Major Firmware Updates for X-T5, X-H2, X-H2S, X-S20 (Reala Ace, AF Bug Fix) and X100VI, GF80mmF1.7 Updates Too


Fujifilm has released major firmware updates for 5th generation Fujifilm cameras as well as a minor one for the Fujifilm X100VI and the Fujinon GF80mmF1.7.

It brings Reala Ace to older 5th generation cameras, fixes the autofocus bug and more.

A final note: In recent weeks, numerous videos have surfaced online highlighting issues with Fujifilm’s autofocus. While I covered this topic, I also urged YouTubers to clarify that these problems are limited to a few specific Fujifilm camera models and they are the result of a buggy firmware update.

The problem?

Well, now Fujifilm fixed it, but those videos will remain online forever as they are, with general statements about the overall AF performance of Fujifilm cameras being worst than 10+ years old Sony cameras. And people who watch those videos, will not be aware that this was caused by a bug in a the firmware that has been fixed by Fujifilm within a few weeks.

I mean, I am all in favour of reporting about issues, as long as the proper context is given.

Firmware Details

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The Best Film Simulations According to the FujiRumors Community (And I Respectfully Disagree)


The jury is in.

You decided the best film simulations.

The categories to vote on where what Fujifilm calls the “all-rounder” and the “individualistic” film simulations.

Of course everyones taste is different, but I respectfully disagree in placing Astia on the third spot.

I feel Astia is the best all-rounder film simulation, and definitely my go-to setting.

Sure, it also depends on the single image, but I believe 75% of the time I pick Astia over Provia.

Yes, Provia is a touch more “realistic”, but I like the slight extra bit of pop I get in Astia, without overdoing or exaggerating the colors and at the same time retain nice skin colors. That’s why for example whenever I take pictures of my family in the mountains, I use Astia: balanced skin tones and slightly more vivid landscape colors.

But again, it’s all just my personal opinion, and overall the colors Fujifilm offers with its film simulations are the best in the industry and for me personally one of the most fun aspects of using Fujifilm cameras. Not to talk of the fact that they are also incredibly time saving, as I told you here.

My favorite all-rounder Film Simulation is...

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My favorite individualistic stye film simulation is...

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Fujifilm Launches Dedicated Fujifilm Film Simulation Website



Sirui Sniper 16mm f/1.2 and Sirui Sniper 75mm f/1.2 for Fujifilm X


While I appreciate having more options and fast lenses for the Fujifilm X mount, and hence I welcome the new Sirui Sniper 16mm f/1.2 and Sirui Sniper 75mm f/1.2, I wonder why, for the most part, third parties are not jumping into filling the wholes in the Fujinon X mount lens lineup and expand the creative and photographic opportunities for Fujifilm X shooters.

At least they come also in fancy white, though, which is a rare thing in the X mount lineup, except for some of the limited edition Viltrox lenses.


New Firmware Updates Coming Soon (see X-T5 with Reala Ace) and New Surprise App Coming too


What you can see above is the lovely Fujifilm X-T5 with Reala Ace on its Film Simulation menu.

And if you are looking on your X-T5 if it has that too, then do not waste your time.

Mere mortals like you and me, will have to wait a few more days for the Reala Ace firmware to come to X Processor 5 Fujifilm cameras.

The firmware should also fix the annoying autofocus bug we reported about.

One last thing: there should soon be also a new “surprise” App coming.


Fujifilm to Bring Back Color Film Production in China


Fujifilm is said to resume negative color film production in Nanning, China.

The first films to go in production will be the Fujifilm C200 and Fujifilm C400 and made by Yes!Star, which is known for making medical film.

The news has been shared first on Chinese social media Xiaohongshu and also reported at kosmofoto.

Now, it’s nothing new that Fujifilm delegates the manufacturing of its film to other brands. The “new” Fujifilm 400 (made in USA) is also made by Kodak. Although in this case it looks like it’s more just a rebranded Kodak Ultramax 400.

I am not sure if all these moves by Fujifilm contribute to the health of film photography (delegate other companies to make film Fujifilm does not want to do anymore), or if they are just a way for Fujifilm to make a quick buck out of selling their iconic film stock brand names to third parties.
