Fujifilm X-E3 in Brown at Listed at Fujifilm Canada


Fujifilm X-E3 Brown

The brown Fujifilm X-E3 has been listed a few days ago at Fujifilm Canada here. Thanks to these images, we can see for the first time how it the backside looks.

In my eyes, the Fujifilm X-E3 looks so good, that it would cut a fine figure in every color. But I still prefer the black or silver versions, though.

Overall the brown colors seems to fit better to the brown X100F.

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Follow my Travel through South Europe on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Mostly unedited JPEGs will be shared in the road, due to limited time because of the massive blogging and announcements. RAW files to be edited after the travel and the announcements

Fujifilm X-E3 with XF10-24 @ 14mm
Fujifilm X-E3 with XF18-135 @ 70mm

Fixing Fujifilm Charger Blinking Light Issue, Third Party Batteries Comparison, Best Tripod Ever & More (Accessories Roundup)

ddookkuu - Leather Camera Straps
ddookkuu – Leather Camera Straps

Fujifilm Accessories Roundup

I regulary get questions about the best 3rd party batteries for the Fujifilm X System.

We reported about it several times here on FujiRumors, last time here, when ultralightphotography compared 13 third party batteries for Fujifilm.

But given that many seem to have missed our battery specific roundups, I will share again today…. and of course a lot of new stuff :) .

Batteries & Chargers

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3 Big Errors FUJIFILM Makes in the Camera, Lenses and Instax World


3 Big Fujifilm Mistakes

Fujifilm is doing a lot of things right… but not everything.

So what I want to do today is to highlight 3 errors Fujifilm makes, 1 in the camera division, 1 regarding its lenses and a last one in the Instax world.

You might argue that this is just my opinion, and that’s correct… but also consider this:

Working everyday for such a large Fujifilm community here on FujiRumors, hence reading an average of 124 comments a day as well as a countless number of emails and personal messages on our social media, gives me a privileged insight of what are the needs and wishes that circulate amongst Fujifilm lovers.

So here are 3 errors I am sure will find a good number of you guys agree with me.


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Fujifilm X-T3 Registered Online – Made in China


Fujifilm X-T3

The Fujifilm X-T3 has now been registered online under the name “FF180003” (spotted via nokishita)

It will be Fujifilm’s first flagship camera made in China.

Fujifilm X-T3 Made in... What do you Prefer?

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The Rumored Specs

Rumored Fujifilm X-T3 Specs so far

  • Announcement at or before photokina 2018 (end of September)
  • 26MP X-Trans sensor
  • maybe stacked sensor (still do be confirmed by trusted sources, so grain of salt)
  • new processor
  • no IBIS
  • shipping October/November
  • touch screen
  • better battery performance (probably by keeping same battery, since Fujifilm registered a new battery charger for NP-W126s batteries, as reported here)

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… have a fantastic day,


Fujifilm Rumor Timeline 2018/2019 – The Complete Overview on Upcoming FUJIFILM Cameras and Lenses


2018/2019 Fujifilm Rumor Timeline

Confused by all the rumors? Then let’s put some order into the big buzz :)

So first I’ll give you an accurate timeline and then, down below, the detailed rumors with reliabily rating and working link to every single rumor.

Also consider…. we are working on Fujifilm X-Pro3, X200 and all other rumors, but we will share only once we have something more reliable in our hands. Hence, don’t panic if you don’t see your dream camera listed below. It does not necessarily mean it won’t come, but only that for now we have no solid rumor about it share.

Don’t forget, FujiRumors is EVERYWHERE :) Facebook, RSS-feed, Instagram, Youtube and Twitter

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