Nikon F Mount to Fujifilm GFX Smart AF Adapter Almost Here and Steelsring Smart Adapters EF/FX and EF/GFX Firmware 2.02/2.04


Nikon F to Fujifilm X Smart Adapter

Steelsring is about to release their Nikon F to Fujifilm GFX mount smart adapter. You can see the latest protoype in the image above. On their website here, they write:

Main features:

  1. Support Nikon AF-S G and E type lens, and AF-P G type lens contrast based AF in GFX 50s body.
  2. Electromagnetic diaphragm of type E Lens can be controlled by GFX 50s body, allows AF in full open ( decided by camera body ) and step down for exposure.
  3. Diaphragm of G type lens was manually controlled by aperture ring of adapter in real-time, so AF is conducted in real effective aperture as exposure. AF performance may be bad in low light/contrast, benefits are 1) Real aperture priority, 2) and totally no noise of consistent IRIS moving.
  4. Full EXIF info recording. ( For G type lens, only the current max open aperture was displayed and recorded, no way to adjust it ).
  5. Lens VR was support and effective on demand.

FX mount version adapter is in design phase, maybe with better performance of PDAF and auto aperture control version for your choice.


Support to AF-D type lens will be very limited, EXIF may works, but no AF absolutely.

Firmware Updates

Steelsring has a new firmware for the EF-FX and EF-GFX adapters.

For both EF/FX and EF/GFX, followings were updated:

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Fujinon XF200mm F2: Filter Size 105mm (no Drop-In Filter), Beige Color & Recap

Fujinon 200mm F2 Vs. CaNikon equivalent lenses

Fujinon XF200mm F2

Let’s go straight to the point:

According to our sources (thanks), what we have shared so far about the XF200mm F2 is all correct:

  • Unlike publicy shown by Fujifilm, the XF200 won’t be black, but tending towards “white” (more of a beige color). This is made to improve image quality, as we reported here
  • The Fujinon XF200mm F2 will require new teleconverters, because the current ones are only designed to work down to f2.8,. The first new teleconverter we will get is the 1.4x TC, as we reported here.

And now the new stuff:

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Fujifilm XF10 Announcement Postponed to After July 5


Fujifilm XF10

Back in June we reported that Fujifilm registered a camera with the code name “FF 180002” to be announced on July 5, said the same document.

However, as spotted by nokishita, Fujifilm now removed the reference to the July 5th announcement from the document. Nokishita writes “it is unclear whether it is a mistake or postponement“.

So don’t expect anything coming on July 5th. You can celebrate Independence Day and take care about the hang-over the day after… there won’t be any live blogging you have to follow :) .

The Fujifilm XF10 is an X70 without one of the most loved features of the X70, the selfie screen, and it has a Bayer sensor.

The Fujifilm XF10 can not be considered and won’t be even marketed as the X70 successor. We already wrote our X80 wish-list with list of features and improvements we would like to see over the X70.

Currently there are a total of 3 Fujifilm cameras registered:

  • FF 180002: Camera similar in size to Fujifilm X70. Very likely the Fujifilm XF10
  • FF 180003: Camera with bluetooth version 4.2. Very likely the Fujifilm X-T3
  • FF 180004: Camera with radio parts like Fujifilm X-H1 and X-E3. Very likely the Fujifilm GFX 50R

Don’t forget to follow FujiRumors on Facebook, RSS-feed, Instagram, Youtube and Twitter

… have a fantastic day,


DPReviewTV Instant Camera Shootout: Fujifilm Instax SQ6, Mini 90, Leica Sofort, Mint Instaflex TL70


Instax Film Shootout

If you weren’t hiding under a rock for the last decade, then you will have noticed that the instant film trend, launched back in 1972 with the iconic Polaroid SX-70 and ended in the nineties, is having an impressive revival thanks to Fujifilm Instax products in recent years.

But how was this revival made possible?

Fujifilm was just about to shut down their entire Instax production just like Polaroid did a few years earlier, when an unexpected event breathed new life into the agonizing market. You can find a more in-depth explanation of the several reasons of the boom here.

Since then, the sales numbers have skyrocketed over anything Fujifilm could have hoped and they passed from 100,000 sold cameras in 2004 to 7,500,000 sales in 2017. In the documentary “How Fujifilm survived the digital age”, a Fujifilm Instax employee says they simply can’t keep production up with the high demand.

The market is under firm control of Fujifilm and even more so the instax film market, which, as Polaroid says, is 99% controlled by Fujifilm, and we can now find endless versions of it, such as the Star Wars Instax Film, Comic Instax Film, Hello Kitty film, Candy Pop, Rainbow and so on and so forth.

Now, the instax-revival has motivated other companies to try to get a piece of the cake, too.

Polaroid (now owned by The Impossible Project) is fighting hard to try to regain their old glory, not only by offering their own Polaroid Instant Cameras and Polaroid Instant Printers, but also by bringing Fujifilm to court and accusing them that Fuji’s latest Instax Square Film design is a rip-off of Polaroids’ own film.

Of course as customers we can only be happy that more choices are available on the market now.

Now DPReview TV compared some of the Instant cameras on the market, which all take Fujifilm’s Instax Mini film:

Here is what they say:

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Venus Optics Laowa 9mm f/2.8 – A Non-Landscape Photographer’s Review

The Laowa looks amazing with the exception of its horrible blue band


Guest Post by The Overrated Photographer instagram / website

A couple of months back I was offered pre-release Laowa 9mm for review by the local distributor in Australia. At the time I was fairly busy with work and I’m not a big landscape person, so I ended up turning it down and waiting for my own copy. The release took longer than expected, so in hindsite I probably should have taken them up on it.

For those who don’t know, the Laowa 9mm is an ultrawide manual lens available in Fujifilm mount. It’s a rectilinear lens so you don’t have the same level of distortion experienced with a typical fisheye. I’ll be completely honest and say I don’t know a lot about Laowa. According to the website, it’s made by Venus Optics who have been around since 2013 and are based out of China. Having never tried any of their gear before this, I can’t comment on any of their previous gear.

I still haven’t had a chance to take many photos, hence the lack of landscape photos, probably made worse by having kids which means it’s hard to get up for sunrise shoots when you’re helping get kids to school in the morning. I will update the missing landscapes as I get out for more landscape photography.

Thanks to Adam from the Laowa distributor in Australia for getting me my lens so quickly.

Laowa 9mm F2.8: Venus Optics, BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS


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