COMPLETE Palle Schultz FUJIFILM Tips Series: “Portraits? Don’t wait for Poses, wait for Response to What you Say or Do to get Great Pictures”


Palle Schultz Youtube :”Portraits: Don’t wait for poses, wait for response to what you are saying or doing. That’s when you get the great pictures”

Palle Schultz Quick Tips

Palle Schultz completed his Fujifilm Quit Tips series. I will add the links down below.

And as a little bonus, one of my favorite youtube videos of the year: Don’t Shout Man


In Japan, Fujifilm Professional Service costs $45 a Year for GFX and X Cameras with Lots of Benefits


Back in April 2017, Fujifilm has launched a professional service (FPS) in USA. For an annual fee of $500 you get discounts on non-warranty repairs, freebies, loaners and more – full details here.

The FPS service in USA covers only GFX series.

Also in Japan Fujifilm launched a professional service, but it’s much better than the US-FPS.

Here is what you get for $45 only:

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

UPDATE – Fujinon XF 16-80mm F4 (and XF16/2.8?) Shipping in November 2018 says Authorized Fujifilm Seller – To be announced with Fujifilm X-T3?


Fujinon XF16-80mmF4 and XF16mmF2.8

UPDATE: Our sources told us that Cameranu is wrong and that the lenses will come in 2019 as written on the roadmap – full report here

A few days ago Cameranu (an important Dutch store and also an authorized Fujifilm dealer) listed the XF16-80mmF4 WR, the XF33mmF1.0 and XF16mmF2.8 at their store.

Officially, Fujifilm’s latest roadmap says the XF16-80mm F4 and XF16mm F2.8 will come in 2019, whereas the XF33/1 in 2020.

But there could be a pleasing surprise :)

After reading the article on FujiRumors, one of our readers contacted Cameranu and asked them more details about the lenses.

Well, the store answered, and the reader send me the screenshot of the stores’ email. It’s in Dutch, and here is what it says in short:

“The expected shipping date for the XF16-80mmF4 is November

It is not super clear, but it seems that also the XF16mmF2.8 could ship this year.

Cameranu expects to get more details about these lens pretty soon.

If this information is accurate, then I guess we can expect the lenses (except for the XF33/1) to be annonced along with the Fujifilm X-T3 very soon.

I guess Camernu does not make up just some stuff to fool their customers. If they say this, then I am sure it is because their Fujifilm rep told them so.

Don’t miss the upcoming rumors and follow us on Facebook, RSS-feed, Instagram, Youtube and Twitter

  • – First Real Life images of XF16-80mmF4 and XF16mmF2.8
  • – XF16-80mmF4 and XF16mmF2.8 Size Comparison Vs. Other Fujinon lenses

have a fantastic day,
