Warranties for Fujifilm X100VI Limited Edition are Non-Transferable in UK (UPDATE – also in USA)


UPDATE: In USA every Fujifilm camera/lens/accessory has a non-transferable warranty – see document here.

A FR-reader had an exchange with a Fujifilm UK employee regarind the warranty for the limited edition Fujifilm X100VI.

And I think this is an important bit of information for those of you who plan to buy any of the X100VI LE that will soon pop up in UK on eBay.

Warranties for Fujifilm X100VI Limited Edition are non-transferable in UK. Here is what Fujifilm UK said:

I don’t know what the policy in the US is but over here [UK] when people register to purchase the camera the warranty won’t be transferable and we’ll have people signing up to a ballot. So it’s a randomised system on who’s getting the opportunity to buy one.
Unfortunately we won’t be able to stop the people reselling them on eBay but at least we can make it more difficult as whoever purchases it from eBay won’t be able to get it serviced under warranty from Fujifilm UK.

Another good move by Fujifilm UK.


Fujifilm PC Autosave Released


Fujifilm PC Autosave Ver. – download here
The software update Ver. incorporates the following issues:

  1. Compatibility with “macOS 14 (Sonoma)” is added.
    Note: Install the latest version ( of the FUJIFILM PC AutoSave, If you use a PC with “macOS 14 (Sonoma)”.
  2. Software bug is fixed that the date & time information of images transferred to “PC AutoSave” is changed to a different date & time.

Strict Rules Can’t Stop Fujifilm X100VI Madness: Instant Sold Out in Japan, Causes Website Crashes and Order Suspension Issued


Back in early March, Fujifilm announced that the Fujifilm X100VI will be for sale in Japan starting today, March 28.

Well, today the sale started, and the Japanese Fujifilm webstore crashed due to “heavy access”.

Moroever, the first batch of X100VI cameras already sold out and hence Fujiiflm Japan issued an order suspension. Fujifilm writes:

Both “X100VI” Silver and Black have exceeded the planned number of sales, so we have temporarily suspended the acceptance of orders. I’m very sorry. We will post the future sales schedule as soon as we know.”

And all this despite Fujifilm Japan having set strict purchasing rules such as restricting sales to individuals with a purchase history at their store and limiting purchases to one unit per person/household.

Apology due to heavy access to Fujifilm official shopping site “Fujifilm Mall”

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