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Fujifilm GFX Modular Camera Concept Unveiled

Fujifilm just unveiled a Fujifilm GFX modular system concept (in Ricoh GXR/S10 style) at their Fujifilm X Summit here.

We thought it is worth to dedicate to this mock up an own article, so that you can discuss it properly.

The message Fujifilm is sending is clear: we are going to make medium format small!

The arrival of the global shutter will help, since the shutter design is one of the challanges Fujifilm faces to minimize medium format. Then there is the battery life efficiency as well as the heat dissipation and more.

Also, a modular system allows for flexibility. For example you will be able to chose your grip size and attach it to the camera. Full video of the prototype in here our GFX facebook group.

And guys… that modular GFX100 I rumored on April 1st last year… the idea for that “joke”… well, now you know it ;).

Full and detailed report in this article (includes video demo of future X-T3 autofocus improvement firmware)

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Fujifilm X-H1 with XF 33mm f/1.0 vs Panasonic S1 with Lumix S PRO 50mm f/1.4 Size Comparison

Fujinon XF 33mm f/1.0

Today I was curious to know how the Fujifilm X-H1 with Fujinon XF33mm f/1.0 would compare in terms of size to the brand new full frame Panasonic S1 with Lumix S PRO 50mm f/1.4.

So I grabbed one of the real life pictures of the XF33mm f/1.0 I took at Photokina 2018 and made an approximate comparison.

If the final production XF 33mmF1.0 will have the same size of the mock-up I have seen at Photokina, then the Fujinon XF33mm f/1.0 will be smaller than the Lumix S PRO 50mm f/1.4.

Let’s hope it will also be cheaper, since the Panasonic Lumix S PRO 50mm f/1.4 comes with a hefty price tag.

When it comes to camera bodies, the Panasonic S1 is noticeably bigger than the Fujifilm X-T3, X-H1 and also other full frame cameras like the Sony A7III.

My guess is that the bigger body is needed for proper heat dissipation to allow 4K/60 and avoid overheating. This is probably also the reason why no Sony A7 camera currently offers 4K60p.

But despite the larger body, the Panasonic has still to do compromises in terms of 4K/60P compared for example to the Fujifilm X-T3.

  • Fujifilm X-T3: 4K/60 with only 1.18x crop without line skipping
  • Panasonic S1: 4K/60 with 1.5x crop (basically APS-C size)
  • Panasonic S1R: 4K/60 with line skipping

In our article about the several advantages of APS-C sensors over full frame, we explained how smaller sensors are faster to read out, hence generate less heat and allow for features like the blackout less EVF at 30fps continuous shooting, and, in this case, a better 4K/60 readout.

The Fujifilm X-H1 has no 4K/60, but this is a limitation that comes from the older and slower X Processor Pro.

So, every sensor size has its advantages. It’s now up to Fujifilm to fully take advantage of them. And I expect especially the Fujifilm X-H2 to raise new standards and be a clear step ahead of the competition.

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Fujifilm X-T20 vs Canon EOS RP Comparison

Now that the Canon RP has leaked, apotelyt has added it to its database.

We don’t think it makes sense to compare the Canon RP to the Fujifilm X-T3, since the more affordable Fujifilm X-T3, plays in another league when it comes to video and stills specifications.

It makes more sense to compare the Canon RP to the Fujifilm X-T20.

And actually it would make even more sense to compare it to the upcoming Fujifilm X-T30, but for that comparison we have to wait until February 14.

I list what Apotelyt writes below, but at the end I add a few notes.

Arguments in favor of the Canon EOS RP:

  • More detail: Offers more megapixels (26.2 vs 24MP) with a 5% higher linear resolution.
  • Better moiré control: Has an anti-alias filter to avoid artificial patterns to appear in images.
  • Better image quality: Features a larger and more technologically advanced imaging sensor.
  • Richer colors: Larger sensor generates images with better, more accurate colors.
  • More dynamic range: Capable of capturing a wider spectrum of light and dark details.
  • Better low-light sensitivity: Can be used in poorly lit environments and still produce good images.
  • Better sound control: Has a headphone port that enables audio monitoring while recording.
  • More flexible LCD: Has swivel screen for odd-angle shots in portrait or landscape orientation.
  • More selfie-friendly: Has an articulated screen that can be turned to be front-facing.
  • Faster shutter: Has higher mechanical shutter speed (8000/sec vs 4000/sec) to freeze action.
  • Faster data transfer: Supports a more advanced USB protocol (3.1 vs 2.0).
  • Easier wireless transfer: Supports Bluetooth for image sharing without cables.
  • More modern: Reflects 2 years of technical progress since the X-T20 launch.

Advantages of the Fujifilm X-T20:

  • Maximized detail: Lacks an anti-alias filter to exploit the sensor’s full resolution potential.
  • Faster burst: Shoots at higher frequency (8 vs 5 flaps/sec) to capture the decisive moment.
  • More compact: Is smaller (118x83mm vs 133x85mm) and will fit more readily into a bag.
  • Less heavy: Has a lower weight (by 102g or 21 percent) and is thus easier to take along.
  • Easier fill-in: Has a small integrated flash to brighten shadows of backlit subjects.
  • More affordable: Was introduced into a lower priced category (44 percent cheaper at launch).
  • More heavily discounted: Has been around for much longer (launched in January 2017).

We don’t really agree with this list completely, since the Canon EOS RP has only 2 more megapixel over the X-T20, but has an anti-aliasing filter, which means it won’t have more details than the X-T20. And given the X-Trans array, it also won’t control moirè better.

Also, colors have more to do with the processor, rather than the sensor, hence we can’t really say the Canon EOS RP has “richer colors” due to the sensor.

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Dedicated X-T Zones

Belgian Store Teases FUJIFILM MYSTERY EVENT on March 30

Fujifilm Mystery Event

Belgian store Art & Craft is teasing a “Fujifilm Mystery Event” on March 30 on their facebook page here.

We can not say anything about it yet, but we promise you: it is worth a visit! Photographer & Fuji Ambassador Ioannis Tsouloulis will be ready that day to explain the whole event & answer all your questions.”

FujiRumors broke the news that the Fujifilm X-T30 will be announced on February 14, so March 30 could eventually be the shipping start. And before you start again: nope, Fujifilm X-H2 is not coming that soon.

Or it could be something completely different, from the rumored major Fujifilm X-T3 firmware update to not yet rumored Fujifilm gear.

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Dedicated X-T Zones

Fujifilm NP-W126S Battery Counterfeits – A Visual Guide to Spotting the Fakes

Fujifilm NP-W126S Battery Counterfeits

Let’s talk about counterfeits, an age-old problem, as also the recent fake SanDisk SD-cards scandal at AmazonUS shows.

Now, there will always be those, who make a cheap imitations trying to suck a few dollars from your pockets. So we better learn to recognize fakes.

In case of the above mentioned SD-cards, this AmazonUS customer explains here what’s the difference between the original and the fake SanDisk SD-card.

In the Fujifilm world, one of the counterfeit products you might encounter are fake Fujifilm NP-W126S batteries.

The Guide

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The Magic of the Fujinon XF 35mm f/1.4 Explained and Why Fujifilm Should NOT Make an XF 35mm f/1.4 MK II

The Fujinon XF 35mm f/1.4 Magic

Why an article about Fujifilm’s oldest X-series lens, the Fujinon XF 35mm f/1.4, in 2019?

Because our recent poll has shown, that the XF35mmF1.4 is the most loved Fujinon lens overall, and I thought that, based on official Fujifilm statements, we try to investigate what makes this lens so incredible popular and loved.

Fujifilm said that, when designing the XF 35mmF1.4, they had 2 choices:

  • follow the MTF test criteria and create a lens that scores high at MTF charts
  • don’t care about specs & charts and design the lens thinking at the real life use

Fujifilm went for the real life use, and the result is a lens, the Fujinon XF35mm f/1.4, that is “decent” according to MTF charts, but amazing in real life. To know more about it, check out the XF 35mm f/1.4 development story at fujifilm-x.

Also Fuji Guy Billy recently said here, that Fujifilm did not want to create a clinically perfect lens, but a lens with character. We could call it a “perfectly imperfect” lens, a unique lens, or, in other words, a lens with a “magic touch“.

I also remember Fujifilm saying a few years ago, that while designing the Fujinon XF35mm f/1.4, they decided to go for a slower focussing lens, because they saw that, with a faster focus mechanism requiring a different internal design, the XF35/1.4 would have lost its “magic“. If I find the article, I’ll share the link here later on.

  • fuji-x-forum: That 35mm f1.4 magic in other Fujinon lenses?

XF 35mm f/1.4 MK II ?

And now comes the part that will make me extremely unpopular and you will probably ban me from FujiRumors. :)

While working on this article, I thought that maybe Fujifilm should NOT make an XF 35mm F1.4 MK II (which is your first choice for a MK II version according to this poll).

But before you destroy your keyboard while typing angry comments, give me a chance to explain why.

In the light of what Fujifilm officially stated, I agree with what FR-reader (and X-Pro line lover ;) ), PC1512 said here:

People need to understand that the existing 35 1.4 will never be “updated” with a magic new motor and suddenly be quicker focussing; the optical formula people like so much is the reason that it’s a slower focussing lens, because of the weight of all the elements which are designed to be moved as one unit to achieve focus.

To speed that up significantly you need to change the optical formula, which means it becomes an entirely different lens. Effectively that’s what they did when they produced the 35 f2 – and wisely kept the 1.4 still available as an alternative.”

We love our Fujinon XF35mm f/1.4 for its “magic”… a magic that would probably go lost in a Mark II version.

Do you want weather sealing?

Well, when I destroyed my Fujifilm X-E2 (I had to jump into a river with all my gear), despite my desperate attempts to rescue my X-E2, the camera died forever, but my beloved Fujifilm XF35mm f/1.4 survived, and still today it works like a charm. So I am confident it will survive also if I am catched by some rain.

Do you want faster autofocus?

Try to get a Fujifilm X-T3, which breaths new life into older lenses in terms of AF speed.

I’d love to hear what you guys think about it… and yep, I have my shitstorm helmet on ;).

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Five Reasons to Switch to Fujifilm for Weddings, From Full Frame DSLR to Fuji X, Worth it? and More Switch Stories

Fuji X Switch Stories

FujiRumors is a 100% independent space.

I don’t get free or discounted gear from Fujifilm, I don’t get special customer service, I don’t get invitations and free flights/hotels to launch parties, I don’t get free t-shirts or hats… and that’s good so.

I wake up, I go to work, I come back home, I blog and I write whatever I want.

This independency allows me to write for example articles like the ones below, that Fujifilm surely did not appreciate:

So actually I don’t think there is one brand out there, that we attacked more than Fujifilm ;).

But my job is not to make Fujifilm happy, but to be loyal to those of you, who decide to read this blog. And hence, I will report everything. Fujifilm does not pay me a penny, and if this blog runs at all, it’s only because you decide to support it.

On the other hand, I can’t hide that I simply fell in love with Fujifilm many years ago, and it’s a love that gets stronger as the years pass by.

So, while I will keep up delivering you everything, every now and then, I also feel like sharing some good switch stories of people, who talk so passionate about Fujifilm.

It’s the same enthusiasm that caught me many years ago, hence, I will share a few of these stories today.

Check them out or not, it’s up to you.

Enjoy your weekend, love you all (even if don’t shoot Fuji ;) )

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Switch to Fuji X

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Fuji Guy Billy: Fujinon XF 33mm f/1.0 Development Challenge, XF 16-80mm f/4 very silent AF, X-H1 Market Misunderstanding and More

Fuji Guy Billy Interview

Fuji Guy Billy joined the Fujilove podcast. For those of you, who are right now on the road or at work and you can’t listen to it all at iTunes, Stitcher or on fujilove, here are the key points:

Fujinon X Mount Lenses

Fujifilm X100, X-E3, X-T20 and X-T3

  • Fujifilm X100 was the game changer and started the X series success
  • When developing the X100, Fujifilm wondered who is going to buy a fixed lens camera at this price point, but it turned out to be a success
  • Fujifilm X-T3 is balance of size, weight and quality in a good price point, but for Billy even the X-T3 is big
  • Billy’s go-to camera is the Fujifilm X-E3, paired with XF35mmF2, XF23mmF2 and occasionally the XF50mmF2 because of portability
  • Fujifilm X-T20 with no joystick is a dealbreaker for him

Fujifilm X-H1

  • Fujifilm X-H1 latest firmware introduced lots of improvements and the new lower price makes it very tempting
  • The Fujifilm X-H1 maybe has been misunderstood by the market. It had a lot of new video features, so people considered it more a video camera. But it is also a better and more robust camera, and facilitates handling of bigger lenses. For Professionals weight is sometimes not a problem, but more durability. That’s why Fujifilm launched the Fujifilm X-H1. It should also appeal to DSLR customers, who were on the fence of switching to mirrorless. IBIS is quite nice also for photography, especially in low light
  • Shutter has an S1 (half press) and S2 (full contact to release shutter) position. Regarding the Fujifilm X-H1, you can contact your Fujifilm service and see if they have an option to adjust the S1 and S2 position to your taste (low, medium or high). There might be a charge for that service, depending on your country


  • Fujifilm wanted to make an excellent IBIS system, and it is one of the best on the market. But the size of the system was too big to put it into other X-series cameras. At this moment, it can’t fit in other cameras, but hopefully one day IBIS can be designed smaller and make it fit on other cameras

Fujinon G Mount Lenses

  • Fujinon GF 50mm f/3.5 coming in 2019 and Fujinon GF 45-100mm f/4 in 2020
  • Fujinon GF 100-200mm f/5.6 R LM OIS WR: If you look to move into medium format, you don’t have many lenses initially to choose from, so zoom lenses can cover various focal lengths. The GF100-200 is compatible with teleconverter. It’s a little bit heavier, but very sharp. At that focal length with medium format sensor, you can isolate your subject very well

External Battery Packs

Navigate Menu

  • Tips and Tricks: Best way to navigate the menu is using the front and rear command dial. Front dial jumps from page to page, and rear dial jumps from item to item

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Price of Fujifilm X-H1 Falling Worldwide, but No Fujifilm X-H2 Coming in 2019

Fujifilm X-H2 Coming?

Lately I get many emails asking me if the Fujifilm X-H2 is around the corner, since the price on the Fujifilm X-H1 is dropping drastically all over the world (latest countries to join is the United Kingdom today here).

My answer is no, there will NOT be a Fujifilm X-H2 in 2019.

The reason for the price drop on the Fujifilm X-H1 is not because the X-H2 is coming, but because… well, I have a smart community, and I’m sure you can figure it out by your own ;).

  • read here: VOTE: Fujifilm X-H2 with 3 way Tilt Screen, Swivel Screen or X-T100 Flippy Screen?
  • read here: If the Fujifilm X-T3 had IBIS, would You Prefer it over the Fujifilm X-H2?

The only camera to get a successor very soon, is the Fujifilm X-T20, since the Fujifilm X-T30 is coming on February 14.

Check out the new prices on Fujifilm gear in your country*:

Fujifilm X-H1 body – $1,299 (includes battery grip!) / £1,199 / €1,299

Fujifilm X-H1 w/grip – $1,299 / £1,299 / €1,399

Fujifilm X-T2 – $1,099 / £999 / €1,099

Fujifilm X-T20 – $699 / £629 / €699

Fujifilm X-T100 – $499 / £449 / €499

Fujifilm X-E3 – $699 / £629 / €699

* in € price might change according to country. There might also be variations in €, £ and $ according to different shops

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