Leaked Images and Full Specs of the new Fujifilm XF10!


These are the first images of the new Fuji XF10.

Nokishita does not say it, but FR readers know already since weeks that the announcement is tomorrow, July 19.

And exactly what we told you since months now: imagine an X70 with Bayer sensor and no flippy screen… that’s the XF10. We also warned you not to hope this will be the X70 successor you all waited for.

Those are the full specs google translated from Japanese:

  • 24.2 Megapixel APS-C sensor
  • Lens: 18.5 mm F 2.8 (converted 28 mm)
  • Shortest shooting distance: 10 cm
  • Back LCD: 3.0 type · Touch panel
  • 4K video
  • Wi-Fi · Bluetooth installed
  • Size: 112.5 mm x 64.4 mm x 41.0 mm
  • Weight: 278.9 g
  • SQUARE MODE with single flick to switch to 1: 1 format
  • Conversion with Digital Teleconverter Capture at a field angle equivalent to a focal length of 35 mm or 50 mm
  • All 11 types of “film simulation” and 19 types of “advanced filter” are installed (“Rich & Fine” and “Monochrome [NIR]” are newly added)
  • Color: Black · Champagne gold
  • Overseas price: 449 pounds

via Nokishita

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Fujifilm XF10 Full Specs Leaked at DPreivew – Costs $499


DPreview just published the full specs of the XF10 a bit too early… the official annoucement is imminent, though.

It will cost you $499.

The Fujifilm XF10 is an enthusiast compact with a 24MP APS-C-size CMOS sensor and 28mm equiv. F2.8 lens. It has a 91-point hybrid autofocus system, 6 fps burst shooting and 4K/15p video capture. The body has twin control dials, a fixed 3″ touchscreen LCD, a built-in flash and a socket for an external microphone.

We will start the live blogging soon…

Fujifilm XF10: AmazonUS, BHphoto, Adorama

via nokishita


Fujifilm X-T3 Coming With New Film Simulation (New Source). Which One Would you Like?


Fujifilm X-T3

Hey guys,

I have a rumor from a new source for you today… so take it with a grain of salt for now, until it’s double confirmed.

Anyway, here is what I hear from the new source:

Thanks to the introduction of a new and more powerful X processor in the Fujifilm X-T3, Fujifilm will give us also new film simulations.

I will update you soon on this and more X-T3 rumors, so stay up to date with all Fujifilm X-T3 rumors.

In the meatime, feel free to let us now which film simulation you would like next.

Make sure to follow us on Facebook, RSS-feed, Instagram, Youtube and Twitter for the latest updates.

Rumored Fujifilm X-T3 Specs so far

  • Announcement at or before photokina 2018 (end of September)
  • 26MP X-Trans sensor
  • maybe stacked sensor (still do be confirmed by trusted sources, so grain of salt)
  • new processor
  • no IBIS
  • shipping October/November
  • touch screen
  • better battery performance (probably by keeping same battery, since Fujifilm registered a new battery charger for NP-W126s batteries, as reported here)
  • new film simulation (grain of salt rumor for now)
  • made in China

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have a fantastic day :)


Fujinon XF 200mm F2 Shipping in October and XF 8-16 Available in November


Fujinon XF 8-16 and XF200 Release

Recently we told you that the Fujinon XF 8-16mm F2.8 and XF 200mm F2 will be announced in July.

But if you were hoping to get your hands on that glass within summer, then I’m sorry to disappoint you.

According to our trusted sources, this will be the longest wait ever in the Fuji world for newly announced gear.

In fact, here are the expected release dates for the lenses:

  • Fujinon XF 200mm F2 to be released in October
  • Fujinon XF 8-16mm F2.8 to be released in November

I hope this gives you guys the so much needed claritiy regarding the release dates of two very long expected lenses.

Oh, don’t forget:

And guess what?

Yes, we are working on many (!!!) rumor-fronts, and I tell you…. huge updates are very likely coming soon… so you better stay tuned on FujiRumors via Facebook, RSS-feed, Instagram, Youtube and Twitter.

And do not forget to activate browser notifications by clicking the bell icon on the bottom right of your browser.

This, my friends, it’s just the beginning of surprising summer with heavy rumor storms ;)

have a fantastic day


FUJIFILM Launches FILM SIMULATION Instant Noodles, Their Plan B in Case the X and GFX Series Fails!


Fujifilm X-T5 Pre-Orders

Fujifilm Noodles – The Future

Fujifilm is known to be a very creative company, always open to new markets and ideas.

For example, they used the materials of their dying film rolls business to produce cosmetics (see also “how Fujifilm survived the digital age“).

A flexible company like Fujifilm coudn’t miss the digital camera train, and they released the amazing X and GFX series cameras and lenses.

But what if all this fails?

Well, Fujifilm has a fantastic Plan B: Feed the World!

In fact, Fujifilm Korea just launched the Fujifilm Film Simulation Instant Noodles.

Not kidding guys.

Check out the official Fujifilm Korea page here, as well as their facebook page here.

Noodles: a market that can’t be eaten up by smartphones, so definitely more future proof than digital cameras ;) .

Some FR-readers are already beta tasting the noodles now, and share their feedback at our facebook page here. Also Roy Cruz has already his Fujifilm Noodles First Look at his youtube channel here.

I remind you that Fujifilm technology is already making beer tastier, as we reported here.

Oh… and make sure follow us on Facebook, RSS-feed, Instagram, Youtube and Twitter to get more of these fantastic news.

… have a fantastic Sunday,
