Fujifilm X-E5 in 2025: The Features You Want (and My Wishes)


So we have shared the rumor about the Fujifilm X-E5 coming in 2025.

I guess X-E line lovers now have mixed feelings, between the joy of the line not being axed and the frustration of still having to wait so long.

Personally, the Fujifilm X-E5 camera is the one camera I will instantly pre-order. I mean, my lovely Fujifilm X-E3 starts to show its age compared to the my Fujifilm X-T5.

And I am not really that interested in the specs, as long as it has the 5th generation processor, the latest autofocus goodness and the new Reala Ace film simulations.

The lack of any of the three features I mentioned above would be a dealbreaker for me.

Nice to have would be the 40MP sensor, IBIS and a simple tilt screen, but no dealbreaker if they are not available on X-E5.

One more thing I hope for and would make the X-E5 perfect for me, would be the combined ISO/Shutter dial we find on the Fujifilm X100VI and X-Pro3. That would be beyond awesome if Fujifilm would put that on the X-E5.

Anyway, that’s my quick features wishlists.

Let us know in the comments which features you’d like the Fujifilm X-E5 to offer (and which ones not).


Size Comparison: Fujifilm X-T50 vs X-T5, XF16-50 vs XF18-55, GFX100S vs GFX100SII


Camerasize has added the latest Fujifilm gear to their database (although they call it the XT-50 there, so use that term to make your own comparisons).

I will share three comparisons in this article. You can see them below.

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

Fujifilm Launches Dedicated Fujifilm Film Simulation Website


Fujifilm has launched its dedicated Fujifilm Film Simulation page.

You can see how Fujifilm devides film simulations in two main categories: the “all-rounder types”  and the “individialist types“.

By clicking on each film simulation you get a description about each film simulation.

They also explain how “Grain Effect“, “Color Chrome Effect” and “Color Chrome FX Blue” affect your images.

Just out of curiosity, I wonder which is your favorite “allrounder” and which one your “individualistic” film simulation. Feel free to vote the survey below.

You can check out the dedicated Film Simulation page here.



My favorite all-rounder Film Simulation is...

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My favorite individualistic stye film simulation is...

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