Fujifilm X-H1 Wins EISA Award 2018 for Best Mirrorless Camera. But Can We Trust Any Award and Do They Make Sense?
Let’s Talk Awards
It’s time to say a few things about these awards, and to start a debate:
- Do they make sense?
- Can we trust any award?
Can we Trust any Award?
Let me explain….
When a few months ago Fujifilm did not win anything at the TIPA awards (except for the Instax SQ10), I tried to understand why this happened.
Did Fujifilm products simply suck, or is the story a bit more complicated?
So here is what I’ve heard:
If a company wins an award for a certain product, then this company must pay TIPA, EISA or other award companies thousands of dollars if they want to get the license to use the winning-logos for their products.
This could explain why TIPA, EISA & Co always have so many categories.
It’s a big business! Which isn’t bad per se…
But now I ask you guys…
… if a company decides to stop paying for award licenses, because they prefer to invest their money into real R&D for their cameras and lenses, how likely is it that this specific company will win something the following year?
More precisely…
… if an award company has the feeling (or even knows) that a certain company won’t pay for licenses anymore, then will they prefer to give more awards to products of other companies, which they know are more willing to pay for them?
I’m sure not… I mean, I am sure they will just reward the cameras and lenses that deserve it, even if they know (or think) they won’t be able to sell the licenses afterwards, because rewarding the gear that deserves it, is more important than making money by selling as many licenses as possible.
Or do you guys think differently than me? ;)
Do these Awards Make Sense?
How important are these awards, in the era of internet?
I mean, everybody is reviewing everything on websites and on youtube. People can easily read and compare hundreds of reviews, as well as select reviewers they trust and value their (free, unpaid and independent) opinion.
I wonder, does Fujifilm really need that nice logo to display at the photography fairs and magazines under their product that says “best camera in category xy“?
Also here… I would like to hear your opinion.
may you have a rewarding day ;)
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