Fujifilm TX-3: Why Not Just Crop?


The latest Fujifilm TX-3 digital panorama camera rumors have raised one question mainly: why buy a dedicated 65:24 camera if the Fujifilm GFX has already such a crop mode built into the camera?

Pavel already answered this question for us in a dedicated guest post (with lots of beautiful images). You can check it out here.

I just wanted to add my own thoughts to it.

So again, buy a dedicated 65:24 camera if the Fujifilm GFX has already such a crop mode built into the camera?

There are even adapters, such as the Kipon GFX-XPAN adapter, that allow you to mount Hasselblad XPAN Lenses on Fujifilm GFX cameras.

Well, first of all, none of the Fujinon GF lenses is specifically designed for the 65:24 format.

And if Fujifilm proceeds with its XPan plans, then they could also design specialized lenses optimized for panoramic photography. It could be a fixed lens (if the camera was a fixed lens camera) or a few lenses for panoramic photography (in case of an interchangeable lens camera).

Specialized lenses designed for  a specialized sensor will always give optically better results, with minimal distortion, best sharpness etc.

Also, shooting with a panoramic camera encourages photographers to think differently about composition. Instead of relying on cropping to achieve a desired composition, photographers must carefully frame their shots within the panoramic format, leading to more intentional and thoughtful compositions.

This also leads to a potential creative boost, as photographers will be “forced” to see the world in new ways (the “panoramic world”) and therefore might be more inclined to explore different perspectives and experiment with unconventional compositions.

So yes, you can simply crop a regular GFX image. But a dedicated panoramic camera provides a more authentic and immersive experience for photographers who appreciate the unique characteristics and creative possibilities of panoramic photography.

And look, for many this might not matter. But there is a niche out there who finds inspiration and joy in the process of shooting with a dedicated panoramic camera.

For them, owning such a camera is not just about capturing images; it’s about embracing a distinct style, exploring creative possibilities, and finding fulfillment in the art of panoramic photography.

And you know Fujifilm: they don’t see niche as a waste of money and time.

On the contrary: Fujifilm recognizes that niche photographers embody the genuine essence of photography and that they represent one of the purest form of photographic passion.

And given Fujifilm’s massive photography history, I consider Fujifilm at this point the only brand capable of nurturing this niche with a dedicated camera. I mean, technically also Hasselblad, but since they are now owned by DJI, the DNA of Hasselblad has deeply changed.


Fujifilm X App 2.1.2 released


Fujifilm has updated the X App software to version 2.1.2 for iOS. Down below are all the details.

Btw, what’s you experience with App? For me it is working quite well so far. Definitely a more pleasing experience than the old app. I actually also used it to update the firmware on my X-T5 the other day.

What’s New

  1. The following software bugs are fixed.
    (1) Live View is not displayed in the correct aspect ratio depending on the smartphone settings.
    (2) The “Number of lifetime shots” is not displayed correctly in “Equipment Status” When using X100VI.
  2. The item name is revised as follows.
    (1) The item name, “MECHANICAL SHUTTER (current module)” displayed in the “Equipment Status” is changed to match the “Number of shutter movements” used in some camera menus.

You can download the latest Fujifilm X App for iOS here and for Android here.


Yes!Star S1 Camera to be Launched July 1 with Yes!Star 400 Film (Rebranded Fujifilm C400)


Things are happening quite fast now.

Just a few days ago, we reported that Fujifilm has relocated the production of Fujifilm C200 and Fujifilm C400 film to China. The production will be handled by Yes!Star, a company known for its work in medical film production.

Well, the first results of this cooperation will be seen on July 1. In fact, Yes!Star just announced that they will launch a new film camera on July 1.

The theme of the event on July 1 will be “the birth of the new film era“.

In the teaser above you can see an image of the camera and also the “new” Yes!Star 400 film, which is very likely just a rebranded Fujifilm C400.

I guess this is overall a good news for film photographers, as the other option would be for Fujifilm to simply discontinue the film. Seen from this perspective, it’s great to see other companies willing to step in and take over production of film stock that would otherwise disappear.

Just be informed: if you are looking for Fujifilm C400 film, be aware that it is now called Yes!Star 400.

via asobinet via 独立摄影师联合会


Fujifilm FF240002 Camera Registered: Could it Really be the Fujifilm X-E5 or X-Pro5?


A new Fujifilm camera registration with the code name “FF240002” has now been spotted (see screenshot above) and shared by the Chinese Weibo account E8M here.

Is it the Fujifilm X-E5? Or maybe even the Fujifilm X-Pro5 (or X-Pro4).

Well, Fujifilm will launch both cameras at some point, that’s for sure.

But if you did not miss our Fujifilm X-E5 rumor and our Fujifilm X-Pro4 rumor, then you’ll know that none of these cameras is scheduled for 2024.

And since it takes Fujifilm between 1 to 6 months to finally announce a new camera after the registration has been spotted, whatever hides behind this code name has to come still in 2024.

So, it is not the Fujifilm X-E5 and also not the Fujifilm X-Pro5.

Do you want to know what it really is?

Then I have the feeling you should not miss FujiRumors in the next few days ;).

Love you guys!


Fujifilm CEO: Supply is Normal, Overproduction Would Force Discounts and Reduce Brand Strength and Gear Value


Recently Fujifilm published the latest financial results, which were very positive for the entire imaging division.

Along with the financial result, they also published a Q&A section (you can find it below in English).

During the Q&A, Fujifilm CEO Mr. Goto has been asked about the shortages and limited inventory.

And I want to be very precise here, so I will copy and paste the answers of the CEO.


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