2 weeks ago Fujifilm registered a camera, simliar in size to the Fujifilm X70, under the codename FF 180002
We investigated for you and found out that you should stop hoping for a real Fujifilm X70 successor. In fact, the camera will be called Fujifilm XF10 and have no selfie screen as well as no X-Trans sensor. Check out the rumor here.
Well, now nokishita spotted that, according to the same document, the planed release date for the Fujifilm XF10 will be July 5.
& One More – FF 180003
Now nokishita spotted one more digital camera registed with the codename FF 180003. It features bluetooth version 4.2. See the document here.
find out more about this camera soon on FujiRumors… so don’t miss to follow us on Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter
However, keep in mind that a Fujifilm manager said here that they need 2 years to discuss, develop and finally make a camera and even more than 2 years in case of lenses.
So if in June 2017, when we shared the GF 80mmF1.4 rumor, the discussions about the GF80mmF1.4 just started, then now, 1 year later, IF Fujifilm really decided to go ahead with it, it will take them well over 1 year to come out with it.
Again… if Fujifilm decided to make it all.
But even if Fujifilm decided to make it, you should not expect any GF 80mmF1.4 lens at Photokina 2018, and I’d personally would not expect it before 2020 anyway.
Don’t worry, there will be lots of other great gear to enjoy at Photokina 2018, such as the Fujifilm X-T3 and Fujifilm GF 50R.
Tilt Shift, UWA & The New Roadmap
According to our sources, we must add also a tilt shift lens for the GF system to the list of rumored lenses shared back in April 2017, so the updated and complete rumored GF lens list is the following:
GF 35mm F2.8 (coming 2018)
GF 20-36mm F3.5-4.5 (in 2018 this or the GF 100-200)
GF 100-200mm F4.5-5.6 (in 2018 this or the GF 20-36)
GF 80mm F1.4 (not in 2018 – personally I’d not expect it before 2020)
Tilt Shift lens (coming 2018/2019)
Fujifilm plans to release 2/3 GF lenses a year, and since we already got the GF250mmF4 last month, we can expect a maximum of two more lenses in 2018.
Now, for 2018, the Fujinon GF 35mmF2.8 should be sure.
So now it’s your turn guys. Let us know which one you would prefer between the GF20-36, GF-100-200 and the tilt shift lens for 2018.
Fujifilm just issued an official press release announcing the new dates for the X-H1, X-T2 and X-Pro2 firmware updates, that were originally scheduled for the end of May, but then have been postponed due to issues with X-T2 firmware 4.00.
Full details of the X-T2, X-H1 and X-Pro2 updates at the bottom of this article.
Here are the new dates:
FUJIFILM X-T2 Ver.4.10: middle of June 2018 (revised firmware of ver.4.00)
FUJIFILM X-H1 Ver.1.10: middle of June 2018
FUJIFILM X-Pro2 Ver.5.00: end of June 2018 ]
*Regarding the upgraded “FUJIFILM Camera Remote” planned to release in May 2018, it will be release in the middle of June 2018 at the same time of the release of X-H1 ver.1.10.
Today Fujifilm also released firmware ver.3.10 for Fujifilm GFX 50S as well as a new features guide for GFX. Check it out here.