Fujifilm Releases NEW FIRMWARE Updates for X-T2, X-Pro2, X-H1, GFX 50S and Announces FW for X-A5 and X-T100


New Fujifilm Firmware Updates

Fujifilm just released new firmware updates for a bunch of cameras.

Of course you heard it here first ;)… and if you like to be the first to know, make sure to

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Full Firmware Details & Download links

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Fujifilm XF10 Annnounced – Launch Coverage LIVE BLOG



Fujifilm XF10 Pre-orders: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama

XF10 Official Fujifilm Info

Follow FujiRumors at Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter
Facebook User Groups for Fujifilm X-T, GFX, X-H, X-Pro, X-E and X100 line

XF10 First Look Reviews & Samples

  • ivanjoshualoh – XF10. Big Capabilities Compact Camera
  • keithwee – An user’s Review of the Fujifilm XF10 camera with lots of samples: the love that’s pocketable


Fuji Guys – FUJIFILM XF10 – First Look

Fujifilm Global FUIFILM XF10 Promotional Video


Fujinon XF 8-16mm F2.8 and XF 200mm F2 Specs Leaked


As we told you here on FujiRumors a few weeks ago, Fujifilm will officially announce the Fujinon XF 8-16mm F2.8 and XF 200mm F2 in July.

We also told you the 8-16 will ship in November and the 200mm in Ocotber (rumor here).

Now nokishita also says the announcement is “soon”, and gave us the specs here (google translated)

Fujinon XF 8-16mm F2.8

  • 13 Group 20 sheets
  • minimum 25cm
  • 0.1 x
  • φ 88mm × 121.5 mm
  • 805g

Fujinon XF 200mm F2

  • 14 groups 19 sheets
  • shortest 1.8 m, 0.12 x
  • filter diameter 105mm
  • φ 122mm × 205.5 mm
  • 2265g

New 1.4x Teleconverter

  • 4 groups 7 sheets
  • φ 58mm × 15mm
  • 130g

stay tuned…

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Fujifilm’s New Lens Roadmap: XF 16mm F2.8, XF 16-80mm F4 and XF 33mm F1.0


As we told you a few days ago, Fujifilm will announce a new lens roadmap soon. Here are the lenses it will include (via nokishita)

The list pretty much exactly includes what we voted our most voted prime and zoom 1.5 years ago!

It seems that all the time we used to give Fujifilm our massive feedback was not for nothing.

I told you… the read you guys… and they llisten ;)


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Fujifilm X-Trans Vs. Bayer: Pros and Cons of Going Bayer or Sticking with X-Trans Sensor


X-Trans Vs. Bayer

First and foremost, let me say that I LOVE X-TRANS.

But the fact that I love X-Trans, does not prevent me from discussing the big Bayer Vs. X-Trans debate, that has recently been fueled again by DPReviewTV in the X-T100 review and Tony Northrup in his X-H1 review, in the most objective way as possible.

So today’s question is: is there any reason why Fujifilm should go Bayer also on higher end APS-C Fujifilm X-series cameras?


Some people do probably not have the 5 minutes of time it needs to read this article. They will read the headline, and arguing in favor or against X-Trans/Bayer by default :) .

So for those people, who refuse to read the article and don’t go beyond the headline, I will at least make a bullet-point list, in the hope they will read that one at least.

This is a super short condensation and simplification of more complicated subjects, and as such it is naturally an inaccurate list. Each point will elaborated and clarified in all its shades below.

X-Trans Pros

  • less color noise at high ISO
  • less moiré (an advantage that will become negligible once APS-C sensor go beyond 30MP)
  • sharper compared to cameras with same pixel number and optical low pass filter, unless the processing in camera is very aggressive, like on X-A5 and X-T100
  • more pleasing “film-like” grain at high ISO

Bayer Pros

  • 20%-30% less processing power required (possible benefits listed below)
  • cheaper to produce than X-Trans

Brutally short conclusion:

  • X-Trans is better for image quality
  • Bayer is better for features and speed, unless Fujifilm can compensate for the extra 20-30% processing power required by the X-Trans sensor with a more powerful processor (present in Fujifilm X-T3), new sensor tech for faster sensor readout (maybe stacked sensor) and better heat management (present in X-H1)

If you want, you can now start your 5 minutes reading time :)

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