Fujifilm GFX100 II: “A 200,000 Dollar Hollywood Camera in a Mirrorless Body”


Ermia Ramez loves his Fujifilm GFX100II and has shared a very beautiful video in which he says the following

  • Only the Arri Alexa 65 has….

Actually forget about it. Just watch the video, shot on Fujifilm GFX100 II and enjoy it. This guy really put huge effort into it.


Why Shoot Panoramas and a Special Digital Fujifilm XPan Camera is Needed


We recently told you that Fujifilm could potentially release…

For all the details check out our article here.

The reaction were mixed, but mostly positive, with 55% of you approving such a camera.

And one of the guys who would be very happy about such a camera is FR-reader Pavel, who back in 2022 shared with us his renderings about a digital Fujifilm X Pan Camera. You can read the article and see the images here.

Well, Pavel reviewed the comments on our rumor and wanted to address some of the skepticism surrounding this camera.

Hence, down below I’ll share a short article where Pavel explains why a special panorama camera is needed.

by Pavel

Why shoot panoramas and why a special camera is needed for this

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

Fujifilm X100VI Shipping Status: 75% of Orders Shipped (via FR) and Production Increase Completed in Summer


Fujifilm X100VI Shipping

I keep getting questions from fellow FR-readers about the shipping situation for the Fujifilm X100VI.

Well, I do not have any privileged insights. But I know what Fujifilm told us:

Other than that, I can’t say more.

But what I can do is to look up at the BHphoto preorders done via FujiRumors and give you some data.

DISCLAIMER: these are orders made using our Fujifilm X100VI affiliate links and as such they represent only the reality on FujiRumors, which is just an imperceptible drop of water in the vast ocean of X100VI preorders. This means that the shipment data we share today is not representative (nor probably anywhere near to realistic) for the worldwide shipment data.

With that said, let’s check it out.

According to our data I can say that so far BHphoto was able to ship out 75% (actually 75,05%) of all X100VI ordered via FujiRumors affiliate link. This means that 25% of you guys, who ordered via FujiRumors, are still waiting to get yours shipped.

Given the circumstances, 75% shipped X100VI cameras in 3 months is not so bad. Maybe FR-readers are also just well organised you guys made sure to quickly pre-order the X100VI right in the first minutes/hours after launch in order to be high on the waiting list.

Anyway, there are 25% of you guys waiting, but with the production increase incoming I hope that at least within summer you’ll get your camera.

The Fujifilm X100VI is a fantastic piece of gear and I am sure you’ll have lots of joy with it…

… and if not, you can always sell it overpriced on the web :D



Adobe Can’t Wait and Adds Reala Ace Support for X-T5 & Co Already!


Now, I can’t verify it myself, because I switched 100% to Capture One a long time ago because I did not like the way Adobe was taking (just as I don’t like what’s going with Capture One lately and I am not sure I will stick with Capture One much longer… but that’s off topic).

Anyway, since I don’t own Adobe products, I rely on reports I am getting via email from fellow FR-readers. And those reports say this:

Reala Ace now available in Adobe Camera Raw – I just upgraded to the newest version of Adobe Camera Raw, and I noticed that Reala Ace is now available for the RAW files from my X-T5 when processing them in Adobe Camera Raw.

Fujifilm itself will give us 5th generation X shooters Reala Ace via firmware update this summer. But it’s great to know that, if you are editing your RAW files, you can enjoy that film simulation already on Fujifilm X-T5 and I hear also other 5th generation cameras such as the Fujifilm X-H2.
