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“The X-Pro1 will become the backup to the X-E2” (Riley Joseph)

X-E2 – USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline / EUROPE: wexphotographicUK /

[I’ve already share Fuji’s X-E2 high-res samples at Fuji’s website here (and XQ1  here). For the X-E2 Brochure click here and here is the features page. The Brochure says that the X-E2 (AF-speed 0,08 sec.) has the fastest AF speed among digital cameras equipped with a 4/3-inch or larger sensor. Measurement conducted by Fujifilm research based on CIPA guidelines using the X-E2 equipped with [shoplink 12888]XF14mmF2.8 R lens[/shoplink] in High Performance mode as of September 2013.]

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It seems that for Riley Joseph, the X-PRO1 isn’t Fuji’s flagship anymore! It has become the back-up camera of the X-E2. Why? You can read it here:

“The X-E2 inherits the X-Trans II sensor and the phase & contrast auto focus from the X100S. In using the camera I found the auto focus to be very accurate and snappy. Definitely better than my X-Pro1. And that is not even using the phase detection because my lenses do not have the required firmware updates for the camera. […] And in another suprise (to myself especially) the X-Pro1 will become the backup to the X-E2. At least until the X-Pro2 turns up.”

You can find one more first impressions article at KaleJF here. And check out also Rico’s first look (with more then 200 comments) here (for Rico’s XQ1 Flickr set click here).

How to support Fujirumors

Here is how you can support Fujirumors: if you think the X-E2 is the camera that meets your needs and you want to pre-order it, consider to use one of the links below. FR will get a small commission and it won’t cost you one single penny extra. Thanks in advance for every FR-reader who places his pre-order via Fujirumors. It’s a great help to keep the site ticking over.

X-E2 – USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / AdoramaDigitalRev / Pictureline / EUROPE: wexphotographicUK / DigitalRev / Fotomundus24 GER / PCHstore /

XQ1 – USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / AdoramaDigitalRev / EUROPE: wexphotographicUK / DigitalRev / PCHstore /



FR-readers roundup: where the trains go to die, X-PRO1+Nokton 50mm, Lego rangefinder and Laguna Beach

in stock (55-200)

-The Fuji XF 55-200 is now in stock at Amazon Japan (via third party reseller. Click here).
XF 55-200 pre-order: USAAdoramaBHphoto / AmazonUS / DigitalRev / Uniquephoto / Pictureline / Europe: AmazonUK / AmazonDE / PCHstore Brussel

deals (via dealsrunner)

I’ve found all the following deals at dealsrunner. To see more Fuji-deals or insert by yourself new deals stop by
-Save about $50 on the X20 (DEMO camera) at ebay here.
-$25 price drop for the X-E1+18-55 at AmazonUS here.
-X-PRO1 body only for $1.1120 at ebay here.

Fujirumors readers roundup

Olivier: “Hi Patrick, a big HELLO from tiny Luxembourg :-) I’ve been following Fujirumors ever since my interest in Fujifilm cameras arose, with the announcement of the fantastic X-E1 last year.

A couple of weeks ago, I spent a morning shooting an old industry and railway park with my best friend who carried along 4 (!!!) Sony Alpha bodies (he hates changing lenses ;-) ), while I only took along the X-E1 equipped with the XF18-55mm lens, the [shoplink 11322]XF 35mm[/shoplink] and [shoplink 11919]XF 60mm[/shoplink].

In the end though, I only used the [shoplink 12483 ebay]XF 18-55mm[/shoplink]. This is one seriously great allrounder!

As far as postprocessing goes: I shot raw and (minimally) edited the shots under LR 4.4. Really love the improved X-Trans support.

The results can be found under: (short excerpt) and (complete book). I hope you’ll enjoy looking at these as much as I enjoyed taking them ;-)

Best regards, Oli

P.s. Thanks again for all of the hard work you put into Fujirumors!!! :-)

Olivier (where trains go to die)

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book preview
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Jim “Hi Patrick, First off thank you for your site and all of the work you put into it for our Fuji community.  On my blog site  I have just posted a review/user impressions of using the X-Pro 1 with a Cosina [shoplink 11534 ebay]Voigtlander Nokton 50mm[/shoplink] f/1.5 lens. Possibly some of your readers might enjoy it. Regards, Jim Gamblin”


Nick: “Hi there. Your blog has been of great assistance to me now that I’m a Fuji convert. I’ve even started blogging my Fuji photos and my camera collection […]. Thanks for all of your efforts. Nick


LEGO-rangefinder: made by Nick’s son! (Fuji X100s, Aperture RAW conversion, cropped)

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Shahrokni: “I have a Fuji X100 and recently I bought a beautiful Fuji X Pro1 with 18-55mm ( I ordered it separately ). At the beginning I was not happy with the color of sky and landscape until I found out about a correct setting […] I have to say Now I love my Fuji X Pro1. Yesterday was HOT Here in Laguna Beach in SoCal. I took many pictures and here are some of them , Hope You like them. Best Regards SM Shahrokni


palm photo DSCF3532ex_Sts_zpsa4d270bb.jpg

Lightoom 4.4 and ACR 7.4 release candidates available

The source was right! Now start downloading and leave your feedback in the comments. Download LR 4.4 here. or Adobe Photoshop Camera Raw RC 7.4 here.

Rico Pfirstinger updated his RAW converter comparison with two samples that were processed with Lightroom 4.4RC. Click here, read the article, and see the images.

There is also the first dpreview test: “In the ACR 7.3 rendering, the foliage takes on a distinct ‘watercolor’ appearance, and the white text of the sign is ‘filled-in’ green. As you can see, the new processing approach in ACR 7.4 RC offers substantial improvements in both areas.” (thx MJr)

Lightroom 4.4 Release Candidate and Adobe Photoshop Camera Raw 7.4 include a correction to the demosaic algorithms for Fujifilm cameras with the X-Trans sensor.  This specifically impacts the following cameras:

  • Fujifilm X-Pro1
  • Fujifilm X-E1
  • Fujifilm X100S
  • Fujifilm X20

Download and discuss on Fujirumors.

And many thanks to the source!