I did not report about it in a dedicated article, because this was part of what was included in the Fujifilm GFX100S II press release. But given the emails I am getting I thought I dedicate it an own article.
So yes, Fujifilm is going to bring C2PA / CAI content authenticity to X and GFX cameras via firmware update to several cameras in future. C2PA / CAI is an initiative formed to address the widespread issue of digital content manipulation by establishing standards for certifying the source and authenticity of media.
Membership of C2PA*1 and CAI*2 and development of a system*3 to provide context and history for digital media
The video is Italian and he runs over the latest gear with his usual captivating way.
But there is one sentence said by Andrea that I’d like to highlight today.
During the presentation Fujifilm said that right now they are the 3rd brand in terms of worldwide sales but they want to dethrone the current second best selling brand.
I am not sure how Fujifilm is currently the 3rd best selling brand.
So as Andrea in the video also suggest, Fujifilm might include their Instax division in this ranking, which I guess technically is still Fujifilm imaging division, but it would be like BMW saying they want to overtake VW car sales, but include their motorbike sales in the equation: you can do it, they are all motorised vehicles, but it’s not really fair.
Anyway, dear Fujifilm, I’d have an idea on how you would become Nr.1 overnight with only your mirrorless gear: how about you ship all gear people can’t currently find in stock?
And I speak not only about the Fujifilm X100VI, but at your own online store in Japan you have marked all your X/GFX cameras as out of stock. The shortages are chronic. There are periodical and prolonged order stops in certain parts of the world. Some of the shortages we had in Asia are now spreading also to the West (see X-T5 bodies at BHphoto).
Anyway, of course the above was a meeting with the Italian press and the marketing tends to fly high during these events. And I am certainly happy to see Fujifilm aiming to grow and take over market positions. But I wonder how this can happen if even gear launched 2+ years ago is mostly out of stock for years.
Oh well, I certainly wish Fujifilm all the best. But I’d be happy also with the 4th spot as long as we get our gear in a reasonable time.
It would certainly be very high in the ranking for my taste, but I believe the Fujifilm X100VI still holds the throne as best looking Fujifilm camera.
Is this essential to know which X series camera is the best looking one?
Does it change the fate of the photography universe?
I don’t think so.
But it adds a bit of uplifting lightness into a discussion that is often way to heated in the photography forums, where we battle about the curve quality of the bokeh balls in the top right corner of the image and where we count the number of false color pixels after a 27 stops shadow recovery.
So, feel free to add lightness to this world by telling us in the survey and in the comments which camera you consider the most beautiful one.