Fujifilm Manager: “Medium Format Fujifilm GFX Much Better than Full Frame. We Work hard to Release XF 8-16 This Year”


Fujifilm Manager Interview

The Thai youtube channel กล้องกล้วยกล้วย had a talk with Fujifilm manager Mr.Udono. It’s a 40 minutes talk in Thai and English, so you have to listen to the Thai question, than the English translation of the question, then the English answer of the manager, and then again the Thai translation of the Manager’s answer.

Too cumbersome?

Well, then you are lucky to read FujiRumors… because since we love you guys, we decided you should not suffer and waste your precious time. So I listened it all for you and here are the managers’ answers in English.

You are welcome :).

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Fujifilm X100F Brown Unboxing


Fujifilm X100 Brown

Take has received a brown Fujifilm X100F and made an unboxing video. Interesting to note that it the brown skin seems to feel nicer over the black one. Check out the video at bigheadtaco youtube.

Fujifilm will also launch the Fujifilm X-E3 in brown. Here on FujiRumors we have shared the first and only official Fujifilm image.

Don’t forget to join our Fujifilm X100 group and follow FujiRumors on Facebook, RSS-feed, Instagram, Youtube and Twitter

Fujifilm X100F (save $100 – Last 2 days): BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS, Focuscamera

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ON1 Photo Raw 2018.5 Released with Fujifilm Film Simulation Profiles (vs. In Camera JPEGs), X-H1 and X-A5 Support and More


ON1 Photo Raw 2018.5 has just been released. As promised back in May here, amongst the others it adds Fujifilm film simulation profiles as well as X-H1 and X-A5 support

You can download ON1 Photo Raw 2018.5 here.

Joelwolfson (who just shared with us his guest post, “is Fujifilm X really a professional system“) has a first look on the new version of ON1 including a comparison between the in camera film simulation JPEG’s vs. the ON1 film simulation profiles. You can check it out at joelwolfson.com.

Key Features and Improvements

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Is Fujifilm X Really a Professional System?

Here is my Fuji gear minus one lens that is in for repair because it fell apart in my hands. This is just the major gear. I’ve also got all kinds of accessories, batteries, 3rd party flash units, and filters all purchased just for my Fuji system. Read on to find out why, as a full time professional, I’m not feeling confident in this system for professional use.

Looking beyond the gear

Write Your Articles Directly On FujiRumors!

by Joel Wolfson

I admit to being a bit of a Fuji fanboy. I have to be in order to put up with all the quirks and inconveniences of the Fuji X system. I believe it is this unconventional approach by Fuji that results in their growth and dedicated following.

But there is more to meeting my needs as a professional photographer than just having cameras with the right features and an array of lenses. So here’s why I question Fujifilm’s X-System as meeting my professional needs:

Before I bought my first X-Pro2 or made any commitment to the Fuji system, I called the Fuji service center and asked if they had a professional service program like the excellent ones from Sony and Canon. They said they have had a big demand for it and expect to have it in the next few months. This was 2 ½ years ago and so far there isn’t one, except for the GFX system (even Fuji told me that only a small fraction of pros using Fuji cameras use the GFX system.)

At that time I thought to myself that the X-Pro2 appeared well made and the lenses had a good feel to them and I could probably live without the pro service for a few months. I ultimately bought another X-Pro2 so I could always have two different lenses ready and also to have a backup. In my 33 years of professional shooting I never had a lens fail from normal use so I didn’t worry about that part of it.

I’m disappointed in the failures

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