BREAKING: Fujifilm X-T3 Shipping Late September

Photo by insung yoon – original (X-T2) image here

Fujifilm X-T3 Shipping

The Fujifilm X-T3 will ship in late September.

Beyond the X-T3 Specs

So far the rumored Fuji X-T3 specs (full list below) looks very interesting.

But one thing are the specs on paper, another thing is how the camera performs in real life, and that’s what Fujifilm X Shooters care more than anything else.

We will discover everything about the Fujifilm X-T3 in our Live Blogging, which could come surprising, like the XF 8-16 and XF 200 announcement.

So don’t miss the Fuji XT3 live coverage by…

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All I can promise to you, is that FujiRumors will start live blogging 0,0001 seconds after the Fujifilm X-T3 announcement ;) .

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After the busy rumor and announcement time (X-T3 and GFX 50R), you can set it back to default. But now I recommend you not to miss a single post here on FR ;) .

Rumored Fujifilm X-T3 Specs

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NIKON Shooter About FUJIFILM: “Fujifilm’s Passion is Evident or They Could Never have Produced Something Like the X100F”


Fujifilm X100F

Did you invest in DSLR’s or any other non-Fujifilm system?

Well, then let your fingers from the Fujifilm X100F, since the perfidious Fuji Guys conceived this camera as the “gateaway drug” into the X world.

In fact, I often hear of Nikon or Canon shooters, who just got and X100F as a secondary camera for everyday shooting. But once they felt the pleasure, inspiration and quality of shooting with Fujifilm, they started to buy an X-Pro2, or an X-T2, a few lenses, and ended up ditching their DSLR system completely.

Today we report about another hardcore Nikon shooter, who made the error to get an X100F as a secondary camera: very popular youtube photographer The SnapChick.

She says about the X100F:

  • She tried the Nikon DF, which never fully embrace its inner “analogueness”
  • X100F hits the sweet spot between old school feel and modern features
  • X100F solidly build and  super clean, classic design
  • it’s all about the basics
  • intuitive menu. Coming from other brands, she felt like she already knew how to use 90% of the functions without needing the menu or manual
  • Sony mirrorless felt like a computer for her, but Fujifilm is doing it right
  • she liked to use film simulations a lot
  • this was the first time in a long time, that she was excited to look at photos later on
  • she thought that the X100F would make an occasional guest appearance in her camera bag, but after a couple of months with “this gem” and the Fujifilm X100F was almost always in her bag, and often no other camera
  • high quality images that rival anything else out there
  • Fujifilm’s passion is evident, or they could never have produced something like this, where the features and the functions are so well geared to help you do that one thing really well: capturing great images with the least distraction while giving you full creative control

I doubt she will end up ditching their Nikon system, since most of her followers on youtube are Nikon shooters. But it’s nice that she captures in words so nicely what’s about to be a Fujifilm X shooter: enjoying the pictures just as much as the process to take them.

Check out the full video Enjoy Photography Again! Fuji X100F Review at The SnapChick Youtube

Join our Fujifilm X100 line facebook group

Fujifilm X100F: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS, Focuscamera


Steelsring Nikon F to Fujifilm X Smart Adapter Development Announced… back in May ;) ! And What it Could Mean for Nikon Z6 and Z7


Nikon F to Fuji X Smart Adapter

Here on FujiRumors, we value your time and we want it to be time well spent, which is why we don’t like to regurgitate old news, since we are full of fresh news and rumors every day :)

However, today I woke up and found a few emails in my inbox from readers, asking me if I ever heard about the Steelsring Nikon F to Fujifilm X smart adapter.

So I figured out that in this case, it might be useful to share a reminder, since you might have missed it…. repetita juvant, as they say.

We reported back in May, that the Nikon F to Fuji X (as well as Nikon F to Fuji GFX) smart adapter is in development. Then, last month here, we showed you a first video demo of the GFX to Nikon F smart adapter version.

You can check out more at steelsring here.

If this adapter works well, then this could help to keep up the migration from Nikon to Fujifilm, which Nikon is trying to stop with the Nikon Z6 and Nikon Z7 (about time, Nikon!).

Nikon users could continue to switch to Fujifilm and keep some of the Nikkor lenses they grow fond to. But I am pretty sure that once they enter and meet the Fujinon XF lens system quality, selling their Nikkor glass will become much easier than they would think ;).

Lots of other news, but also TONS of exciting rumors are coming… NOW! Make sure not to miss them hit the bell on the bottom right of your browser, to get instant browser notifications.

And I am warming up my fingers right now for a very exciting X-T3 live blogging. :)

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Facebook User Groups for Fujifilm X-T, GFX, X-H, X-Pro, X-E and X100 line


Full List of Elinchrom Skyport Pro Supported Fujifilm Cameras


Elinchrom Transmitter for Fujifilm

Back in July, we reported that Elinchrom announced Skyport Pro support for Fujifilm coming in September 2018.

And just two weeks ago, we leaked the first images of a working prototype of the Fujifilm compatible Elinchrom Trigger (and the source also unveiled to us the reason why we Fujifilm X shooters had to wait so long for Elinchrom support).

But we are getting closer now, and on August 14, Elinchrom also updated their support page and shared more details about which Fujifilm cameras will be supported:

Thanks to the FR reader, who send me this information via rumor box :) .

Elinchrom Skyport Plus HS: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama


Let’s Talk Fujifilm X-T3 and X-Pro3 :: Why I Love Fuji APS-C :: Fuji X Travels :: Is Fujifilm a Professional System? (miXed zone)


miXed zone

It’s been very busy with rumors over here in the last weeks and months, so I coudn’t share as many miXed zones as I want. But today I will try to catch up and share a major camera roundup.

A big “thank you” to all of you guys, who contact me and share your content with me… you keep this roundups alive and interesting, and I am always happy to support your work by featuring you on

The Fujifilm community is simply the best, and I will do my little part in this community, by sharing your work for as long as FujiRumors will run :) .

Follow FujiRumors at Facebook, Instagram, RSS-feed and Twitter
Facebook User Groups for Fujifilm X-T, GFX, X-H, X-Pro, X-E and X100 line

Cover Stories

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