FUJINON XF 8-16mm F2.8 WR Filter Holder System


Fujinon XF 8-16mm F2.8 WR

If you have followed our recent XF 8-16 live blogging, you will not have missed Jonas Rask’s (beautiful) first look about it. In his review, Jonas writes about the XF 8-16mm F2.8:

“There’s no front filterthread. The lenshood is permanently fixed to the front of the lens like for example the Samyang 8mm fisheye. This means that for all you long-exposure landscape geeks, you will need to wait for your filtersystem manufacturer to provide a filter adapter. This is far from ideal, and to me it’s the single biggest flaw of this lens.

Supposedly not released until November, the wait for the 8-16mm f/2.8 to be released will give the filtersystem manufacturers some time to launch a filter holder system.”

Well, there are currently already working filter holder system options for the XF 8-16mm F2.8, as you can see from the screenshots above, taken from Mark Gilligan’s video shared at the Fujifilm’s global youtube channel here.

In this case it looks like a LEE Filters lens adapter ring filter holder, maybe the SW150 holder.

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Fujinon XF 8-16mm F2.8: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS


DPReviewTV Entry-Level Mirrorless APS-C Shootout: Fujifilm X-T100 Vs. Sony a6000 Vs. Canon EOS M50


Chris and Jordan from DPReview TV took a look at three entry-level APS-C mirrorless models, the Canon EOS M50, Sony a6000, and Fujifilm X-T100.

Which one is the best for a beginner?

They have split their review in 6 categories plus the overall conclusions.

Despite the Fujifilm X-T100 winning 3 out of 6 categories, it is not their overall favorite camera for beginners, because a lot of these categories are more important to more experienced photographers as opposed to somebody just starting out.

And since I know many of you guys might read this on the run on a smartphone, here is a quick summary of their comparison. But make sure to check out the whole video at DPreviewTV here.

Handling, Design and Aesthetics

  1. Fujifilm X-T100: Looks good, feels good. Triple control dials
  2. Canon EOS M50: Feels more plasticky compared to X-T100. Best swivel and touch screen
  3. Sony a6000: Low resolution Viewfinder. Bad menu. No touch screen

Autofocus (all work great in AF-S, focus in the review on AF-C)

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Firmware 2.20 for Fringer EF/FX Smart AF Adapters Available – Fujifilm X-H1 IBIS Works Properly


Fringer EF-FX Smart Adapter

Fringer Press Text

Finally, X-H1’s IBIS works properly!

The new firmware has changed IS control logics of both IS lenses and camera’s IBIS functions.

– For lenses with IS (or OS/VC)

When IS switch on the lens is on, IS function is controlled by camera menu. Mode 1 (Continuous): IS function is always on. Mode 2 (Shooting only): IS function is activated when shutter release button half-pressed and deactivated about 2 seconds after its release. Be noted that if camera body has IBIS, it will be disabled if a lens with built-in IS function is installed.

– For lenses without IS function installed on a camera with IBIS.

Begin with V2.20, IBIS function of X-H1 works properly. It’s controlled by the menu, i.e. Mode 1 (Continuous), Mode 2 (Shooting only) and OFF, which is similar to native XF lenses without built-in IS function.

Be noted, IBIS performance of lenses longer than 100mm may be poor.

In addition to IS function change, following lenses have been added to tested and opimized lens list.

And following lenses have been improved in AF performance or new lens firmware compatibility.

Visit my website to download the detailed release notes and V2.20 firmware file.

Make sure current firmware of your adapter is V2.x before installing the new firmware. If it’s V1.x, please install V2.10 first. Read the release notes for more details.

Fringer EF-FX Pro adapter is open for pre-order now. This batch would begin to be shipped before August 3. Please visit my web store to place your order.

Thank you!


Laowa 24mm f/14 2x Macro Lens Coming August 1 – Specs and Images Leaked


Laowa 24mm F/14 Macro

As we told you a few days ago, Venus Optics is about to launch what they call “the weirdest but most revolutionary macro tool ever“, the Laowa 24mm f/14.

The lens will be launched on August 1st, but CanonWatch has already leaked the specs and images.

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Elinchrom Support for FUJIFILM Coming in September 2018


Elinchrom for Fujifilm

Back in March 2017, Elinchrom promised here: “We Will Support Fujifilm as Next

Since then, not much happened.

There was this Rotolight announcement, which said that Elinchrom support for Fujifilm will come in 2018. And we reported about how Elinchrome said via private Twitter message to a FR-reader, that they will support Fujifilm this summer.

But finally we have an official statement by Elinchrom here:

Fujifilm, the wait is over: Users of the long-awaited Transmitter for Fujifilm will soon be rewarded for their wait. The Transmitter PRO for Fujifilm will be available in September.

I tell you what… I believe it only when I see it!

Godox, Profoto, Nissin, Broncolor, Metz, Cactus, Priolite, Jinbei/Orlit, Conomark and more companies have already added Fujifilm support.

Elinchrom Skyport Plus HS: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama


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