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Behind The X-Gear: Meet Tom H, the X-shooter with the Coolest Office in the World :-)

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Hi X-folks

In today’s “Behind the X-gear” episode, we are going to talk to Fuji X Forum member Tom H, the X-shooter with the probably Coolest Office in the World… an office located at 35,000 feet from earth. Tom is a pilot, and in this thread you can see some of his stunning images taken from his priviledged location: the cockpit!

So, if you want to ask him something, for example if it really makes sense to turn off any electronic device (including our X-camera) during take-off or landing, just go ahead ;).

If you also want to have the opportunity to be interviewed & featured on FujiRumors, all you have to do is to join our Fuji X Forum Community, share your pics & thoughts there, and you might be the next one :) .

Previous Episodes: Milandro / Trenton / Mehrdad /

X-Shooter TOM H

Tell us something about you

Ok, since you are a pilot, I just have to ask it to you: after watching the following video, would you ever gate check your Fuji gear ;)

I always keep anything fragile in my flight case, so it’s never in the cargo hold. They should not treat your luggage this way, but sadly, sometimes they do… So never, ever, put anything fragile or valuable in your checked in luggage! Accidents can and will happen eventually.

That said, one of the reasons why I like the Fuji gear is that it doesn’t take up much space. I tend to travel with just the X100T and/or the X-T1 and one lens. Both fit in my flightcase easily, so I can always keep them close. Also, they fit in most safes in hotel rooms, which tend to be small. Fitting a full DSLR kit, lenses and other valuables into a flightcase or safe is usually impossible.

Professional Photographer or Amateur or something in between?

Definitely amateur. I enjoy photography very much, but my day job suits me just fine, so no intention of going professional. Maybe I will start a small side business someday to sell some prints or do some paid work, but it has to stay fun. It’s a great way to unwind and challenge myself.

What is your kind of photography? (Motives, Approach …)

I don’t see myself as one specific kind of photographer. I mostly enjoy portraits, travel and street photography the most, so usually that is what you’ll find me shooting. But I will do something completely different if the mood hits me. I would like to shoot more landscapes, but golden hours tend to be early or late, and I already spend enough days getting up early or working late when on the job.

Where can we find more about you on the web (website, Flickr, Facebook, portfolio)

Most of my content and blog is over at Or you can follow me on Instagram as @tomhenderix. I will sometimes post on the Fuji X Forum too, if I have time. Feel free to comment on the blog, or send me a message through the website or Instagram.

What’s your favorite image taken with a Fuji?

That’s a difficult one. If I have to pick just one, it’s one of the first images I made with a Fuji, just days after I received the X100T. It’s a shot of an apocalyptic sunrise with gorgeous colours reflecting of a cloud layer above us. When I saw the files on my pc and saw the colours, sharpness and lack of noise, I was sold on the Fuji system. I used to only take a camera to work on special occasions, but since that shot, I never leave home without one.

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Your Move to Fuji

What’s the main reason for you to own a Fuji?

Beautiful colours, excellent sharpness and nice or gorgeous bokeh on most lenses. And all those things in a small camera body that looks and feels like an actual camera, not a Playstation.

On paper, the Fuji is not beating anything else on the market today, but the whole package just comes together so nicely when using it, that the specs don’t really matter anymore.

I just want to go out and use it all the time, and that’s all that’s important in the end.

Is there something you miss from your previous system?

I used a Canon 500D and Canon lenses for years until I switched to a lighter setup last year. I was on the fence between an X-T1 or an Olympus OM-D E-M1. Finally, I went for the OM-D over the Fuji, based mostly on specs and reviews and the fact that it came with a nice weather sealed 12-40mm zoom, something that was lacking from the Fuji system back then.

Eight months later, I was given an X100T. Only days after receiving the X100T, I stopped using the OM-D altogether. I sold it a few weeks ago, as I hadn’t used it since… It’s by all means a brilliant camera, but it never felt special like the Fuji’s do. Since switching to Fuji, I also no longer feel the need to use zooms. The primes are just fine for my needs.

There aren’t many things I miss, but some things would be nice to have.

  • IBIS. Once you’ve seen the way Olympus IBIS works, it’s hard not to want it. Though to be honest, I don’t really need it that often. It’s just nice to have that as an option.
  • Zebras. The Olympus had a blinking highlight warning in liveview and the EVF, so it was real easy to judge overexposure.This is the feature I miss the most since moving to Fuji.
  • Build quality. The Olympus E-M1 is built like a tank. The Fuji’s are quite well built, it’s just that the Olympus felt even more solid. Especially the battery door on the X100T and the card slot on the X-T1 don’t feel as solid as I would like them to be.
  • Autofocus speed and accuracy. I rarely miss a shot, but still I feel improvements are needed. That’s highest on my wishlist for any new sensor in the Fuji line up.

What’s your favorite lens?

The 56 1.2 APD. The way it renders is how I wish all lenses rendered. My old favourite was the Canon 135 f2 L, but the Fujinon colours and bokeh are even better, and it’s sharper to boot. It rarely leaves my X-T1.

What’s your favorite camera bag?

I only have two bags, a Lowepro Runner AW 300 backpack, and a ThinkTank Retrospective 5 messenger bag. The backpack I use when I need to take lots of gear. For anything else, I prefer to use the messenger bag.

I like the Retrospective because it doesn’t look like a camera bag. It holds 2 small bodies (Fuji or film) and one or two lenses. I removed the inserts and padding, so it folds flat into my suitcase. That way, I always have a decent camera bag with me when I’m on layover abroad.

While flying, the cameras are in my flightcase, for which I use a ThinkTank Urban Disguise 60. The big centre compartment allows me to carry a Bose Aviation X headset in it, and still have room for up to two small cameras.

What’s in your bag?

Usually just the X100T or the X-T1 and one or two primes. On occasion, I’ll take a film body instead of a digital one, so in that case a Hasselblad Xpan or a Nikon FM2. Which ones I take depends mostly on the destination or the mood of the day.

As far as accessories go, I carry as little as possible. I try not to take anything that will not be used. So one or two spare batteries, one spare memory card, a lens pen, a tiny notebook, and a pen. Some extra film rolls when I take a film body. I use a Peak Design strap, which fits on all my bodies.

I travel a lot for work, so any unnecessary weight is a strain I don’t need.

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Your Advice to Fuji

Which lens, that is not yet in the roadmap, would you like Fuji to make?

I’d like to see a revamp of the 35mm f1.4 and the 18mm f2, with the same build quality as the 16mm f1.4. I use the 16mm, 23mm (X100T) and 56mm for 95% of my shots, so I don’t quite need anything else for the time being.

Tell Fujifilm what’s the main thing they should still improve in the X-series system via Firmware and/or Hardware


  • Customisable zebras! I still have trouble judging overexposure on skin sometimes, which I never had on the Olympus. Now I need to check overexposure after taking the shot. I’d like to see it before taking it.
  • User-friendlier menus, I’m not a fan of the current menu setup, even if I rarely need to use the menu.


  • Tougher and weather sealed build quality for new bodies and lenses. The new 16mm f1.4 is my benchmark from now on. Cockpits are very dusty environments, and even in the bag, the cameras will soak up dust like you wouldn’t believe. So weather sealing is greatly appreciated.
  • Keep the retro styling, so please have bigger grips as optional accessories, don’t make them standard (I thoroughly dislike mirrorless bodies with oversized grips). The current optional grips for the X-T1 are an excellent solution for people who need more grip.
  • A proper flash system and better flash controls. Preferably in cooperation with a company like Cactus or Phottix.
  • Autofocus, autofocus, autofocus. Looking forward to trying the new sensor design.

Decisive Questions

OVF, EVF or Display?

Definitely EVF, but lately I’ve been using the display more when shooting portraits. I don’t even bother using the OVF anymore on the X100T, but it looks nice, so please leave it in.

Rangefinder style or DSLR shape?

I like the rangefinder styling more, but I’m left eye dominant, so I can’t use a rangefinder as intented. For fun, I prefer rangefinders. For more serious work, I prefer the X-T1.


Almost always RAW, but I do use the built-in raw converter to make jpegs, which I then transfer to my phone using the WiFi function. I love that feature.

Curiosity & Customize you X

You most & you least used feature in Fujifilm cameras (like film simulations, build-in RAW converter, Extended DR(100-200-400), advanced filters, panorama, digital split image etc…)

Most used:

  • Physical Buttons! I hate going into menus.
  • Film simulations, mostly Classic Chrome for portraits and Velvia for landscapes.
  • Built-in raw converter and WiFi
  • Flippy screen
  • Peaking and magnify for manual focus

Least (or never) used:

  • Advanced filters, never use them
  • Panorama feature, also never used it
  • Extend DR, nice feature, but I don’t use it.
  • Video. I use my phone for video.

Which functions did you place on the FN-buttons of your camera?

Function buttons on the X100T

Trashcan: Macro
WiFi: WiFi
Four way pad: Autofocus point

Function buttons on the X-T1

Front: Preview EXP/WB
WiFi: WiFi
Four way pad: Autofocus point

What’s Your favorite film simulation

Velvia for shots from the sky and Classic Chrome for portraits. For my other work, I have some personal presets to keep my files consistent.

Your favorite photography quote.

“The best camera is the one you have with you.”

Unless you bring a camera, you won’t be taking any pictures. I spent years travelling without bringing a camera and I’m still kicking myself for missing so many great opportunities… Go out there, experience and enjoy the world and the great shots will surely follow.

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Fuji Fun Vs. Sony Specs…. a Story about my 3 days Flirt with the Sony A7rII and why I now Love Fujifilm even more!

I guess it’s my time to say something about the SonyA7rII. I was reluctant to write anything about it, even though I’ve tried the Sony A7rII for several days.

But today I could not resist for two reasons:

  1. I have a bit of spare time & and I’m slightly drunk at home after an X-T1 Vs. Canon M3 shootout with Steve of CanonWatch.
  2. I’ve read a very interesting article at Fujifilm X World.

You’ll read about the Canon M3 at CanonWatch later on, so let’s go directly to point 2, the Fuji X World post, which was the real trigger for this article.

“Image quality” over “Specs”

The article is about one of the most loved lenses amongst us X-shooters: the XF 35mmF1.4. It shows Fuji’s approach when they design a new lens, which can be summed up in this sentence:  “Image quality” over “Specs

And it’s not just a good sounding slogan, it’s Fuji’s philosophy. Go and read it here… I’ll just quickly come to the point of the article:

When Fuji designed the XF 35mmF1.4 they had 2 choices: create the lens in a way that it will perfectly match the test criteria used for MTF charts, or don’t care about specs & charts and design the lens thinking at the real life use… and Fuji went for the latter one.

That’s why, today, looking at the MTF charts, the XF 35mm doesn’t seem much of a lens, but looking at the pictures X-shooters (including me) take with it every day, it’s pretty clear that Fuji has created a hell of a lens! Because, as Fujifilm said:

There is something more than just the catalog spec.”

And that brings me to the Sony A7rII.

Fuji (X-T1) Vs. Sony (A7rII)


These are just my very personal considerations. People with different ways of shooting, priorities & workflow will come to completely different conclusions… and that’s good so.

I don’t want to sound like a Sony hater, so let me say it clearly: the Sony A7rII has terrific specs, it’s a good camera, and overall I absolutely like the innovation Sony brings to the digital camera technology. They make the arguably best & most innovative sensors out there (sorry Canon)!

But today I won’t join the A7rII siren songs of the internet, and since I can’t cover every single spec (that would mean writing a book, not a blog post), I’ll focus on those aspects that I prefer on Fujifilm and try to explain why I’ve quickly lost my interest in the A7rII.

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

Fuji manager Hisashi Toshi: “The future is High-End!” XF 16-55 will cost around 120,000 yen. FujiUK says: “NO OIS”

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image courtesy: heraldcorp (translation)

Hasta la vista, OIS. The XF 16-55 won’t have it.


NO OIS 1: After the 16-55 with OIS at the Fuji magazine, I’ve contacted FujifilmUK/FRA and the Fuji Guys via twitter and asked for a clarification. Just now I’ve received the answer from FujiUK (thanks). It’s just a typo, the OIS was removed from the magazine. They also said:

The IQ of this lens is going to be amazing. OIS takes physical space which means the lens elements can’t be precisely where they need to be to allow for the absolute best image quality. We feel that it will be a better lens without it.

My advice to Fuji: make an X-PRO2 with IBIS, and you could still sell plenty of these lenses. But for now, I’m afraid no OIS will be a deal breaker for many.


NO OIS 2: FR-reader Antoine was at the Fuji showroom in Tokyo and said that the mockup of the 16-55 f2.8 is not OIS, neither on the tag nor on the lens itself.


NO OIS 3: Korean interview (dated 12.12.2014) at heraldcorp (translation) with Fuji manager Hisashi Toshi. The journalist didn’t ask Mr. Hisashi Toshi about the OIS, but you can see a mock-up of the lens… no OIS marking on it.

THE PRICE: The XF 16-55mmF2.8 will cost around 120,000 yen ($1,010). This would make it the most expensive lens in Japan after the XF 50-140 (164,000 yen = $1,381) and XF56mm APD (160,000 yen = $1,347). src – Amazon Japan

In the first half of next year, the flagship product? ‘ ASPHERICAL LENS FUJINON Nano-GI XF 16-55mm. Fujifilm released as a lens technology-intensive products will launch later this year. The price is based on the 120,000 japanese yen in Japan.”

In Europe the price could be of €1.049 (see artencraft)

THE FUTURE: Mr. Hisashi Toshi also said that the future is High End Mirrorless. Seems like actioncamerarumors was right when they said Fuji will ditch the entry level segment… finally, focus on high-end X-series cameras, everything else is just distraction.

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miXed zone: “travel lite, travel smart, travel X”, Iridient update, Zeiss 32 and 12 first impressions and more

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Zeiss deal at BHphoto here and Adorama here


– Brian released Iridient Developer 2.4.1 with a number of improvements and bug fixes. One Fujfilm specific bug fix was for the X100S when shot in 1:1 aspect ratio in-camera which resulted in Iridient Developer 2.4 using an incorrect crop origin when loading these RAF files with the default options. This issue may have effected other models too, but Brian only had reports of problems with the X100S. The full release notes for 2.4.1 can be viewed here. The new version can be downloaded here.


Travel Lite, Travel Smart, Travel X at michaelmcqueen: “if your looking to travel some place in the distant future I can most definitely recommend you think about what you want out of your travels in terms in making images, do you need to pack lite? do you need that bulky DSLR? there are better solutions out there and I highly recommend the X.”

X-T1 or DSLR

– Is the Fuji X-T1 as good as my 5d3 / D800? at mikecroshaw: “I’ve seen some pretty outrageous claims from the pro DSLR crowd about how bad the Fuji autofocus is.  One guy claimed he could only shoot still life with the fuji, for everything else he needed his DSLR.  Well I’m sorry, but that guy just fails at using the XT-1.  Of course its not as fast as a pro DSLR..people expecting it to be are, frankly, deluded.  But unless you are a professional sports or wildlife photographer, or just suck at taking photos without machine gun speed autofocus, its fast enough.”

–  Can the Fuji X system replace my DSLR system? at gambofoto: “In most of the comparison shots I prefer the look of the Nikkor 85mm.  Possibly because of the extra focal length.  Carrying the cameras around definitely goes to Fuji.  Handling- Fuji.  Enjoyment in use goes to Fuji.  Confidence while doing a paying job?  Well that depends.  I truly love the quietness and stealth of the Fuji cameras and had a lot of success in the last weddings I shot.  However the Nikon provides one of those intangibles by seeming to be faster in AF and thus more confidence inspiring.  Notice I say seemingly.  In the past I have experiences plenty of problems with AF and the Nikons.  And where I feel I miss shots with the Fuji, because of AF, I also get shots I don’t think I would gotten with the Nikons.  So I guess the answer to the original question is not clear cut, at least not for me.  With that said the rest of my Nikon kit will remain for the immediate future, but for how long?  It might not be clear in the above text, but I must say the [shoplink 21554]56mm[/shoplink] is one great lens.  It has been over a month now that I have had this lens and the longer I use it the more that I have come to appreciate it.  It just continues to surprise me how exactly sharp it is, even wide open.  Of all the fast lenses that I have owned, I will say that, this one is the best at wide open.”

– Fuji X-T1 and the ‘mirrorless inferiority complex’ at soundimageplus: “Yet again there are more recent posts about how people sold everything, bought a mirrorless camera and achieved photographic and personal nirvana, how the DSLR is dying, dead or really rather poorly and a heavily touted current Camera Store video that comes up with the staggering discovery that us idiots who don’t work as assistants in camera shops couldn’t possibly have discovered for ourselves, that mirrorless cameras have really quite fast AF. To me all this smacks of a ‘mirrorless inferiority complex‘.”

 Fujifilm X-T1
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– Fuji X-T1 for wedding photography at phildweddingphotography. There review includes a nice list with the Advantages of the X-T1 compared to a full frame DSLR and the Disadvantages of the X-T1 compared to a full frame DSLR.

“Over the next few years, with the right camera body, I think they can take a large part of the DSLR market. They have the viewfinder. They have the lenses. They have the sensor. They just need to concentrate on the list above and also speed of use for common actions like exposure changes (not a deal breaker for me, but it is for others).

For me, I’d happily pay an extra 20-30% on top of the price of the X-T1 to get everything I need and I suspect may pro photographers will feel the same, having been used to DSLR prices.”

– Fuji X-T1 vs Nikon Df: which is the best retro-style camera? at digitalcameraworld: “It may not be quite as versatile as the Nikon camera, but the Fuji X-T1 is capable of very high quality results. Modern features such as tilting touchscreen, the ability to shoot video, the electronic viewfinder and built-in Wi-Fi connectivity (for remote control and speedy image-sharing) make it a real winner. The Fuji X-T1 is the winner in our Nikon Df vs Fuji X-T1 comparison.

– X-T1 does fashion at johncaz: “Overall, I was really impressed by the X-T1 and its ability to not only do what my Nikon’s had offered in the past, but actually offer me new ways of creating images. Placing the camera on the ground with face detection ON and the screen flipped out was such a treat, look at the image of Michalis doing pushups with granny walking past! That was wide open and face detection nailed him.”

– Fujifilm X-T1 – Does it make a good travel camera? at richardberryphotography: “So does it make a good travel camera? I definitely think it does! Especially for those wanting creative options and convenience through the use of zoom lenses. With the added bonus of weather sealing and the rugged magnesium alloy body you can’t really go wrong.”

– Fujifilm X: gestalt or bust at ohm-image: “What I appreciate about Fujifilm’s X series is cohesiveness. There isn’t another camera manufacturer in Japan that cares as much about operational design, about physical layout, or about culling specific users from the larger customer base. Their cameras polarise. That is how it should be.”

– Fujifilm X-T1 from my X-Pro1 – how does the upgrade hold up? at kwaibun: “Overall, the X-T1 is one of the best you can get for street photography and vast variety of serious usage. Fuji has done it right in just 2 years. The only direct rival will be Olympus OMD-EM1, which i found equally, if not more, attractive as well: primarily its unbeatable, close-to-DSLR snappy focus and responsiveness. its 5-axis IBIS which effectively allows you to use lower ISO, compensating the higher ISO noise and lower resolving power disadvantage of m43 sensor. (some reviews said it’s similar but I still quite convinced Fuji is better, and for sure better in terms of high ISO performance)

– Fujifilm X-T1 Mirrorless Camera Review at digital-photography-school: “I can confidently state that a student with this camera system would probably find learning the basics a bit easier than with a standard digital SLR camera system if for no other reason than the live histogram available in the electronic viewfinder and the easy to access, logically laid out controls. Further, for the seasoned user, the X-T1 body and lenses make a great combination for producing high-quality professional results.”

– Fujifilm X-T1: Technology in a Headlong Rush at jjsemplephotography: “Fuji, among all the leading brands, seems to understand the customer very well. And that’s why I like the closed loop of camera bodies, lenses and accessories being made by the same company and sold at a reasonable price. Guess it comes with being an Apple devotee. In the meantime, I’ll go back to making myself a better artist, now that Fuji has given me some of the best tools available.”

– Trusting the Fuji X-T1’s Panoramic Mode at macleancomms: “The new X-T1 also has a panoramic mode which is on the drive selector, located on the top panel under the ISO dial (see top image).  I have tried this function on several occasions and I can report that this is a lot more user friendly than the function on the X-Pro1 and X100.  More importantly I haven’t had a misaligned shot yet and I have found myself trusting the system more and more.”

photographymonthly: “The fact that the X-T1 looks as good as the pictures it takes is part of the attraction. It’s the perfect blend of new technology and old school charm. If the thought of giving up your beloved DSLR scares the pants off you, don’t worry, it does me too. But I’m seriously thinking of investing in an X-T1 to run alongside my professional Nikon gear. I’ve dipped my toe in the water with the X-Pro1 and I’m finding I’m using it more than I thought I would. The more time I spend with the X-T1, the more I’m convinced it’s the way forward.”

–  The Palouse – A Visual Journey with the Fuji X-Series – Part 2 at olafblog: “the Fuji X-T1 large viewfinder was such a joy to use. Being able to see the final composition, colours and exposure makes a huge difference. The days when I had to look at the back of the camera to check the photo are gone.”

– Fuji X-T1 Review: The Best X-Series Camera at ishootshows: “it’s simply fun to shoot with the X-T1. It’s well built without feeling like it’s made out of precious metal mined from space rocks. The camera does what you want, when you want it. It’s fast. The RAW files are gorgeous. The lenses in the X-Series lineup are the kind of glass that beg to be shot wide-open.

– Fujifilm XT-1 review at danielbader: “Pound for pound, the X-T1 is one of the most enjoyable cameras I’ve ever used; whether it’s the most practical is another story, but I think it’s worth the price of entry.”

– Gianni Galassi: “I’d just like to inform you that the third chapter of my in-progress Fuji X-T1 review is online“. Read it here at giannigalassi.

– Is the Fuji XT-1 as good as my 5d3 / D800? at mikecroshaw: “kept my DSLR until I was sure I could rely on the fuji for all my work, and I think if you can afford it, this is the way to go.  It’s not a complete system or a DSLR killer..yet.  But for me, and for a lot of people, its now good enough to use without having a DSLR there as a backup.”

– Sigma DP2 V Fujifilm X-T1 at christianfletcher: “And to let you know, I paid for my X-T1 and I paid for my Sigma. Also I am no expert so don’t think this is a fair test of both cameras. I shot a toy dinosaur with both cameras, the focal lengths are slightly different but I tried to get everything else as similar as possible. I still think in this crude test the Sigma came out on top. Saying that you will not use it for lots of things you would use the Fuji. The Fuji loves low light, the DP2 Merrill is scared of the dark (so I have read, not tested that theory myself yet)

– Fuji X-T1 in the hands of a woman and a Boudoir Photographer at fabyandcarlo: “I could honestly go on and on, but the moral of the story is that I have not touched a Canon camera since buying my new Fuji T-X1. I have not even looked at it. I have ditched Canon forever and I just know that I will never look back again. I Love love love my Fuji X-T1.”

– Review: Fuji XT-1 camera neilvn: “The images looked superb, even with my misgivings about over-sharpened JPGs and the aggressive noise reduction. Even though Fuji is known for excellent skin tones, I would still recommend shooting in RAW to be able to fine-tune the images.”

– AF-test at mirrorlessons: “A couple of weeks ago, The Camera Store released an interesting comparison video between the four MILC cameras that claim to have the fastest AF in the world. The Fujifilm X-T1 proved to be the least efficient of the four. Is it bad? Well, we actually found that the X-T1 is very capable. And if we analyse it a step further, the next models could be terrific regarding AF.

– Toronto beach model shoot with Fujifilm X-T1 & SLR Magic 35mm T0.95 lens at kittle: “You should try to select lenses that compliment your personal style and help you create photos that you love.  I really value shallow depth of field above all so I’m super happy buying this hyperprime.  If you don’t need the speed and value sharpness above all else, Fuji’s 35mm f1.4 is likely a much better fit for you and is a lot cheaper, smaller and lighter as well.

– Tip – Andrew Van Beek Reviews Fuji X-T1 at fundysoftware: “With all of the cons listed above one might get the impression that the X-T1 is not that great. Truthfully, there are people who don’t like it and have returned it. I’m on the opposite end of the scale where none of the quirks really bother me. If I had to pick one area that would be great to improve it would be everything to do with focus. This would include the focus speed as well as how to choose a focal point. That said, the X-T1 is currently my favorite camera of the over 30 that I have ever owned. Despite this, I don’t feel like I can get rid of my full-size DSLRs, so the X-T1 strongly complements rather than replaces my other cameras.”

– Jonas Jacobsson: “This time I have some great street photography from a very special event here in my hometown of Gothenburg, Sweden. The event is called “Andra Långdagen” and it’s just a melting pot with all kinds of people, all kinds of cultures and a everything in between coming together for one day of complete mayhem! It’s kind of hard to explain in words – it must be experienced! Or via my images of course! I rarely praise my own work – but this time I’m very happy with the results. Do have a look! (All photos taken with the X-T1 and the XF 35mm)” jonasjacobsson.


The Zeiss 32 and 12, save $800, at BHphoto and Adorama.

– Zeiss Touit 12mm & 32mm First Impressions at street-photography-workshops: “I really enjoyed my time with the Zeiss Touit twins. Both exemplify outstanding image quality, high-quality build, great feel and excellent balance. The 12mm manages distortion astoundingly well–probably better than any super-wide lens I’ve ever used, and it’s very sharp wide open. The 32mm has a beautiful, almost classic rendering that tempted me greatly. But since I already owned the Fuji 35mm f/1.4, I didn’t buy it. But with the current deal on these lenses, they are a must-buy! Whether you own the Fuji X system or the Sony NEX/Alpha (E-Mount) system, you cannot go wrong.

 Samyang 12mm

– Rokinon 12mm f/2.0 NCS CS Review at lonelyspeck: “Optically, the Rokinon 12mm f/2.0 NCS CS is very good.  It’s very sharp at almost all f/numbers, even sharper than the much more expensive Zeiss Touit 12mm f/2.8. I have no reservations recommending it to anyone looking for a nice sharp lens. For astrophotographers, its excellent coma performance, fast aperture and an ultra-wide field of view make it a prime tool for shooting the stars.” the reviwer mention an “astrophoto lens rating system”. Le link is this one.

– Samyang 12 mm f/2.0 NCS CS at lenstip: “The Samyang 12 mm f/2.0 NCS CS of course can’t be called a flawless lens; still you can forgive a lot a trailblazer. If you take into account its very sensible price you would be hard pressed not to recommend it. In fact I personally found the Samyang so good that, instead of sending it back to the distributor, I asked for the invoice and bought it. The lens will stay in my arsenal and I am going to use it for landscape photography and wide-field astrophotography. I don’t doubt it will perform very well.

 XF 56mm f/1.2
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–  Review: Fujifilm XF56mm vs XF18-55mm? at bigheadtaco: “The XF56mm F/1.2 prime lens is a beautiful lens for those who need this focal length and wants shallow depth of field for portraiture or subject isolation. I wish it had OIS (optical image stabilization), and a manual focus and DOF scale like other Fuji primes. Other than these two small complaints, the lens is perfect for what it is. If I had a studio and used the X-series cameras as my primary tool (the X-T1 has a built in PC terminal for studio fash triggering), I would definitely have the XF56mm in my arsenal of lenses. The XF18-55mm zoom is the do-it-all lens. It’s not specialized, but it can pull anything off with very good image quality. You won’t get the bokeh that you can get with a F/1.2 lens, but you do get OIS and also a compact and light package. I enjoyed my time with the XF56 and wouldn’t hesitate to shoot with it again. If you need a portrait lens with decent bokeh, this is the lens for you.”

XF 10-24
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 – First Impressions of the Fujinon XF10-24mm f4R OIS at macleancomms: “The price reflects the premium quality of this lens and at £849 it cannot be considered cheap but it is good value for money. By comparison Nikon’s two f4 wide angle zooms, the full frame 16-35mm and the crop frame 12-24mm, both have a street price at around the same level and, while the Nikkors are capable of producing top quality images, neither of these offer the same angle of view or build quality of the Fujinon.”

–  Review: Fujifilm 10-24mm f4 R OIS at arnyzona: “Likes:finally an ultra wide in the x-mount, the all-metal construction, Image quallity, no barrel distortion, no chromati abberations, no vignetting. Dislikes: Heavy, The max aperture isn’t the best for low light / night photography, Expensive, Flimsy plastic lens hood, 72mm filter threat (most wide angles use 77mm filters, but nothing a cheap adapter can’t fix)

– Fujifilm XF 10-24mm f/4 R OIS Wide Angle X-Mount lens – First Impressions at photomadd: “this is yet another fantastic lens from Fujinon and when I can afford one I’ll be adding it to my collection.  It is certainly one that I can highly recommended to anyone wanting to fill that ultra-wide angle gap in the Fuji range, especially landscape and architectural photographers.”

– “I had a fifteen minute opportunity to capturing the castle during a family visit to the coast. I was only able to capture six images in total so I am considering these photos to be test shots given the extra struggling of capturing during the mid afternoon sun. Using the Fujifilm X-T1, the 10-24mm lens and the lee filter system I decided to try some long exposure photography.” Read more at flixelpix.

– Fujifilm XF 10-24mm f/4R OIS Zoom Review at mikemander: “The chromatic aberration is actually very minimal and for landscape photos, I rarely feel the need to correct for the slight bit of barrel distortion it shows at the wider focal lengths. I still feel it is a bit weak at the long end (over 21mm) and definitely recommend shooting with the amazingly good XF 23mm f/1.4, if you own one.”

– More X-T1 + 10-24mm samples at upperplayground.

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– Brian: “We had a very pretty day in Chicago – sunny, 80 °Fs , and low humidity. I walked around for two hours with my gear (X-E2, 12 mm, 23 mm, and 50-230 mm glass) and snapped a bunch of photos. Here are my favorites.”

– Fuji X System Wedding Review at jessejamesphotography: “I have always shot weddings with a 2 body system. Im proud to say I haven’t taken 1 single photograph with my D600 this wedding season. The X series has completely replaced my need to use a DSLR as a 2nd body. And honestly, I enjoy the files out of the XE-2 more then what my Nikon D3s produces. When it comes to portraits I grab the Fuji and the XF56 lens now and leave the D3s in the bag. Just amazing!”

– The Fujifilm X-E2: a Landscape Photographer’s Perspective at michalography: “The X-E2 is a pretty good little camera, albeit with a number of annoying handling nags. I would be willing to forgive some of the handling problems if the image quality were up-to-par for my landscape work, but ultimately the X-trans sensor is unacceptable for me. Sadly, my landscape work has turned me into an obsessive pixel-peeper: I demand good detail from my RAW files, and the X-E2 doesn’t deliver in that regard.”

– 6 Months of Mirrorless Photography at lightwith: “Wrapping up here, I’d say I have no regrets ditching my big guns and moving to a mirrorless platform. After only six months I have such a sentimental attachment to my camera now I couldn’t imagine taking pictures without it. I simply love my X-E2 and the amazing images it gives me every time I use it. Even when I’m not shooting, I’m thinking about shooting and I can’t wait to pick up my camera and point it at somebody.”

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  – Cactus V6 With Fuji X100s at jasonpitcher: “At the end of the day, these are probably my favourite triggers. My PW setup is good. Very good. But I’m keeping that dedicated to my Nikon system. PW of any type, on an X100s, are just radio triggers and these offer more flexibility. No TTL, of course, but to be honest, I don’t like TTL much anyway.  They are a bit cumbersome, I wish they were half the size for portability. If (when) I add an X-Pro 1 to my arsenal, these will suit perfectly – especially as the X-Pro 1 doesn’t have a built in flash to use as an optical trigger. I hate wires between the camera and flash, so these will add some interesting abilities to that system.”

–  Fujifilm X100s Review at roninphoto: “I’ve been more than pleased with my purchase of the X100s.  I would even go so far as to say this camera has changed the way I view photography and make images.  I’ve since spent time with the X-Pro1 and have purchased the X-T1 and a few fast primes.  My DSLR’s have been collecting a lot of dust as of late and it feels great not to be hauling around a boat load of gear!”

– First hands on experiences with a Fuji X100s at mattevansphotography: “overall this is a fantastic camera. Sure there’s a few niggly bits like the short battery life, soft images when shooting wide open and weird skin smoothing at high iso when shooting jpegs. But nothing that would seriously put me off this camera. All the important things are there, high iso performance, fast lens, image quality is excellent once stopped down beyond f4, the images are sharp and its a devilishly good looking camera.”

– Review of the Fujifilm x100s for Street Photography at erickimphotography: “The Fujifilm x100s is the ideal companion for street photography, travel, and just taking with you on a regular basis. In terms of the value, you can’t beat it in terms of bang-for-the-buck.”

– San Francisco and an Amateurs review of the Fujifilm x100s at folkloredesign.

– Review of the Fujifilm x100s and Tips for Street Photography of Eric Kim at youtube.

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– Bradley Hampson: “Hi Patrick. I see lots of tests of our favourite gear, but I took it to an extreme last April. I was waiting for my X-T1 (in transit) and thought, heck, why not see what it takes to make my trusty X-E1 retire? I did not want to break it, I love it, but I wanted to really see its limits… Check it out, if you think it’s of interest feel free to share as you see fit.

– Wonderful Copenhagen, part 2 at lightpriority: “The great thing about the Fuji system for travel photography is that it’s so compact and lightweight compared to even a small DSLR setup – crucially while still producing top notch results. It’s taken awhile for mirrorless cameras to reach this point, but now I know there’s no going back.”

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– Two Years on a Bike With the Fuji X-Pro1 at theradavist: “It has been over two years since I switched over from Canon DSLR to the Fuji X-Pro1 and I haven’t looked back. I’ve traveled all over the world with this camera. I road from Paris to Lausanne with her slung around my back. I’ve shot photos for commercial clients and for publications. This little camera has more than met my expectations as a professional use camera.”


– Fuji XF35 f/1.4 and XF60 f/2.4 – A Street Photography Review . . . at streetphotographyblog: “The biggest and most unexpected revelation though was the XF35. Sure I was well aware of the superb image quality, but for me the speed with which focus could be achieved, the overall tactile feel and all round usefulness of the focal length, means this lens will be mounted more often than first imagined. Previously I had anticipated that the XF60 would account for 90% of my shooting. It now looks as though this figure could be more like 50-50.”

– Review: Fujifilm 60mm f2.4 Macro (X series) at thephoblographer: “Fujifilm’s 60mm f2.4 X series lens isn’t really a macro lens per se due to the fact that it doesn’t focus down to a 1:1 ratio; but it can surely focus closely. Besides checking out little things under the lens, you can turn it into a kick ass portrait lens when the right lighting is applied. Its sharpness isn’t spectacular, but it isn’t at all horrible either. Overall though, we’ve been more excited about other lenses from Fujifilm. And this one isn’t particularly making us drool as much.”

– Carlo Milani: “I want to share with our Fuji friends a portrait shooting taken with XT-1 and the 55-200“. See it at

– Fujinon XF 23mm f/1.4: Great ‘Xpectations at betterphotography: “There is absolutely no doubt that the Fujinon 23mm f/1.4 is a stunning piece of optics. It does sound a little repetitive to say this—almost every Fuji XF lens we’ve tested has had us searching for new adjectives. But in a growing lineup of excellent lenses, the 23mm seems to be one of the very best.”


 – Michael:

“Hey… This in no rumor. You are talking a lot of iridient developer. This is a good raw converter, for sure. But you should give a look to apples aperture. This a also a very very good raw developer and storage solution for the fuji x-t1.

After the mess with adobe lightroom i am very happy and satisfied with aperture. The colors are very nice and natural, just with standard settings. i don’t have to adjust something, for making good pictures. sure, you CAN adjust anything you like, but you don’t have to. ;)

You have to do just one tiny step:

In Raw-Adjustment of the Camera you should adjust the controller “Details” from 0 to 50 to get that very sharp and crispy images, that the fuji x-t1 can deliver. save this setting as standard setting for that camera and you are good! You have to do it just one time.

I deleted lightroom from my hard drive after getting familiar with aperture. the workflow is fantastic! The pictures are also very natural and crisp, even without provia, velvia etc. settings. You don’t have to switch between your library and developing, as you have to in lightroom. that makes my workflow much easier. You have a good database, you can share to fotostream, flickr, Facebook and smugmug, you can even access and edit this online storages. Database is library based, so aperture creates a big library with original (Masters) and working copies of your pictures. nothing can be deleted or lost!

Maybe you can take a look at Aperture by Apple an recommend it to your readers… I am fascinated by that app!

The fuji x-t1 rocks!”

– A Look at Replichrome II from Totally Rad at thomasfitzgeraldphotography: “In my opinion VSCO gives a much stronger effect than Replicrome. In someways it’s probably more like what people are expecting, but I’ve always found the contrast a little much on it. I would often have to adjust the shadow and highlight levels. Which you prefer is kind of a subjective choice though and it depends on your tastes. Personally I do prefer the look of VSCO film, but then I’ve been using it a lot longer and that’s just my personal opinion anyway. You may prefer Replichrome’s more subtle approach.”

 switch to the X

– Fuji X series, how I got here! at smithographer: “The fuji’s are light and compact, have exceptional image quality, have extremely sharp lenses that are very well built, and are simple and easy to use free of gimmicky features. Most importantly though, I actually want to shoot again. The X-PRO1 actually brought back that feeling I had when I was studying photography. Its impossible to put into words what that feeling was but there is a certain excitement and sense of wonder. This was in the days of film mind you where you were not certain of your results, you didn’t have that instant feedback we have in the digital era.”

– Going mirror less – Switching to Fuji X at sftwins: “Wow. Big news. Still can’t believe that I actually did it. A few weeks ago I sold my entire Nikon DSLR equipment and have switched to the Fuji X system. After 20 years of being a loyal Nikon customer I finally decided to take a step into the future. Over the years, I had amassed a collection of lenses, flashes and small tools such as remotes, batteries etc.. Nikon had never let me down. As a matter of fact, I simply loved my Nikon D800. It is an amazing camera with probably the best possible image quality out there in the market. But it was time to move on and I am actually very happy that I switched to the Fuji x system. In this post I want to share a few thoughts about making such a drastic switch.


– Tips for street Photography at artphotofeature.

Iridient Developer 2.4 update released

Brian just released the Iridient Developer 2.4 update today and it can be downloaded here.

This release includes some major new features to ease use as an external editor with photo management tools such as Lightroom and Aperture. A few Fujifilm specific improvements too including automatic lens corrections for some of the older compact models like the F500EXR, plus improved camera white balance presets for the X-Trans cameras (daylight, tungsten, fluorescent, etc) using embedded RAF file metadata and automatic support for alternate aspect ratio (16:9 and 1:1) options for the X cameras and some other models as well.

thomasfitzgeraldphotography Iridient 2.4 tutorial at one of the new features

Iridient Developer 2.4: A look at the New Lightroom Integration from Thomas Fitzgerald on Vimeo.

X-E2 initial impressions and thoughts by Randall Cipriano

After his EVF comaparison X-E1 vs X-E2 here (where Randall shows us the amazing, lag-free performance of the X-E2’s EVF), now he also shared his initial impressions and thoughts about the X-E2 on his blog here.

“I will reserve any comments about image quality till after I run it through a proper shoot but all-in-all, I’m happy and welcome all the improvements implemented on the X-E2. Physically, it looks like the same camera, but only after using it will you realize the differences and improvements are significant.”

Pre-order (and Support Fujirumors)

If you think the X-E2 is the camera that meets your needs and you want to pre-order it, feel free to use one of the links below. FR will get a small commission and it won’t cost you one single penny extra. Thanks in advance for every FR-reader who places his pre-order via Fujirumors. It’s a great help to keep the site ticking over.

X-E2 – USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / AdoramaDigitalRev / Pictureline / EUROPE: wexphotographicUK / DigitalRev / Fotomundus24 GER / PCHstore /

XQ1 – USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / AdoramaDigitalRev / EUROPE: wexphotographicUK / DigitalRev / PCHstore /



X-M1 vs X-E1 vs X-PRO1 vs X20 vs X100S size comparison!

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[On June 25 Fujirumors will follow the announcement live. Follow us on facebook, twitter and subscribe the RSS feed, and you won’t miss anything!]

Maximilian was so kind to create a “quick and dirty size comparison” between the X-M1 and X-E1 and I’m glad to share it with you all. Thanks a lot!

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 photo fuji2_zps4fcf88f0.jpg

And also MJr made a comparison between the X-PRO1, X-E1, X20, X100S  and X-M1. Thanks a lot MJr!

Capture One Express 7 released

I know you are all waiting for the Lightroom 4.4 release candidate. In response to the comments here, my source didn’t confuse the C1-express 7 version with the LR 4.4 RC. It’s just, I should have been more precise: it should be released Monday in the USA, and Tuesday in Europe (obviously because of the time difference).

In the meantime Capture One released the Express 7 version with Fuji support for €69 or $99 or download the trial version here.

thanks for the link, Albert.

dpreview (click here): “A stripped-down version of Capture One Pro, Capture One Express 7 gains features including HDR processing, lens correction and a new digital asset management tool. Express doesn’t support tethered shooting, but images can be viewed remotely and wirelessly using either the Capture Pilot iOS app or a web browser on other devices.” thanks again, MJr.

Updated X-Photographers websites (with X100s and X20 samples)

To be frank: the X100s and X20 sample shots at Fuji’s website are not that good. I agree with MJR, who said in the comments: “I’m sorry Fuji but these are the worst samples ever. (at photographers fault) :( I’m heading back to to feel better.

So, take a look at the dedicated X-Photographers pages (with X100s and X20 samples) here. Just look worldwide for them!


X100s: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / AmazonUK / AmazonDE /

X20: AmazonUS (blacksilver) / BHphoto (blacksilver) / Adorama (blacksilver) / AmazonUK (blacksilver) / ebayITA /  / AmazonDE / AmazonITA /