New Fujifilm BC-W126S Battery Charger just an Updated BC-W126 Charger


Fujifilm BC-W126S

What a buzz around 2 rumors and 1 registration. So let’s sum it up

  • Rumor 1: the Fujifilm X-T3 will have a “better performing battery
  • Rumor 2: the Fujifilm X-T3 will have a touch screen
  • Registration: Fujifilm just registered a new battery charger, the BC-W126S

The New B(attery)C(harger)-W126S combined with the rumor about a “better performing battery” are two hot hints that something is happening. But what exactly?

Let’s start by saying that Fujifilm ships all their current X-series cameras with the Fujifilm BC-W126 (no “s”), including their brand new Fujifilm X-H1 and Fujifilm X-T100. The new BC-W126S looks like an evolution of the older BC-W126 and seems to indicate that it will still take NP-W126S batteries.

The fact that the BC-W126 charger gets an upgrade now in 2018, might also indicate that Fujifilm plans to use the NP-W126S batteries for future camera models.

With that said, our sources say that the Fujifilm X-T3 will have a “better performing battery“.

So now I wonder how the “better battery performance” is achieved on the Fujifilm X-T3. Thanks to changes on the camera itself, or changes on the current NP-W126S battery (maybe making an NP-W126X), or both?

Make sure to stay tuned on FR via Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter to find it out.



5 Things I Like and Dislike About the Fujifilm X-H1 – ZedProMedia


5 Likes & Dislike about the Fujifilm X-H1

ZedProMedia just shared a video about the 5 things he dislikes about the Fujifilm X-H1, mostly for video use. You can check out the video here.

  • Battery Life
  • Video File splitting every 5 minutes and record limit
  • 120fps has lots of moirè and aliasing (probably a procssing limit. X-T3 will have faster processor ;) )
  • jerky IBIS in video. Does not look so natural like GH5
  • video AF is not that reliable and hunts, but really depends on the lens you use (fixable via firmware update)

In his following video he shares the 5 things he loves about the Fujifilm X-H1. You can check out the video here.

  • buttons, handling and grip, feels like a beastly chunk of a camera
  • EVF super bright, definitely better than X-T2
  • Eterna film simulation. Very easy to grade if you don’t shoot Flog
  • autofocus system, really fast and snappy (for stills)
  • silent shutter. Insanely quite. Great for weddings
  • BONUS: 200 mbps 4K

Fujifilm X-H1: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera
FujiRumors is everywhere: Facebook, RSS-feed, Instagram, Youtube and Twitter
100% Fujifilm X-H1 News, Rumors and Discussions at Fujifilm X-H User Group and Fujifilm X-H facebook Page


Fujifilm Registeres One More Camera. Total of 3 Unreleased Cameras Registered. Fujifilm X-T3, GFX 50R and XF10?


Upcoming Fujfilm Cameras

Fujifilm just registered one more camera, the FF 180004, that has the same radio parts of the Fujifilm X-H1 and X-E3 (registration here – via nokishita)

So we now have three unreleased cameras registered, that should be announced by the end of this summer:

  • FF 180002: Camera similar in size to Fujifilm X70. Very likely the Fujifilm XF10. To be announced July 5.
  • FF 180003: Camera with bluetooth version 4.2. We reported here.
  • FF 180004: Camera with radio parts like Fujifilm X-H1 and X-E3.

The two registered cameras could be Fujifilm GFX 50R and Fujifilm X-T3.

stay tuned,


Fujifilm X-T3: New Larger Battery or Current Battery Design with Improved Performance? VOTE NOW


Fujifilm X-T3 Battery

We have just shared the rumor about the Fujifilm X-T3 having a “better performing battery” over the X-T2 (as well as touch screen)

At the same time, Nokishita spotted that Fujifilm registered a new battery charger, the BC-W126S.

Now the question is:

will the Fujifilm X-T3 be compatible with the current NP-W126S batteries, but also take the new and improved W126S batteries, or will the new W126S battery be bigger, hence making it incompatible with all other Fujifilm X series models (but fit for Fujifilm X-Pro3, X-H2, X-T30 and so forth)?

Tamas Varga ( facebook) suggested to launch an updated battery poll… so here it is:

Make sure to follow us on Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter to stay up to date with the latest rumors :)

stay tuned,

Fujifilm X-T3 Battery

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Fujifilm X-T3: Better Battery Performance and Touch Screen. New Battery Charger BC-W126S registered


Fujifilm X-T3

Hey guys,

I have a few Fujifilm X-T3 for you today, that you might be very happy about.

According to our sources, the Fujifilm X-T3 will have “better battery performance” and touch screen.

But there is more :)

Fujifilm just registered a new battery charger, the BC-W126S (registration here – via nokishita).

Nokishita does not say for which camera it is, but in combination with today’s rumor about the improved battery performance on the X-T3, the BC-W126S could indeed be the better battery for the Fujifilm X-T3.

If our assumption is correct, then the fact that it is called still “W126S” could mean that the Fujifilm X-T3 will still be compatible with the NP-W126S batteries. However, it could also be a bigger battery. I will verify it now.

So the current rumored Fujifilm X-T3 specs are:

  • announcement around photokina (end of September) or shortly before
  • no IBIS
  • 26MP APS-C X-Trans sensor
  • stacked sensor (this one take with a grain of salt for now)
  • new X-Processor
  • better battery performance
  • touch screen

Make sure to follow us on Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter to stay up to date with the latest rumors :)

stay tuned,
