantage allows me to encounter a multitude of perspectives and follow many more content creators than probably most of you.

And in my journey feeding my Fujifilm hunger on YouTube I stumble on just everything: from huge channels notorious for their clickbait titles and superficial knowledge of the Fujifilm system, to the hidden gems that, despite their depth of expertise, haven’t gained the recognition they truly deserve.

Over the years, I have learned to filter out those I trust from those I don’t.

One of the guys I trust is Andrea Cimini.

Who is that guy you ask?

A professional sports photographer using Fujifilm since many years now. And we actually shared his channel once here already:

The AF Issues Seen from a Pro Sports Photographer

Back in April, a flawed firmware update triggered many YouTubers to release videos about how bad the Fujifilm autofocus is.

Fujifilm did release a “fix” in June.

So all good now?

Well, not really.

While things have improved with the latest firmware, there are still some issues.

In a nutshell we could say: the older firmware of Fujifilm’s 5th generation gear is superior to the newer firmware.

Andrea Cimini for example explains how with firmware 1.00 in his X-H2S he got awesome results compared to the ones he is getting now with firmware 7.00.

Same goes for Thierry Gibralta, who compared X-H2S firmware 1.03 vs 7.00, and you can clearly see that, side by side, the 1.03 firmware is much more solid, with great tracking, little to no pulsing and definitely a very solid autofocus that can be easily trusted.

And it’s also this initially solid autofocus, that convinced Andrea Cimini to buy the Fujifilm X-H2S for his sports photography.

The Problem in Depth

Now, since I guess many of you do not speak Italian, I will sum up the video of Andrea in bullet points. But if you can, watch the video (and follow him).

  • in the last year, the firmware updates of Fujifilm were not reliable
  • when he tested the X-H2S with firmware 1.00, he was stunned and thought Fujifilm finally caught up with the best
  • he tried the X-H2S at several sport events and in one bicycle race with 400 people participating
  • he took 2,300 pictures and only 27 were out of focus (98.8% in focus)
  • over time, the more he updated the firmware, the more the autofocus got worst
  • with eye detection, some times the eye detection says the eye is in focus, but it is not
  • the hit rate at 10-15 fps drops a lot
  • in sports photography, when in 5 to 8 fps, the hit rate is between 80% to 95%
  • in sports photography, when in 10 to 15 fps, the hit rate is between 30% to 50%
  • if the situation in sports photography are particularly difficult (backlight, inside a forest, etc), the hit rate drops further
  • linear motor lenses don’t focus so “linear” in video. He compares the 16-55mm with LM vs the 18mm with LM and the 16-55 is smooth, but the 18mm is jerky
  • firmware 7.00 improved things and the hit rate went up. But it’s still not where it was with the initial firmware

So why does he still stick with Fujifilm?

  • best value for money ratio
  • he shares a chart where he compares a Sony and Fujifilm system, and a Sony system would cost him 5,000 Euro more than a Fujifilm system
  • moreover, he grabbed the flagship Fujifilm X-H2S vs the non-flagship Sony A7IV
  • The X-H2S has better EVF, better LCD, faster bursts, better video specs, etc.
  • With Sony A7IV he would make an upgrade in terms of Autofocus, but a downgrade on pretty much all the rest

He ends up saying that Fujifilm Italy contacted him asking all the details about the problems he is encountering, the settings etc, and that they would forward everything to Fujifilm Japan.

He still believes in the brand, there are lots of reasons he wants to stay with it (which he quickly lists in the video). So please Fujifilm, do something about the autofocus.

The Easy Solution

So, Andrea Cimini and Thierry Gibralta have shown that the first iterations of Fujifilm’s 5th generation autofocus was solid and significantly superior to what we have now.

Solid tracking, incredibly high hit rates at fast fps, smooth focus transitions with little to no pulsing and so forth.

So the solution could be actually a pretty easy one: Fujifilm should take that older AF algorithm and just put it back into their 5th generation cameras.

But as of now, the choice users have is: should I upgrade to the latest firmware to get all the other goodness that Fujifilm has generously given us for free (Reala Ace, red frame indicator, etc), or downgrade at my own risk, give up on Reala Ace & Co, but have again the great autofocus of almost 2 years ago?

I made the choice for myself already. I upgraded. But I don’t really shoot critical sports photography. And for my use, the latest X-T5 June firmware has fixed the issues that arose with the April firmware. In fact, I used it for a family travel in Rome and Tuscany and it worked just great for me. So I rather keep Reala & Co, as the autofocus is good for my type of use.

And honestly, I do not recommend anyone to make DIY downgrades. If anything goes wrong, you won’t be covered by warranty.

The way to go is to ask Fujifilm to give us the autofocus solidity they once already had. Take that older algorithm and give it to us. And then, build up even better from there.

Fujinon XF Lens Roadmap Updated with Rumored Lenses

It remains a mystery to me why Fujifilm does not really update its lens roadmap anymore.

It’s an error they are doing as in my opinion sharing long terms XF lens plans can only bring them advantages.

But so be it: Fujifilm perists in this error.

So let me jump in for as much as possible and make up for Fujifilm’s errors by updating the lens roadmap here on FujiRumors with the rumored lenses.

Above you can see the two lenses I have added to the list.

Both with come in 2024.

Further specs are not yet known.

Not yet ;).

And if anyone can help to add a few more to the list, feel free to contact FujiRumors :).

Have a wonderful day!

BREAKING: Fujifilm Working on MKII Version of This Lens!

This is probably one of the most exciting rumors of the year. At least for me, but I guess also for many of you.

Are you read for it?

Well, then have fun reading the rumor below.

Because I know many of you are waiting for exactly this lens.


Because the original MKI version is certainly loved and used by many, but it starts to show its age.

And now that third parties entered with their own, similar offerings, it was time for Fujifilm to refresh it.

And they’ll do it!

Because according to our trusted sources (THANKS!!!), Fujifilm is working on the successor of the Fujinon XF16-55mm f/2.8 lens.

The Fujinon XF16-55mmF2.8, also called “the brick” among fellow X shooters, is a fantastic lens and a true workhorse for many fellow X shooters our there.

However, at this point in time it is also an older lens in Fujifilm’s lineup.

And given that there is strong competition now in that segment, see for example the Sigma 18-50mmF2.8, an update to the Fujinon XF16-55mmF2.8 is definitely not only welcome, but also needed.

Stay tuned on FujiRumors if you want to know more about it ;).

Fujinon XF 8mm F2.8, XF 10mm F2.8 and XF 15mm F2.8 Patents Spotted

New Fujifilm patents surfaced on the web. They are for the following Fujinon lenses:

  • Fujinon XF 8mm f/2.8
  • Fujinon XF 10mm f/2.8
  • Fujinon XF 15mm f/2.8

Probably just variation of patents shared in the last 10+ years, such as:

The patents have been spotted by the Japanese website asobinet.

And remember, Fujifilm has also patented this foldable smartphone, so that one has to come soon, too :).

More seriously: Fujifilm recently said they have 10 lenses currently under study. Look up at those to see a more realistic list of lenses that might come at some point.

Fujifilm Patent Details

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

Lots of Fujifilm X100VI Rumors :: Firmware Updates :: Kaizen Love Promise & More – Top January Articles & Videos

Here are the top articles for January. And because it was a rumor-intese month, I extend the list to the top 15 articles, as opposed to the usual top 10.

  1. Why “Fujifilm X100VI” is Best Name for the New X100 Camera
  2. CONFIRMED: Fujifilm X100VI Announcement on February 20 (and More?)
  3. The Fujifilm X100V Successor Will be Called…
  4. Fujifilm X100VI Coming also in Limited Edition
  5. Fujifilm X100VI with IBIS? Here is the Answer!
  6. Fujifilm Firmware Updates for Several Cameras (X-T5 included), XF16-55, FT-XH and Promises More Firmware Love to Come in 2024
  7. What to Expect from Fujifilm in 2024 (and What Probably Not)
  8. Fujifilm X100VI Possible Price Info Leaked
  9. Fujifilm 2024: A Look Ahead Between Rumors and Speculations (X-Pro4, X100R, X-E5, X-T40, New XF Lenses, GFX Future)
  10. Fujifilm X100V Discontinued at Several Stores: Giving Up on X100V Delivery and Getting Ready for Fujifilm X100VI?
  11. Fujifilm X100VI (with IBIS) basically Same Size of X100V (without IBIS)
  12. Fujinon XF 18-55mmF2.8-4 Declared Among All Time Best Kit Lenses… and Yet it Gets Replaced Soon
  13. Fujifilm X100VI Coming with with REALA ACE Film Simulation… and About Reala Ace Being Possible only with GFX100II Sensor
  14. This is the Sensor of the Fujifilm X100VI
  15. Cosina Voigtlander COLOR-SKOPAR 18mm F2.8 Aspherical Lens Announced – First Look and Samples

Here are the top 10 YouTube videos

Report of Malfunction with Viltrox Lenses after Fujifilm X-T5 Firmware Update but No Problems Reported by Other X-T5 Users

There are reports shared at the Japanese website Asobinet, that Viltrox lenses stop working on Fujifilm X-T5 after the latest firmware update.

A couple of hours ago I asked in our huge X-T group if anyone is experiencing such issues.

Some members tested the new firmware on their Viltrox 13mm f/1.4 and Viltrox 27mm f/1.2 and did not notice any malfunction.

Feel free to drop your experience in the comments down below.